Essay Sample on The Official Language of the United States

Published: 2023-12-13
Essay Sample on The Official Language of the United States
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Linguistics
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 541 words
5 min read


The United States is one of the linguistically different nations on the planet. Many dialects have been spoken in the nation, including English, as the broadly utilized language (Leeman, 2015). Despite the numerous dialects expressed in the US, the nation does not possess an approved language. English is just an accepted essential language in the nation. English is the only language for enactment, guideline, and court decisions. In any case, the law necessitates that a few records, for example, polling forms, be imprinted in various dialects in zones with numerous non-English speakers (Leeman, 2015). English is likewise taught as a subject at each evaluation level, also in bilingual foundations. This paper examines the English language as being an endorsed language in the US.

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Language variety within the United States becomes developed as the immigrant populace has expanded and changed. Today, around 85 percent of the immigrant populace communicates in any language other than English at home (Leeman, 2015). However, a different precise proportion regarding language coordination remains English-language capability, or how well individuals state they communicate in English. English dialect capability ought not to remain essential for full incorporation in society. It is because members of the minority bunch gain proficiency with the predominant group's way of life. For immigrants that move into the United States, assimilation to the predominant Anglo-American culture may incorporate learning the English dialect (Leeman, 2015). English should be declared an approved language. English being the approved language would urge new transients to get familiar with the dialect of the nation they have received as theirs. The ultimate objective is to join the American public while enriching the experiences of foreigners and local-born occupants.There would be reserve funds; official English language would spare billions in state spending. The immediate cost of interpreters and bilingual training only is billions, and local governments utilize numerous of these costs (Nieto, 2015). The backhanded expenses of mishaps and lost efficiency brought about by many individuals who do not communicate in English signify billions. These have incorporated clinical experts' mishaps not understanding victims or victims' families. Some second-age outsiders that do not communicate in English end up adversely influenced by restricted work opportunities (Nieto, 2015). Studying English has consistently presented entryways for foreigners and their families, permitting them to join the American standard and climb the financial stepping stool.

The English-Only Movement

English-only is a disguise for preference and prejudice, and its initiatives have negative ramifications for restricted English capability groups. States ought to consider canceling their English-only strategies and be more deferential of their states' migrant groups. Approaches are nothing but bad if they include obstacles instead of equity and straightforwardness to the public's lives. To me, the English-only development is the demise of diversity. America is nothing without diversity, so the States should commend it by being more liberal with our language and general use.


Leeman, J. (2015). Heritage language education and identity in the United States. Annual review of applied linguistics, 35, 100-119.

Nieto, D. G. (2015). The Politics of Official English: Exploring the Intentions and the Outcomes behind English-Only Policies in the United States.

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