Essay Example on Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse

Published: 2023-07-10
Essay Example on Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Substance abuse Drug abuse Books Behavior change
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1297 words
11 min read

Substance abuse has affected many people in recent days compared to the past. Additionally, it is the use of illicit drugs and also called drug abuse. It is the use of any drugs in a harmful way and with wrong amounts or methods. Drug abuse is much more accessible to young people. This scenario does not mean that it is not extinct amongst the aged. Examples o these substances include; Alcohol, marijuana, Nicotine, cocaine, club drugs, hallucinogens, inhalants, and opioid painkillers. Different authors have come up with different books relating to the issues and ways of curbing them. "Cognitive Therapy of Substance" is an essential book on how to overcome addiction written by Aaron Beck. It is a remarkable book since it shows various treatments towards addiction, giving evidence-based CBT- cognitive behavioral therapy (Hofmann & Asnaani, 2012). It has assisted most people with drug abuse issues. Significantly, most physiotherapists find this book relevant to helping people with drug abuse-related problems. It has added knowledge to those people taking professions related to drugs. Additionally, the book will help me in advancing my English skills as well as building up my professional expertise. Furthermore, it will bring me an awareness of the matters related to substance abuse.

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The book begins by bringing forward the social, physiological, environmental, and genetic factors. Environmental factors such as; believes and attitudes of a family and contact with peers that persuade you to use illegal drugs. Other risk factors may include; Consuming a highly addictive drug, first use o drugs that affect the development of the brain, lack of parental supervision due to lack of bond, peer pressure, mental health disorder, and family history of addiction. These factors lead to hopelessness, harmful dependency, low self-esteem, and emotional anguish. The Author, however, does not include biological factors. He explains the reason behind the unremitting use of alcohol and drugs to obtain pleasure. In addition to this, the people using drugs want to be high and be recognized by other addicts as they share the excitement. Little do they know that drugs and alcohol take control over addicts? When one starts using substances, it is possible to counteract your anxiety in your day to day life. However, afterward, you start experiencing unease based on biological, social, and physiological factors, which makes the addicts have constant use of the substances. The ability to neutralize your anxiety diminishes, and forces to go back to alcohol and substance use take over your body. This incident is drug addiction. Addiction is also a disorder that influences the brain of a person or his behavior. Drug addiction begins by using the drug for recreational purposes. Others start when one takes medication instructed by a friend who had the same symptoms. The level at which one gets addicted depends on the type of drugs. Painkillers are the highest addictive form of medication. Day after day, you realize you need a more elevated amount of doses. Later you find out that without the drugs, it brings a lot of complications; hence you cannot do without it-the drugs cause changes to brain nerve cells referred to as neurons. Neurons carry chemicals used to communicate called neurotransmitters.

When one halts from using the drug, the changes retain for a long time. Drugs bring the failure of a person to control him from the use o substance. Addiction causes continuous use despite adverse effects. The Author further put across how addictive behavior is related to negative feelings. Addictive behaviors are the fundamental causes of the repercussions and repeated thoughts and subterranean dysfunctional feelings. Some of the symptoms related to addiction include; a sense of the body urging for the drug daily, spending most of your cash to buy the medicine regardless of whether you can afford, not participating in most social activities as well as failing to attend to your duties because of the drug. Aaron Beck, in this way, gives us the elemental principles in cognitive-behavioral therapy and theory.

It is not easy for a person to know a teenager suffering from drug abuse. Most signs are similar to those of ordinary teenage moods. Likely signals of drug use may include; changes in behavior, sudden money problems, Neglected appearance, physical health problems, and school work issues. The symptoms, however, depend on the kind o substance used. Prolonged use o illegal drugs may bring complications. A combination of some medications, even in a short period, may also cause complications. People who use these substances are likely to get contagious and infectious diseases like HIV via needle sharing and unsafe sex. Mental problems and memory loss may occur on drug users. Accidents brought about by careless driving and undertaking hazardous activities due to drugs. Behavioral changes may lead to family, work, legal issues, and problems at school. Last but not least form of complication is suicides, which mostly occur on people under the influence.

This wide-ranging and easy to get to kind of a book clearly outline a systematic, well-documented cognitive model for addiction treatment. Based on the Author's opinion, it is crucial at the start of the therapy to accentuate a therapeutic coalition with a client. A successful treatment results from a mutual relationship between the therapist and a client, according to Aaron Beck. With no doubts, it will assist in developing an accurate and sturdy contact flanked by the therapist and client. The client, due to this positive association, will understand better the cognitive distortion. A cognitive distortion enables a client to participate in faulty adaptive behavior, accept to follow curing procedures and, to disclose themselves readily. The Author intelligently shows us the importance of structure in a therapy session. It enables one to use the time available importantly, highly.

Aaron Beck is a stupendous psychiatrist. He is an American though his parents were Russian-Jewish who migrated to America. He was the first scientist to bring forward a very bright idea based on Deep feelings and Automatic thoughts. They both determine one's unreasonable behaviors and awkward attitudes. Our mind controls our responses. To successfully change negative perceptions and thinking to positive ones, we need to change our way of thinking from fuzzy thinking to satisfactory thinking. It is good to think positively about the issue of drugs and how to overcome addiction. Aaron Beck emerges as the fourth on the list of influential physicians, according to one o the top global newspaper, "Medscape" (Rourke, 2017). His CBT education is automatically very accepted in the medical profession globally, and his techniques usually treat people addicted to alcohol and drugs and as well as other related problems. "Father of cognitive behavior therapy' is his duly name. Also, at his old age, he has a coherent sound mind and delivers his knowledge to generations via conferences, seminars, and publications.

In my opinion, this book is essential to a psychotherapist as it takes them through the theory o addiction and how to handle them. The book has well outlined the theory and techniques o cognitive therapy as well as the structure of the therapy session. I have cautiously gone through this book and found it very significant to my profession. Besides what l has learned, l have also discovered dual diagnosis occurs mostly to people who suffer from addiction. Treatment, therefore, needs to be given to them consequently. With this knowledge of Aaron Beck's cognitive theory, I can assist people with substance abuse problems. It is, therefore, with significant discretion to counsel this book to all medical practitioners and psychotherapists.


Hofmann, S.G., Asnaani. A., & Vonk J. (2012). The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral

Medicine. Retrieved from: Medscape. News & Perspective. Retrieved from:

Rourke, S. (2017, September 25). The 25 Most Influential Physicians in the Past Century.Therapy: A Review of Meta-analyses. Author manuscript. US National Library of

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