Paper Example on Decision-Making in Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice for Patient Care

Published: 2023-11-25
Paper Example on Decision-Making in Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice for Patient Care
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Medicine Nursing management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1111 words
10 min read


Decision making in nursing is an important task that can be viewed as the backbone of the whole practice. Decisions made in the industry are based on pieces of evidence that are current and up to date in relevance to the topic that is being referred. Evidence-based practice uses the best-backed evidence in the decision-making criteria about how an individual patient can be taken care of (Johnston et al., 2017). It is used to further equip medics with the up to date information on enhancing the care given to a patient and improving the quality and safety of life.

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Criteria Determining Credibility of a Source

In the determination of the credibility of a source, various factors are considered. These factors are vital in ensuring that sources are used to provide information that can be relied on and will not put people's lives at any form of risk. In nursing and health, the CRAAP test comes in handy in ensuring that the sources meet all the set criteria. The first is the currency of the information. It is important to understand when the information was published, last updated. It is the source of giving information that is current for the field of study.

Furthermore, the relevance of the information is also important. Is it suitable for the sort of information that one may have needed? Does the source have the required information in detail, or is it shallow? Credible sources ought to have sufficient information on the topic being researched and covers a wider scope of what is required. Besides, the author's authority that publishes a piece of work is important in the determination of the credibility of the information. What expertise does the writer have on the industry to discuss the topic? What qualifications does the person that communicated, posted, or published the information possess? The credibility of content in a piece of information is tied to the level of expertise and qualifications that a person has on the industry (Johnston et al., 2017). The accuracy of information is also vital in ensuring that it is accurate. The author of information is expected to give credible sources to back his work that can be easily found and verified by the information users. Finally, the purpose of information given by a source of information can be used to determine its credibility. Who is the target audience of the information? For what purpose does the author publish the information. Is the view of the author biased and balances? Does the information consider alternative points?

Support of Explanation of the Credibility of Sources

First, Backhaus et al. (2018) can be classified as credible because it meets the criteria used in the CRAAP test. First, it has a target to understand how the nursing homes employ baccalaureate-educated registered nurses and how the homes view the unique contributions of the nurses to the residents and staff of their organization. Furthermore, it has cited data of previous years from other credible sources while carefully referencing them. That ensures that this journal does not use another person's ideas and present them as their own. The journal was also peer-reviewed, and the various declared no conflict of interest, ensuring that they were competent to handle the tasks involved.

Furthermore, Racic et al., (2019) also meet the criteria that have been set by the CRAAP test. It looks into tackling a problem that is evident in the nursing industry in Europe. It considers a group that is a part of the methods used in the collection of the data. Besides, the information from other sources is accurately referenced. The authors did not also declare any conflict of interest, and it has given recommendations on how to tackle the problem that it was addressing.

Quality Issue That Benefits from a Quality-Based Approach

In the healthcare sector, various quality issues warrant healthcare professionals' attention, and it may need a quality-based approach to ensure that all it is ideal. An example of a quality issue is in the misdiagnoses. To ensure the quality improvement initiatives, the diagnosis of ailments of a person seeking medication (Baxter et al., 2016). The evidence-based practise integrates the practitioner's individual experience, the preferences of the patient receiving treatment, and the best available resources covering the information. Incorporating evidence-based structure in the medical field is beneficial to the professionals since they provide relevant guidance to the safety practices.

Importance of Incorporating Credible Evidence into an EBP Model

There are quite several positive advantages that incorporating credible evidence brings into an EBP model. Firstly, it helps the clinician to remain up to date on standardized, evidence-based protocols. There has been an advancement in the growth of knowledge, and for physicians to stay up to date, they are required to stay up to date with the latest studies and information. The incorporation of credible evidence offers the clinicians a better alternative of staying current with best practices using evidence-based protocols. Besides, the incorporation of credible evidence reduces the time taken in the decision-making process of inpatient care. The development of information in the EBP model reduces the uncertainty that practitioners have in the decision-making process (Dang & Dearholt, 2017). Incorporating evidence in EPB based practice also improves the quality of care that the practitioners offer to the clients that visit them. It brings the latest information on how to handle the patients, which enables them to provide quality services.


In conclusion, the credibility of sources to be used in the EPB model is important in providing services to the client in the healthcare industry. However, most practitioners today denounce evidence-based practice suggestions citing a lack of freedom to execute their professional obligations.


Backhaus, R., Capezuti, E., & Hamers, J. P. (2018). Baccalaureateeducated Registered Nurses in nursing homes: Experiences and opinions of administrators and nursing staff. Journal of Advanced Nursing,74(1), 75-88.

Baxter, P., McKey, C., & Pfaff, K. (2016). Qualitybased procedures in Ontario: exploring healthcare leaders' responses. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(1), 50-58.

Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. L. (2017). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practise model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

Johnston, C. M., Oprescu, F. I., & Gray, M. (2017). Methodological considerations related to nursing researchers using their own experience of a phenomenon within phenomenology. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(3), 574-584.

Racic, M., Pavlovic, J., Hadzivukovic, N., & Ivkovic, N. (2019). Perceptions, attitudes, and expectation of baccalaureate nurses toward the position of nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 34(2), e1223-e1235.

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Paper Example on Decision-Making in Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice for Patient Care. (2023, Nov 25). Retrieved from

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