Essay Sample on "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History"

Published: 2022-11-30
Essay Sample on "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History"
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Movie
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 920 words
8 min read

The narrative by Joseph Marshal "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History" is a true story that delivers events revolving around one warrior (Marshall III, 2005). In the book, Joseph Marshal delivers details concerning how one man's fight for his people's survival roused his true genius as a commander, trusted leader, and a strategist. Also, the book is an unforgettable portrayal of a revert human being and a profound celebration of a community, a culture, and an enduring way of life. On the other hand, the film "1993 film Geronimo" is a movie directed by Walter Hill giving details on a warrior (Hill, 1993). In detail, the movie focuses on the final months of the United States Army's (Geronimo Campaign) that transpired to the surrender of the legendary Apache Indian Chief. The film gives the Americans an insight into the American history regardless of the politically correct revisionist painting of Geronimo as the hero and the captors as the villains that destroyed him. This paper will compare and contrast the main themes presented in "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History and the 1993 film Geronimo". Also, the writing will answer questions concerning the different issues raised by the author and director, the purposes of the literature and making of the film, as well as the different goals achieved through the book and the movie.

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Main Themes Comparison and Contrast

In comparison to "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History and the 1993 film Geronimo", it is essential to note that both pieces strive to deliver historical details concerning warriors. The theme of culture and history is a theme present in both "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History and the 1993 file Geronimo". In "the journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History" the theme of history and culture is evident as the story is based on true events that transpired in Lakota. Through the link to other themes such as the theme of power, the book portrays various occurrences of human behavior in connection to culture as well as history thus pointing out on the themes. On the other hand, the "1993 film Geronimo" also portrays the theme of culture and history whereby it delivers details that could describe "Geronimo: An American Legend" as a new way to depict details concerning the war between the United States Cavalry and the American Indians. Also, events of culture are evident as the author defines various happenings in terms of traditions.

In contrast to "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History and the 1993 film Geronimo," there is a difference in occurrence surrounding the theme of power. For example, the book my Joseph Marshal represents a biography of a legend which brings about the theme of power through battles as a warrior. In writing, Joseph Marshal portrays the legend like a man just like other people. In the perception, the writing represents the theme of power since "Crazy Horse" is given the title of legend to easily define his power during the Lakota history along with his involvement in the Lakota during the life of Crazy Horse. Correspondingly, the "1993 film Geronimo" is a screenplay that centers on the theme of power differently. Although there are different perceptions and viewpoints regarding the occurrences in the film, we see events of power as the Apache leader Geronimo is pushed to surrender.

Nonetheless, there are various issues and questions raised by the author and the director as they deliver their works. For example, Joseph Marshal provides different matters concerning the celebration of a culture, a community and the endurance of life as well. As Joseph Marshal draws on vivid oral histories, he delivers the introduction on a new portrait of Crazy Horse and His Lakota community which in one way or the other, raises the question concerning the involvement of culture and traditions in defining an individual way of life. Also, Joseph Marshal raises questions through the book "The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History" concerning the numerous aspects of Crazy Horse's life that derive the need to preserve the tradition of the Lakota homeland. Similarly, the director of the "the 1993 film Geronimo" raises various political issues through the film concerning the current cultures between the American Indians and the U.S Cavalry.

In the 21st century, history plays a significant role in determining and defining the various ways of life among other practices. Also, history delivers a clear representation of the multiple events that transpired during the early days of wars and other occurrences. Thus, I believe that the primary focus for both the director of "the 1993 film Geronimo" and Joseph Marshal in writing the book was to deliver historical representation something that both pieces of work have significantly achieved.

To sum everything up, there are flaws in these works primarily in the "1993 film Geronimo." Within the film, the author fails to deliver all the historical details concerning Geronimo an occurrence that leaves the viewers second-guessing on some of the representations. The inadequacy of sufficient factual information in the film is an event that weakens the actual position of the film. However, regardless of the flaws, I believe the film can serve as an effective medium for historical discourse. It because it follows events transpiring to the surrender of Geronimo in 1886 portraying the occurrence that not all the Apaches can adapt to other cultures (such as the life of corn farmers).

Works Cited

Hill, W. "Geronimo: An American legend. [DVD]." USA: Columbia (Producer) (1993).

Marshall III, Joseph M. The journey of crazy horse: A Lakota history. Penguin, 2005.

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