Free Essay Example: Enter and Exit the New Negro

Published: 2022-09-27
Free Essay Example: Enter and Exit the New Negro
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Race Civil rights
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 620 words
6 min read

The new Negro movement gained popularity during the Harlem Renaissance and is different from the "old Negro." This movement implied more opinionated advocacy of self-respect and refusal to surrender to the policies and laws aligned with Jim Crow racial discrimination. This movement became famous because of Alain LeRoy Locke. Because of the movement, New Negro writers and activists questioned the conventional "white" aesthetic values, to eschew provincialism, racial pride and fictional experimentation. The movement was further catalyzed by receptiveness to black writing on major American dailies, book publishers and literary vanguard. The new Negro movement is keen on acquiring a new form of democracy in the American culture ("The New Negro | Enter the New Negro," 2018). The movement is contributing his share to the contemporary social understanding. Nevertheless, there is a lot of possibility of being snubbed or demeaned towards this agenda. What is important now is to gain a fuller and truer sense of freedom, without social discrimination.

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The new Negro was poised to have a new identity different from the Negros. They posed in a well-balanced manner that showed the level of confidence they possessed. Their shoulders are broad and strong depicting not only their sense of self-assurance but also an attribute of belonging. Direct eye contact would indicate self-awareness of being looked at. This allows the New Negro to create authentic perception without bringing other expectations of who others expect them to be. This means that the new identity would set guidelines to avoid involving in a perception of self that is created by others. Another identity alluded to the style in which men and women dressed. There was some complication in style to demonstrate wealth and the worth in self-care and presentation.

To different constituencies, this movement helped in the realization of numerous changes. It has created opportunities for businessmen, intellectuals, media and the Negros at large. There has been a shift in population which has helped manage the traditional problems of the Negros in matters of national interest such as elections and representation at the federal and national government. Migration trend has not only been to the North and Central Midwest, but also to the cities and the industrial centers. For this reason, the problems that followed later were new, realistic and local. It eliminated the peculiarly racial issues. Because of the movement, Negros have been integrated into important industrial sectors that promote economic development. Artistic and literary personalities of black race can now express their skills and expertise freely without any form of discrimination.

What new Negro movement means in the modern world is hidden in poetry. But modernity is related to individual bias, scientific innovation, and rationalization, the variations in religious worldviews, the rise of bureaucracy, and the accelerated technological innovation and communication. There exists little consensus as to when modernity started. The Western Europe historians believe that the modern era started after the colonial invasion and global expansion. But generally, the term "modernity" was demonstrated by the period following the onset of contemporary warfare, symbolized by the two world wars and followed by postmodernism.

In conclusion, the new Negro movement seeks to establish a more opinionated society for blacks where their social and cultural beliefs can be part of the existing values. This cultural and social recognition should ultimately prove the point that there is zero tolerance on discrimination across all sectors of economic growth. This should, in turn, confirm that the reassessment of the Negro leads to the betterment of race relationships.


Locke, A. (Ed.). (1997). The new Negro. Simon and Schuster.

Powell, R. J., & Powell, R. J. (2002). Black art: A cultural history. London: Thames & Hudson.

The New Negro | Enter the New Negro. (2018). Retrieved from

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