Free Essay with the Evaluation of a Chosen Periodical Source

Published: 2022-10-14
Free Essay with the Evaluation of a Chosen Periodical Source
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Food Media
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 494 words
5 min read

Chenarides, Lauren, and Edward C Jaenicke. "Documenting The Link Between Poor Food Access And Less Healthy Product Assortment Across The U.S.." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2018): 106-109. Web.

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Title of the article: Documenting the Link Between Poor Food Access and Less Healthy Product Assortment Across the U.S

Author: Lauren Chenarides and Edward C Jaenicke

Author's credentials: Lauren Chenarides is one of the professors teaching at the Morrison College of agribusiness. Chenarides has a doctorate in environmental, regional, and agricultural economics from the State University of Pennsylvania. Edward C. Jaenicke, on the other hand, is a professor of Agricultural business and economics and teaches environmental, energy, and food economics at Armsby University Park. Edward also has a doctorate in agricultural and resource economics from the University of Maryland

Page numbers of the article: 106-109

Publication date: 21st September 2018

Name of the source: Applied Economy Perspective and Policy on food

Web address/URL:

Who is the intended audience: The targeted audience is the government and researchers.

Is the info in the article useful to you? Explain. Yes, the information id the article is of importance to me as helps me to understand the topic of access in underserved areas of America. The article is also useful by offering information on the measures of food accessibility and the link between healthy product assortments and food access.

How in-depth or marginal is the coverage of this topic? Explain. The researchers have a broad area on food accessibility by investigation food accessibility in detail by addressing issues like the availability of in-store products, the association between healthy assortments of products and food access, as well as the relationship between the existing census data and poor channels of food access.

Does the author have a specific bias? Explain. The authors are not biased as they try to answer the research question using relevant sources.

Is the author trying to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view? Yes, the authors of the article are persuading the reader to deny the findings of the past investigation on food access in underserved areas in America (Chenarides and Jaenicke 107). The authors insist on the fact that past investigations did not provide the correct data on food access in underserved areas.

Will you use this article in your essay? Explain Yes, I will use the article in the essay to illustrate the condition of food access in underserved areas in the U.S.

Write a one-two sentences summary of the article. In summary, the article is about the investigation of food access and the underserved areas of America. The study findings showed a negative relationship between poor access to fruits and vegetables with the census tract.

Works Cited

Chenarides, Lauren, and Edward C Jaenicke. "Documenting The Link Between Poor Food Access And Less Healthy Product Assortment Across The U.S.." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2018): 106-109. Web.

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Free Essay with the Evaluation of a Chosen Periodical Source. (2022, Oct 14). Retrieved from

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