Free Essay on Change of Leadership

Published: 2023-05-29
Free Essay on Change of Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Nursing leadership Leadership style
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1743 words
15 min read


Several theories are applying to concepts and analysis for crucial ways of identifying and analyzing problems affecting nursing (Fischer, 2016). As such, health care practitioners are required to use the concept to improve their skills and knowledge in various fields. Enhancing skills in nursing helps nurses in enhancing the quality of health care delivery. Therefore, Change leadership is a concept analysis that assists an organization in generating new ideas. Some nursing theories help nurses have some leadership skills through some concepts and skills; for instances, communication skills are a leadership skill which assists in overcoming problems, which affect service delivery. Through change leadership, management develops a new insight which is integrated into theoretical development. Using the Lewin's Change theory, a nurse can adequately explain and understand the concept of change leadership. Usually, the approach takes three stages: the unfreezing, moving, and refreezing stage to explain how the idea occurs. According to Alshammari (2018), the theory operates depending on the driving and resistance forces within the organization. As such, for a change to occur, the driving force must be dominant. In an organization, leadership is a critical factor that influences how activities are conducted. Sustainable leadership influences how an organization attains its objectives. Change leadership has been an essential way organization are using to introducing new operations and some other theories which assist in leadership changes (Benner's theory) In health care, leadership is an essential way that helps to ensure every person focuses on improving quality care.

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Change Leadership Nursing Concept

In most cases, an organization makes changes to utilize and take various opportunities to improve its performance. According to Alshammari (2018), change leadership is a form of innovation that helps to introduce new ways of operations within the organization. In health care, change leadership is the right approach that influences nurses to deliver quality health services. Additionally, the concept ensures that health becomes patient-centred care. The concept of change leadership has been perceived as an effective way health care practitioners can use to improve the health state of the population. This change provides an excellent background for future performance (Fischer, 2016). Finally, the refreezing stage occurs when nurses and other health officials have adapted the new habit. As such, it has become a standard operating procedure. Effective integration of these stages influences the rate at which change leadership is accepted. Successful adaptation to change in direction helps to rebuild a system that allows practitioners to overcome some complex concepts which were previously affecting their performance (Gordon & Specht, 2018).

Learning approach

In health care, the concept of change leadership assists nurses to focus on the content, process, bedside side transformation, and context that occur due to change. Effective integration during the process creates a useful approach that builds a strong relationship between health care and patients (Williams et al., 2018). Therefore, the expected reaction during a change should help to create a functional interaction between parties in health care. In this case, context involves both the internal and external aspects that impact operations in health care. Since change leadership consists of the introduction of a new concept, leaders and nurses are supposed to introduce a learning approach (Fischer, 2016). The learning approach will determine how long a change will last as it assists nurses in developing a positive attitude, skill, and behaviours which are useful in the implementation process. In this case, learning assist leaders to develop a new skilful approach toward managing the change. As such, leaders introduce a new leadership approach which matches with the new change. According to Anderson (2018), leaders' values and behaviours significantly influence the success of change leadership.

In change leadership, a design process is a critical approach that guides how the process will be conducted. In this case, the design process ensures that the concept matches with the vision of an organization. Through the specification of design principles, it is more effective for leaders to develop best change process. The design principles show the context and content of both the internal and external structure of health care (Brewer et al., 2016). Leaders are supposed to develop a clear communication approach to ensure every staff in health care is effectively accommodated. Before health management effectively focuses on the change leadership, they are supposed to ensure that there is a balance between content and context to avoid linkage during the implementation (Kapu & Jones, 2016). Strategies of organization change leadership are seen as viable concepts of competitive performance (Fischer, 2016). Therefore, the ability to handle change technique is perceived as a way of improving health care performance. Change theory helps in creating and coping ways to adapt to the new system. Through the method, management develops a rational system which moves based on the change process. An open system approach helps health management to focus on the change process. Using the strength and capabilities of human resources, change leadership can effectively be implemented (Gordon & Specht, 2018). Applying human resources such as nurses helps health management to create a system which will assist in measuring the performance of the change leadership. Through the performance measurement, it is possible to introduce new approaches which will help in improving the implementation process (Gordon & Specht, 2018).

