Defining Your Market: Essay Example in Marketing

Published: 2022-06-02
Defining Your Market: Essay Example in Marketing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing plan
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1034 words
9 min read


For world-wide-web users who need fast, durable and affordable personal computers, DVD players and video games, Express is a retail company that provides instant access to over 1 million such products. Unlike some brands, provides a combination of extra- ordinary convenience, low prices and a comprehensive selection.

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The company targets the customer, competition, product and service mix and unique selling proposition when creating the strategy. Research and build the most enticing branding in terms of the logo and slogan. The name of the brand is "Express". The relevance of the brand name is to give customers confidence in the effectiveness of the products. The company's slogan will be 'Empowering minds".

The objectives of the company which include:

Producing digitized personal computers at a lower price to cater for the people who can't afford the expensive brands.

Targeting to manufacture user-friendly and quality computers and consumer electronics.

Supply the products to as many locations as possible to allow every determined person who needs it access.

Discover and crush any possible brand barriers which can include imitations at any range in the logo or slogan.

The best packaging mode of the products that will enable the products to be transported to distant places without being damaged. All the products should have the brand name right on the plus on the packaging materials together with the logo and slogan to identify them. The most appropriate branding extension is the Microsoft since the express computers use the Microsoft as their operating system. This is because Express Company has not yet done their own operating system. Microsoft was chosen because of its range of features and speed plus its compliance with our computers. It is also among the best-operating systems in the world since many users have rated it as a perfect operating system.


The product name as Express. The uniqueness of Express products is the availability in the market, and cost compared to their range of benefits. Since most people work digitally, they will require such products as computers that are quite fast and with large storage spaces. Express will work for them since its cheap and very much available worldwide. Express products are very much efficient. The personal computers have durable batteries, and all other materials used in manufacturing them are certified. This gives them an upper hand position in durability.

The prices of the products are very much affordable. Personal computers prices range from fifty dollars up to four hundred dollars depending on the size of the computer, the size of internal memory, the size of the random-access memory among other things. Comparing with other brands, the cheapest personal computer goes at fifty-eight dollars when the features of Express equals their features. The profit will be at 40% if the purchasing power will be high, and if it gets too low then the profit lower to about 20%.

The intention of Express company is to get their products to several known electronic outlets countrywide and set up their own company outlets in several parts of the country plus in other countries too. Also, set up a general payment system so as to keep the company records of funds at a flow. In promoting the products, advertisements will work a great deal. Advertisements on the internet by posting pictures of the varied products plus their features that will possibly entice the general market especially the targeted one, to check out for what the company offers.

Advertisements on television too plus prints on clothes such as t-shirts to market the products locally too. A marketing tactic of organizing an open day where offers are given to the general public who purchase the products. This surely will increase the number of customers by a good number. Also, work with people who help create and deliver products especially those who have an experience (Weinstein & Winston, 2016). These people include salespeople and virtual assistants who do the sales call, customer service. This strategy is great since there are no exaggerations, the cost of the products is okay for both parties, and the targeted market is large that is students and those at middle and low classes.


The target market of the company is at students and learning institutions as the primary market and businesses such as the cyber cafe as the secondary market. The consumers are many and appreciate the products of Express Company since the products are very much helpful in their daily lives. Since they are affordable, the purchasing power is quite high. There is a high number of calls received at the customer care desk on a daily basis inquiring about different things concerned with the products. Majority of the calls are confirming the validity of the products as seen in adverts. The brand name suits the target market as it implies something going fast, by the name Express. This surely entices the consumers easily.

The slogan "Empowering minds" is valid since the company aims at giving the low a chance to purchase their own computers and learn more on social media alongside their main aims. This slogan also encourages them to buy the products when they understand the objective of the company in relation to the slogan. The brand extension Microsoft is also right for the target market. Statistically, most people using computers choose the computers with Microsoft as their operating system since it is among the most trusted company. Microsoft products are also trusted since they provide excellent services (Weinstein & Winston, 2016). The consumers, therefore, have another great reason to pick on Express products for their purposed aims since some level of trust has been built in them.

The positioning statement is encouraging and as it reads it seems to quickly entice the consumers It is precise and gives a brief but strong reason for consumers to check out for Express.


The mission of the company is to be the leading manufacturer of fast, durable, user-friendly, quality and affordable personal computers and consumer electronics. To cater for everyone who needs computers in accordance with the current socio-economic factors.


Weinstein, A., & Winston, W. (2016). Defining your market: winning strategies for high-tech, industrial, and service firms. Routledge.

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