Essay Sample on Factors Contributing to Conflict

Published: 2023-08-08
Essay Sample on Factors Contributing to Conflict
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Organizational culture Conflict management Interpersonal communication
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1623 words
14 min read

Some of the factors that contribute Conflictict in JM&P health communication include Communication problems where the CEO of the firm avoided conflicts at all times. He always found a way to prevent both internal company conflicts as well as external ones. The CEO was as well short-tempered. Due to this, all employees fear coming forward with details that wouldn’t impress the CEO. Besides, there was task independence where the other firm’s executives, Donald and Jason, were among the CEO's close associates. Due to this, they would collaborate with the CEO by doing away with ideas from the employees. This discouraged the employees from providing their insights. They opted to maintain silence and carry out their role. The workers felt disconnected from the firm since they thought that the executives unfairly treated them. The firm as well established incompatible goals where the firm began firing employees that did not meet the specified target within the allocated time, thus increasing conflicts in the firm.

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Conflicting Communication Techniques

Some of the communication techniques that contributed Conflictict in society include lateral communication where the CEO would only get along with high-ranking company executives. They would all agree to dismiss ideas just because it had not worked in the previous company that the three had worked for. The company only used downward communication. The employees did not have a say in all the resolutions that were decided in the firm, even those that were related to them. For instance, Victor, the CEO, would not listen to them when issues from the employees were presented to him. He even turned down the use of email for communication with the workers. The employees’ weekly gatherings were becoming frustrating. Also, when they decided that to improve the firm's productivity, the employees would have to attain a given goal at a specific time. The employees were never consulted on how they felt about the initiative.

Potential Impacts Related To Corporate Culture

Some of the potential impacts that would result from the corporate culture would be decreased productivity. The conflicts make the employees to limitedly focus on the project at hand and vent on frustrations. For instance, in our case, due to lack of effective communication, the client's service and technology issues became more complicated, leading to their downfall. It may as well lead to employee turnover effects, as the employees get more frustrated by the management they may decide to end their contracts or sue the firm for unreasonable pressure. From the JM&P, the employees that did not meet the goals of the firm were being fired. It may as well lead to conflict escalation and violence. When conflicts grow without interventions, delicate instances may arise between the firm's employees and the clients. In this JM&P firm, the workers were forced to lie to the clients to increase sales. Due to this, the customers began filing lawsuits, claiming that they had been pressured into buying that which they did not require.

Steps for Effectively Managing the Conflict Presented

Additionally, to control conflict presented in the JM&P firm, the firm's management should establish an environment for conflict resolution. This could be a relatively neutral environment and let the employees and the firm's executives know that you have the aim of identifying the type of resolutions they want to move forward. They should as well develop a conflict management strategy. The main guidelines that would be used in this step would be the use of “I” messages rather than the “you” messages; avoid the use of always and never in their sentences; put into perspective the critical issue that needs to be talked about and ensure that the focus is on behaviour and not personality. The management should as well make it clear on the desired results. The management should be precise on how you want to solve the issue (Swed, 2017).

Strategic Communication Approach to be taken to resolve conflict

Some of the strategic communication techniques to be implemented to resolve conflicts include building listening skills. Listening has a significant impact on the battles that can be handled. With the use of excellent listening skills, conflicts can be quickly resolved. Listening to a person makes one feel comfortable and respected, thus reducing conflicts. They should as well identify and respect personal differences. Opposing ideas, behaviours and working styles can result in arguments and conflicts. By appreciating that each person has a unique personality, it would be easy to manage conflicts and maintain harmony and respect in the workplace (Kuligowsi, 2019).

