Essay Sample on Small Group Communication

Published: 2023-01-08
Essay Sample on Small Group Communication
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Interpersonal communication Communication skills
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 882 words
8 min read

Small group communication entails communication among members of the same group to accomplish interdependent goals. In this way, certain aspects can easily be accomplished. For instance, there can be brainstorming to generate ideas and difficulty handling to where a precise determination is achieved concerning a distinct problem. Also, small group communication can entail groupthink which can be a form of little group communication difficulty that happens when associates feel the desire to be recognized together. Small groups thus employ specific strategies create ideas, share and solve problems and culture further partakes a crucial role in small group communication which will all be explored.

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Small groups create ideas through communication in different ways. One of these is by having an open-door policy as it will develop trust. Group members, in this case, should create an opportunity whereby anyone can ask questions, raise concerns and even present their ideas. Any problems identified can also be presented and resolved immediately to ensure effectiveness. Additionally, they should be open to mutual feedback and which should be clear to all the members. The feedback should also be clear and detailed (Nash, Lowe & Palmer, 2013). In this way, the initial idea presented will be made more effective as there will be an opportunity to enhance it as well.

On the other hand, small groups should aim at engaging in fun activities that will boost their confidence to create ideas, share and even solve problems that they may be facing. For instance, through team building, communication can be enhanced among all the team members. The small group can come together and also engage in activities such as playing cards and eating pizza together among others. Moreover, it is essential to select the form of communication that is most efficient for the group since different situations usually require different ways of communication (Katz, Lazarsfeld & Roper, 2017). As such, ideas will be easily generated and shared and problems appropriately solved as well.

Cultures are usually developed through communication. Through communication, cultural features such as roles, laws, customs, and rituals are generated and shared. Most interactions are often intercultural. As such, being able to work in small cross-cultural groups effectively is quite necessary as it will ensure a smooth flow of information among different parties. Also, the capability of comprehending the differences among members of an intercultural group is essential as it will enable one to obtain unique ways of communicating with every individual. Learning to appreciate each other in a cross-cultural group is thus vital for communication to be efficient (Keyton, 2 011).

It is crucial to note that cultures differ along with various significant scopes that include beliefs concerning the nature and meaning of life and worldview. All these then assist in the determination of values, customs, activity orientation and beliefs as well. The capability to comprehend these variations determines the way communication will occur. For instance, there might be the belief that giving immediate feedback is what makes the communication process efficient. Therefore, in this case, one has to ensure that they observe this crucial cultural aspect. On the other hand, language differences are usually found between cultures and co-cultures, and they can lead to the development of essential misinterpretations. However, having a clear understanding of language differences can assist in streamlining the communication process and ensuring that all parties comprehend the message being passed. Besides, finding a universal language that will be understood by all parties is crucial as it will make communication efficient (Harris & Sherblom, 2018). In a small group, it may be easier to detect language differences among individuals and thus obtain a useful way of communicating by bridging any gaps.

Cultural differences in a small group also entail the aspects of age, race and social class differences. Furthermore, different generational groupings, races and social classes have different behavior rules that may eventually affect communication. Once the variations have been successfully detected, it will then be easier to communicate using the right channels (Keyton, 2 011). For instance, having identified various races in the small group that may hinder proper communication, it will be necessary to design a communication strategy that will be appropriate for all the members.

Thoughts in a small group are created through an open-door policy since it will develop trust. As such, opportunities should be created where one can freely ask questions, raise concerns and present ideas. Besides, fun activities that promote the confidence of small group members should be undertaken. One of the fun activities is team building that will significantly enhance communication. On the other hand, the role of culture in small group communication has been observed through language differences, beliefs, customs, and values as well as race, social class, and age. The ability to comprehend the differences in these factors is what determines the efficiency of small group communication as different or similar ways of communication can then be designed.


Harris, T. E., & Sherblom, J. C. (2018). Small group and team communication. Waveland Press.

Katz, E., Lazarsfeld, P. F., & Roper, E. (2017). Personal influence: The part played by people in the flow of mass communications. Routledge.Top of Form

Keyton, J. (2011). Communication & organizational culture: A key to understanding work experiences. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Nash, M., Lowe, J., & Palmer, T. (2013). Developing Language and Communication Skills through Effective Small Group Work. Routledge.

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