Free Essay Example: Describe the Evolution of Jails.

Published: 2023-12-11
Free Essay Example: Describe the Evolution of Jails.
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Criminal law Penal system Criminal justice Development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 555 words
5 min read

Punishment remains one of the oldest means of controlling crime, but punishment varies based on the severity of the mistake. Methods used for punishment vary with society from severe, swift, uniform to definite, and it's the reason forms of punishment change over time. In ancient times, communities that did not have criminal justice agencies and, therefore, feuds' settlement were through the parties' agreement. As civil societies came up, disputes were arbitrated by kingships that led to wrong-doers being disposed of in public (Gideon, 2012). The state assumed charge of setting up administration centers and the criminal justice system as private wrongs control started that grew to become the penal system we have today.

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Compare issues for large metropolitan jails to those for small rural jails.

Large metropolitan jails hold inmates serving long jail terms from severe crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and rape. In contrast, small rural jails handle petty offenders or serious criminals for a short while before transferring to large holding cells (Gideon, 2012). Large metropolitan cells are overcrowded, unhealthy, practice racism, and drug abuse, while small rural jail holds petty offenders or criminals in transit to large prisons. Small rural jails are rarely crowded; thereby, overcrowding and healthcare are not a concern.

Compare the differences between jails as short-term institutions and prisons as long-term institutions.

Jail, as a short-term institution, holds petty offenders for disciplinary purposes, were lawbreakers are held and subjected to light punishments for a given period before they are released. In contrast, long-term jail institutions have convicted criminals that serving long jail terms. Long term institutions are strictly guarded as they hold dangerous criminals as compared to short-term institutions.

Discuss the state and challenges of health care in jails.

Prisoners have numerous and complex health needs that include mental health, substance misuse care, and physical health. It is very challenging to effectively treat an inmate because they have diverse health needs, poor mental and physical health, and costly. Older inmates require special care that requires the state to increase her funding to accommodate the inmates.

Discuss the challenges with jail staff, staff motivation, and training.

The staff in the United States are undertrained and overworked, risking their lives and those of the inmates they are required to protect. The prison departments have insufficiently funded, which reduces the number of staff. It is understood that fewer people want to work in prisons as it has never been a dream job among the kids (Kelly, 2015). Remunerations are lower compared to other government employees; thus, officers are less likely to be effective.

Identify particular types of sentencing options in jails.

Several unique alternatives for sentencing include probation, community service, fines, and prison. Criminal cases can have severe consequences, and the laws apply based on jurisdiction.

Identify special needs inmates within the jail environment.

Special needs prisoners face a wide range of discriminatory acts in their search for justice. Prisoners are discriminated against based on gender identity, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, age, and health condition. Substance abuse is the primary source of special needs offense. The definition of special needs offenders is complete and demands that the authorities consult local laws for guidance.


Gideon, L. (2012). Special needs offenders in correctional institutions. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Kelly, W. (2015). Criminal justice at the crossroads: transforming crime and punishment. New York: Columbia University Press.

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