Communication Platforms to Be Used to Communicate with the Audience

Some of the communication platforms that can be used to communicate with the audience as well as the virtual employees include the use of company newsletters, which involve the use of internal emails and tracking software. This is because employees are always expected to monitor their email. Thus they have a captive audience for the internal newsletter. They can as well use video conferencing when communicating with virtual conferencing. This offers a chance for all the employees and their employers to discuss their issues as if it is a physical meeting. Lastly, they can use jostle, which is cloud-based intranet software that can enhance worker engagement. It provides a transparent information platform that aids in streamlining communication in the workplace. This aids in improving worker's engagement, express their culture and enable the happening of communication.

Suggested Changes for the Company to Communicate More Effectively Moving Forward

One of the ways the firm can change to communicate effectively is by implementing an open-door policy. This refers to the system where the workers are free to provide anything to their attention. This can be advantageous to the firms; internal communication and make the management to be easily approached. It is as well a creative way of motivating workers in the firm. For instance, if the employees from JM&P were given chances to provide their insights, they would feel so motivated to meet the firm's goals.

Besides, the firm should as well come up with a common goal that will drive the firm. The goal should be one that all the employees are comfortable with. This will ensure that all the employees and the management are on the same page, thus reducing confusion and cohesion. For instance, if the employer at JM&P were willing to include their employees when coming with their goals, they would b have been so successful. Lastly, the company should enhance the relationship between managers and employees. This will contribute to building strong communication in a firm ("Conflict and Negotiations," 2016).

Appropriate Communication Strategies for Leadership for Conflict Prevention

To avoid conflict, leaders can implement the following communication techniques. Active listening involves making the effort of hearing and trying to understand what the employee is saying. Again, they can apply emotional intelligence, which is the capability to comprehend, interpret, and reply to others' emotions. They can as well practice transparency, which is a technique that involves the easiness of sharing knowledge and data with the employees aids in ensuring job satisfaction for the workers (Kambil, 2015).

Best Practices for Negotiating and Managing Conflict

Some of the most appropriate practices for negotiating and managiConflictict involve an investigation. This consists of making choices; it is most suitable if one knows what he or she wants so that during negotiations, you will know how to make the right choice. Besides, one should identify the BATNA; this involves the best alternative to a negotiated agreement. It aids in identifying if to accept an offer you get from a negotiation. The third approach requires a presentation where one is assembling the information collected in a method that enhances your position. They should also implement bargaining, which involves each group discussing their goals and focusing on identifying an agreement. The last step is closure, which includes one party accepting defeat and adapting the winners’ ideas ("Conflict and Negotiations," 2016).

Conflict Resolution Approaches and the Way to Apply to Global And Virtual Teams

Some of the ways of resolving conflicts include a problem-solving approach, which involves the team in disagreement being asked to major on one issue rather than on another and identify the cause of the problem. Considering the majority rule, this involves the group members taking votes and the ideas of the group, with most elections being the one that gets adopted. A form can also change the structure if it is the cause of Conflictict ("Conflict and Negotiations," 2016) for firms to apply these strategies to global and virtual teams. A firm can open a line for casual communication where they can discuss their issues and come up with an effective solution. They can as well create a space for concerns to be listened to. When a platform is implemented to give their issues and discuss them in a respectful context, it is mostly resolved effectively (Ferrazzi, 2012).

Approaches and Examples of Bridge-Generational Gaps To Facilitate Communication and Positive Environment

To bridge the generational gaps in a firm, the management should understand where the employees come from; this involves that which motivates them, what they value and their perception about their responsibility in the workplace. For instance, millennials are useful in making a difference, while baby boomers value productivity. Besides, the management should develop a firm's guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable approaches to communication (Venter, 2017). For instance, baby boomers like phone calls, while millennials prefer social media.


Ferrazzi, K. (2012). How to Manage Conflict in Virtual Teams. Harvard Business Review.

Kambil Ajit. (2015). Elevate your leadership communication strategies. Executive Transition Series.

Swed Tammy. (2017). Using Conflict Management to Your Advantage in the Workplace.

Venter, E. (2017). Bridging the communication gap between Generation Y and the Baby Boomer generation. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 22(4), 497-507.

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