Essay Sample on Managing Online Bullying: Understanding Its Impact & Solutions

Published: 2023-06-14
Essay Sample on Managing Online Bullying: Understanding Its Impact & Solutions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Bullying Social media Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 665 words
6 min read


Online bullying has brought about significant changes in how abuse gets conducted. Numerous people around the world have reported having been bullied online in one way or the other. As such, bullying as a form of abuse causes tremendous psychological distress on multiple unsuspecting victims leading to increased reports in death cases as a result of suicide, failing grades amongst students, and even trauma cases.

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How to Manage Online Order

Online bullying or cyberbullying can bear tremendous adverse side effects on significant population heads. As such, there is a need for online order to be maintained as a way of serving justice to affected victims. One can report cyberbullying cases to social media sites, which can take immediate action on the perpetrators as they are abusing their terms of service. One can also visit safety social media centers to learn more about how to block abusive users and be able to change and control who they interact with (Fitzgerald, 2018). There is a need for proper law justification in which recognized online abusers are reprimanded and served due justice. Offer free learning tips and sites that can readily inform users on what depicts as bullying and what actions to take. There is a need to create an online security checking system aimed at identifying online bullies and nullifying their accounts immediately.

How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Online Bullying

They can put restrictions on how much access their kids have to the internet. They can encourage their children to confront the bullies if they are familiar to them and report to their teachers or departmental heads about the bullying. There is also a need to contact the law enforcement agencies in case the abuse transcends to violate behavior (Hinduja and Patchin, 2019). They can also implement passwords into their media accounts as a measure of limiting possible access to their personal lives and blocking unwarranted offenses. Teach their children defense responses and eliminate the need to retaliate or respond in case a bully tries something.

Measures to Be Taken by the Government

The government needs to set up a hotline system or site in which affected victims can report their issues and get immediate assistance. They can also block any account used by the perpetrators and set of anti-bullying system settings targeted at reviling the abuser's location, and further justice can get taken. There is a need for proper law implementation on cybercrimes and abuse in regards to offenses deemed unethical, such as promoting child pornography. Notify service providers on the need to implement new techniques and measures into their terms of service in which online bullying cannot be achieved (Ma, Wang, and Chien, 2017).


In summary, immediate counter measures and actions must get taken on any form of bullying, be it physical, emotional, or online abuse. Such actions would help in several ways as the affected victims can report bullying cases, and immediate action gets taken. There is a need for an awareness program implementation in which the general public can get taught on what constitutes abuse and help in the identification of suspects. As such, it would mean that the general public and school-going children are well informed of bullying and possess resound knowledge on what measures to take in a case similar actions occur. The perpetrators should, therefore, be placed under restrictive programs, and immediate justice gets served.


Fitzgerald, A., 2018. CyBly-Online Bullying Education: Technical Report (Doctoral dissertation, Dublin, National College of Ireland).

Hinduja, S., and Patchin, J.W., 2019. Connecting adolescent suicide to the severity of bullying and cyberbullying. Journal of school violence, 18(3), pp.333-346.

Ma, S.C., Wang, H.H., and Chien, T.W., 2017. A new technique to measure online bullying: online computerized adaptive testing. Annals of general psychiatry, 16(1), p.26.

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