Essay Sample on Data Collection Methods That Were Not Used for Each of the Studies

Published: 2023-08-16
Essay Sample on Data Collection Methods That Were Not Used for Each of the Studies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Data analysis Research Case study
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 494 words
5 min read

In the first case study, the researchers did not use questionnaires, interviews, observation, and schedules as data collection methods (Cao & Hong, 2018). The study did not also use non-random sampling techniques. While in the second study, the researchers did not use observation and schedules as methods of data collection. The study did not also use a simple random technique (Olsson & Ritzén, 2019).

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Reasons as To Why the Researchers May Chose To Avoid Methods

It is always essential for any study to choose the appropriate research methodologies, especially while collecting data; in this case, the researchers may have avoided using the data collection techniques in each of the research due to the nature of the studies. The researcher may not have used the methods mentioned above because of ambiguity, time-consuming, expensive, and inflexibility; the data may also be challenging to classify and analyze, leading to unreliable and unrealistic results.

Potential Gaps Created by the Omissions

The choice of data collection is an essential indicator of reliability. Hence the researchers have an obligation of collecting information that is representative and accurate for any given study. Potential gaps may lead to the creation of biases in each of the studies or to some extent, the data analyzed may not yield the required results for the research questions and hypotheses of a given study.

Specific Gaps and Recommendations for Future Studies

In the first case study, the researcher found that the data collected represented a cross-sectional sample, the data collected did not also consider other factors such as education, race, or marriage; instead, the researcher analyzed a few social and demographic factors. In this case, for future studies, the researchers should use a longitudinal research design and also use group analysis to examine the different demographic backgrounds (Hong, 2018). In the second study, the research exhibited that the researcher used a small sample size; hence in future studies, it would be essential for researchers to use a broader sample that incorporates more retail organizations and increase the example of the respondents used in the study (Johansson, 2019). Future studies should also use in-depth case studies; this will help to provide more insights on innovation.

Importance of the Information to the Dissertation Study

The information tells us that the dissertation study may not provide the required outcomes; this is because the omissions create gaps that may lead to unreliable and unrealistic results of the dissertation study. Therefore, the researchers must consider representative sample sizes and appropriate research methodologies such as data collection, measurement, and analysis.


Cao, Y., Aijan, H., & Hong, P. (2018). Post-purchase shipping and customer service experiences in online shopping and their impact on customer satisfaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30(2), 400-416.

Olsson, A., B. Paredes, K. M., Johansson, U., Olander Roese, M., & Ritzén, S. (2019). Organizational climate for innovation and creativity–a study in Swedish retail organizations. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 29(3), 243-261.

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Essay Sample on Data Collection Methods That Were Not Used for Each of the Studies. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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