Free Essay Example on Debate About Income Tax Returns

Published: 2023-10-10
Free Essay Example on Debate About Income Tax Returns
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Politics Political science Tax system
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 710 words
6 min read

The prime ministers and cabinet ministers are all citizens of the US, like other employees. Given that they are leaders, they should serve as exemplary role models that society can emulate. Submitting their returns online for public scrutiny helps show the world that their leaders are responsible citizens. Filling of the tax returns may be perceived as voluntary. However, it is a noble task of responsible citizens across the globe. The practice may seem unnecessary and troublesome, but it is a social duty that helps the government in budgeting (Auerbach, 2018). The tax return data is used by the state government to determine the country's expenditures. Also, the government can establish various relief projects using tax return data. Therefore, filing of the returns is a healthy practice in every nation. Thus, leaders should serve as precedents in helping a country determine the amount of money used and the means of spending.

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Additionally, other employees, both in the public and private sectors, file their returns annually. They include teachers, nurses, business owners, and individuals working in private organizations. Their salaries are taxed every month, even those who earn below-average wages. However, another tax regime exempts the members of parliament and cabinet ministers from paying taxes (Koong et al., 2019). The members of parliament receive their salaries monthly like other citizens; they have allowances and are entitled to other benefits of the social servant. The most important fact is that they are exempted from taxation, and they earn millions while the low earners have to pay the tax. In essence, this is an act of inequality since the two groups of individuals are nationals of the same country. Likewise, apart from being government employees, the parliament members operate several other businesses that are likely to be exempted from tax. In essence, if these individuals do not pay taxes, their expenditures are not accounted for by the government. Thus, the budgeting of relief projects is also affected.

Similarly, some of the parliament members can have an extreme influence on the revenue workers (Koong et al., 2019). Some can bribe or threaten the workers as a way to escape from filing their returns. Thus, the submission of tax returns online will help protect the conflict of interest while ensuring that the public interest is served. Equally, the practice will help to reduce cases of corruption and misuse of public funds in the public sector. Filing of the returns will expose the parliament members who have been using the federal funds to run their businesses (Fox, 2020). Therefore, any business whose funds are not accounted for in the members of parliament's salaries will be questionable. Thus, the practice will bring about transparency in the national government. If the online filling of returns by the cabinet ministers and members of the parliament becomes a rule in the US, then funds embezzlement cases will reduce. Also, the allocation of funds in various ministries will be fair across the country, which will reduce inequality in the nation.

Correspondingly, President Trump should also submit his tax returns to be examined by the public. Considering the president was elected into office by the US citizens, he should show his total commitment in his leadership. Apart from being the head of the United States of America, Trump should prove that his blameless conduct and ways are right. He can only prove to be an innocent and exemplary leader by volunteering to submit his tax returns online without being coaxed. Additionally, Trump will prove to be a socially responsible citizen and earn more respect from the public (Auerbach, 2018). He will also be setting a platform for other civic members of the society to file their returns. Therefore, the president, members of the parliament, and cabinet ministers need to submit their tax returns online. It is a moral commitment of each citizen regardless of their social status.


Auerbach, A. J. (2018). Measuring the effects of corporate tax cuts. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 32(4), 97-120.

Fox, E. (2020). Does Capital Bear the US Corporate Tax After All? New Evidence from Corporate Tax Returns. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 17(1), 71-115.

Koong, K. S., Bai, S., Tejinder, S., & Morris, C. (2019). Advancements and forecasts of the electronic tax return and informational filings in the US. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management.

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