In some cases, health management introduces cognitive mapping to assist leaders in decision making. The approach helps to initiate new ways to manage leaders and nurses effectively. In a change, decision making is a good way health management use to ensure the process is effectively implemented. This ensures that the organization maintains its strategic transformation (Anderson, 2018).


Emotional stability is a critical trait that influences how nurses respond to a particular change. High level of anxiety may trigger a negative experience. This experience affects how nurses participate in the implementation of a change (Anderson, 2018). In this case, change leadership is an essential concept that touches all aspect of health care. Therefore, health practitioners are required to develop emotional stability which will allow them to cope with various conditions. Typically, anxiety influence people behaviours, and in response, they may form a robust defensive approach as a way of protecting their needs. Each person has requirements which are required to be respected (Fischer, 2016). Therefore, it is crucial to develop an approach toward ensuring every person emotional is well catered.

Additionally, for a change leadership to be effective, nurses must develop a sense of security. This action will help to control the emotional level, which may affect the acceptance rate. If change leadership is so burdened to nurses, they may develop depression which may affect their performance. As such, there will be not any form of motivation in attaining quality health care. According to research, people emotions are highly linked to their daily performance. If they are happy about a change, automatically there will give the best service.

Confidence is another essential trait of change leadership. Through this trait, health practitioners can explore various innovation which occurs from the change. When health care practitioners have enough confidence toward a change, they develop a positive attitude (Anderson, 2018). This attitude influences how nurses participate in the implementation of the change. Furthermore, confidence influence health practitioners tackle various challenges which hinder the success of a change. Confidence assists health practitioners in developing a positive approach, especially when giving a new order on the change. Leaders confidence ensure people have a positive outcome despite the unknown risk. They believe that every aspect they are introducing in the health system will be successful (Fischer, 2016). As such, confidence ensure all members participate in speeding up their rate of adaption. Usually, change is associated with a lot of errors. However, confidence assist health practitioners to develop an effective way of correcting these errors. As such, nurses can integrate and develop a new solution to ensure everything is handled within the required time (Gordon & Specht, 2018). Furthermore, confidence creates an open communication system which allows all health staffs to share the progress. This concept assists in developing a good environment where people can effectively overcome minor challenges (Brewer et al., 2016).

Adaptability is another trait which is highly shown in change leadership. In this case, leaders are supposed to develop an ethical approach which will assist in adapting with various changes that occur within the management. According to Alshammari (2018), relations oriented leaders ensure they develop positive interaction with other health members as a way of improving their adaptability. Through this approach, it is much easier for a leader to deviate from one style to another. As such, flexibility ensures health management can effectively fit in various conditions. Being flexible ensure nurses can effectively change from one state to another to improve health care services (Anderson, 2018). Since the health centre is an area that is associated with a lot of activities, adaptability ensures nurses can operate in various condition as change occurs. In change leadership, adaptability helps nurses to develop a different personality to ensure that they can work effectively irrespective of the condition. This is an essential way to improve health care service as nurses can adapt and introduce a new way of treatment to ensure they provide the best service to patients (Fischer, 2016). Furthermore, adaptability influence nurses to develop open communication to improve service delivery. Communication helps to create an approach which assists in tackling problems experienced as they adapt to the change (Brewer et al., 2016).

Antecedent and Consequence

In the health care centre, patients are a critical aspect of every activity. Additionally, communication creates a good system where leaders can inform other health staffs new concepts they expect from the change leadership (Fischer, 2016). This technique improves the confidence between health staffs due to a better understanding of the change. As such, this Antecedent ensures there is a quick adaption of the change leadership within the health sector.


After the introduction of change leadership, health care sector experiences a lot of changes. Introducing a new management approach is a key aspect that occurs after embracing this conceptual change (Brewer et al., 2016). As such, the change introduces new changes which influence how activities are conducted within the health care. Normally, the establishment of new management forms a base which ensures workers are more effective on the kind of work there are engaging (Fischer, 2016). In this case, more rules may be introduced to regulate how health care practitioners handle various conditions in the hospital. Lack of effective leadership has been a critical challenge affecting how nurses engage in their daily activities (Anderson, 2018). Therefore, establishing a new management approach will ensure they are more careful in delivering their service.

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