Free Essay on Controversial Healthcare Issues and Support for a New Bill

Published: 2023-08-08
Free Essay on Controversial Healthcare Issues and Support for a New Bill
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Healthcare policy Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 544 words
5 min read

Texas is among the states that are yet to expand its Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act and is characterized by the largest number of uninsured Americans (Evans, 2019). The largest number of uninsured in Texas has left it with the option of affordable health insurance. However, comparisons with other Southern states that have embraced an expanded Medicaid indicate that the decision not to expand Medicaid has left the majority of low-income individuals in Texas unable to afford Medicaid bills to pay for the required drug prescriptions as well as obtaining regular chronic condition care (Evans, 2019). The main focus of this paper is to examine the controversial healthcare issues, as well as support, got the new bill. The controversial issues to be discussed by this paper concern not accepting Medicaid Insurance expansion in the state of Texas.

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The decision by Texas of not to expand Medicaid has adversely affected the ability of its low-income adults to pay for and get the needed care. Such a decision by Texas has left millions of poor adults worse as compared with other states such as the Southern states (, 2020). Besides, Texas has made it very tough than other states for enrolment for persons eligible for the Affordable Care Act coverage (Evans, 2019). While other states have ensured an effective usage of health insurance navigators as well as other types of assistance to help and inform eligible persons to sign for the coverage, Texas decided not to develop in-person assistance programs and passed laws to restrict the capabilities of consumer enrollments.

Based on the challenges that Texans undergo concerning Affordable Care Act coverage, I would recommend the amendment of title XIX of the Social Security Act to offer some degree of federal matching help for states that opt to expand Medicaid coverage to newly eligible persons, irrespective of when such expansions occur (, 2020). The creation of an effective law relative to this proposal would have an overall effect of enhancing the well-being of its less fortunate low-income earners and ensuring that everyone gets an opportunity for medical coverage irrespective of their financial conditions.

Conclusively, healthcare is a critical issue that needs to be treated with much attention. From this discussion, it is evident that most insured individuals in Texas are unable to afford Medicaid bills to pay for the required drug prescriptions as well as obtain regular chronic condition care. Besides, Texas opposes the expansion of Medicaid insurance coverage as well as consumer enrollments. The government of Texas, therefore, needs to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to offer some degree of federal matching help for states that opt to expand Medicaid coverage to newly eligible persons, irrespective of when such expansions occur. Such a move will be very significant to unfortunate low-income individuals and thus ensures that they have the right to healthcare.

References (2020). Text - H.R.584 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Incentivizing Medicaid Expansion Act of 2019. Retrieved 25 May 2020, from

Evans, M. (2019). Medicaid, opioids, and abortion: Health care issues to expect this Texas legislative session. The Texas Tribune. Retrieved 25 May 2020, from (2020). Right to Health Care - Pros & Cons - Right to Health Care. Retrieved 25 May 2020, from

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