Essay Example on Television and Theatre Movies

Published: 2024-01-11
Essay Example on Television and Theatre Movies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 668 words
6 min read


Modernization has brought the development of signal processing. People can currently transfer signals in the fourth generation framework, which supports the transmission of audio and visual signals. Real-time information has no hindrance in transmission regardless of the geologic location. Movies have also seen a drastic change in how the production occurs. Since the movie market has become a multimillion-dollar industry, technology companies have also come up with designs to suit the market. Television boxes have adopted high definition modules, while theatre never lacks customers. Most people prefer to watch the newly released and epic movies I theatres even though they might be having hybrid televisions at their home. Trying to grasp the contrasting line would help in understanding why someone has to waste money to go to the theatres. This essay seeks to identify the comparison and contrasts of watching movies from television and in theatre.

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Movie Theatre Quality

Ask a football fan why he or she would prefer watching football at a club and not at home, although he or she possesses all materials to allow a comfortable home watch, and you will understand a quality the theatre has. The hype of having people grasping the thrilling moments of the game or movie is one contrasting feature between television and theatres (Daly 82). Watching a movie using a television means that the people around are limited.

Theatres and television have the same capacity of conveying the message and the expected definition of images (Rice, Newell & Morgan 330). The same moments experienced when a person watches a movie from a theatre are experienced by also felt by another one watching from a television. Televisions have been optimized to provide the relevant display which is able to simulate real-life situations. The theatres also exhibit this condition. 3D images and audio can be simulated by both television venues and at home, where televisions are watched.

Social Nature

The social nature of human beings enables them to get the urge to watch movies in the theatres. Theatre points act as hook-up stations. It is a place people can find new friends and thus connect. It is an opportunity for people with a common interest in watching movies to meet and relate. Also, snacks are just near, and thus one can walk to get whatever is needed. Televisions, however, at occasional times, do not provide such opportunities to happen. Such a contrasting feature gives theatre an upper hand in attracting people. People having the same interests also meet up in the theatres prompting it to be used for special occasions such as dates.

Another contrast is that theatres are mostly advertised as they have the financial capability of airing a movie before it is released to download and streaming sites. This means that the televisions lag in broadcasting the newly released movies. People would thus prefer to watch the movies first. It is often preferable to miss spoilers by going to get the first glimpse of the movies from the theatres.


In conclusion, the contrasting features surely overwhelm the comparison. It is key to note that the only comparison is that they possess the technology to offer a similar display. Apart from that, theatres are spots that cannot have substitutes. The ability to broadcast movies as soon as they are released gives a robust hand to theatres. Spoilers are something that movie enthusiasts hate. From the above discussion, it is possible to conclude that it is better to watch movies from theatres than television. The experience and thrilling moments are certainly more exciting in theatres. Televisions have become a norm as most people have them at their homes.

Works Cited

Daly, Kristen. "Cinema 3.0: The interactive-image." Cinema Journal (2010): 81-98.

Rice, Mark, Alan Newell, and M. A. G. G. I. E. Morgan. "Forum Theatre as a requirements gathering methodology in the design of a home telecommunication system for older adults." Behaviour & Information Technology 26.4 (2007): 323-331.

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Essay Example on Television and Theatre Movies. (2024, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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