Free Essay Sample about Installing Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System

Published: 2022-03-01
Free Essay Sample about Installing Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Health and Social Care Information technologies
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1585 words
14 min read

Install Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System that uses the wireless sensor networks.

Improve communication between the nurses about patient care, access health information and make accurate medication decisions faster.

Access to quality and timely patient information can significantly improve patient outcomes and lessen medical errors

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B. Business Objectives

Maximize Customer / patient values

Return on investment through positive customer feedbacks and world of mouth

Developing customer loyaltyMaximizing shareholders wealth through profits, dividends, and sustainability

C. Project Description and Milestones

Install Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System

The project milestones involve user survey, sourcing for the systems, system integration and installation, followed by user testing, user training and project commissioning cost and this.

D. Project Approach

Communication would be from top to bottom and horizontally. The project manager would be the leader of the project.Everyone would report directly to the manager of the project.

E. Project Authorizations

The project sponsor and stakeholders signs off the project

The project commissioning

Reviewing of service level agreement to confirm availability of project teams

A. Introduction

Install Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System that uses the wireless sensor networks in Methodist Le Bonheur Hospital.

Improve communication between the nurses about patient care, access health information and make accurate medication decisions faster.Access to quality and timely patient information can significantly improve patient outcomes and lessen medical errors

B. Statement of the Problem

I. In line with its strategic goal to serve its community better, the Methodist Le Bonheur Hospital should invest in state of the art technologies that would improve efficiency in the hospitals. For example, buying capital equipment such as Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System that uses the wireless sensor networks (Aminian, &, Naji, 2013).

II.The capital equipment is an asset with a lifespan of more than one year which will be used to support and improve operations.

III. The IT department will be in charge of sourcing, installation and training of the staff members. The ROI will be measured in terms of revenue increase.

IV. Many changes and benefits are expected to accrue from the implementation of the projects. For example, there will be less medication and medical errors due to accurate and timely diagnosis and intervention.

V.The hospital would improve its efficiency as the number of hours spent doing the paper works would be reduced as all the doctors and nurses would have timely access to patient information at the click of a button (Zheng, 2010). Additionally, the patient's image would also improve the improved patient care.

VI. The nurses would be more responsive as they will be provided with smart devices that are wirelessly connected to the whole hospital Healthcare Monitoring System. Patient and nurses will recognize the changes in the hospitals' efficiency and quality of care.

C. Project Background

It is essential for the hospital to invest in a state of the art technologies that improve efficiency such as Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System that uses the wireless sensor networks (Aminian, &, Naji, 2013).

The benefits that the hospital will gain include less medication and medical errors because of accurate and timely diagnosis and intervention (Allen, 2005).

It will also improve efficiency of the hospital because it eliminates paper work which consumes much time (Zheng, 2010)

The quality of patient care as nurses would be more responsive as they will be provided with smart devices that are wirelessly connected to the whole hospital Healthcare Monitoring System (Hussain, 2014).

Patient and nurses will recognize the changes in the hospitals' efficiency and quality of care (Aminian & Naji, 2013).

D. Client Needs Assessment.

The introduction of hospital healthcare information system is to improve communication between different stakeholders.

Project policies and assumptions

All project team members would be available for every day's project briefing

Each one assigned duties would complete their tasks as assigned without delays

There will be no slacks in the systemsAll tools, materials, and resources required to complete the projects will be available as needed to the specific team members.

Projects scoping would be complete to avoid project rework and cost overruns.

The collection and analysis of data should be conducted to investigate the problem. Respondents should be sought to provide information about the benefits of hospital healthcare information system.

The effort of project management will be led through the engagement of internal stakeholders. The project manager would be the leader of the project and all other project team will be required to report to him.

E. Expected Outcomes and Precise Performance Measurement.

Data related to the role and function of hospital Healthcare Monitoring System will be collected

They will be measured using descriptive statistics through the use of SPSS software.

The result will be displayed in tables and charts where quantitative data is organized into various categories representing rows and columns as shown below.

Table 2

Topic Organization Year

Install a Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System that uses the wireless sensor networks IT department of Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, in Memphis, TN. 2018

F. Leadership Component.

Role Responsibilities Organization/Position Rationale

Project sponsor Provides guidance and makes key project decisions. Sponsor Funds the project and must be given authority in the execution of the project.

Project manager Plan, manage and execute the project by engaging team members Contractor Has project management skills necessary for successful project execution

The project team Contributes to the completion of the project

Contracted/ subcontractors These are the people working with the project managers including contracted who execute the plans for the project

A project stakeholder A project stakeholder is anyone who is impacted by the project's outcome or provides resources. Staff, and clients The projects stakeholder including nurses, patients and the government who are all affected by the projects.

G. Timeline

# Tasks Start Finish Assignments

Start-Up Phase 1/11/2018 1/19/2018 Stakeholder's Representative, CEO

2 Establish Project Scope 1/11/2018 1/11/2018 Stakeholder's Representative, CEO

3 Estimate Costs, Savings, and Revenues 1/12/2018 1/12/2018 IT specialists

4 Develop Project Specifications 1/15/2018 1/15/2018 Project sponsor, Hospital staff, Project Team, Stakeholder's Representative

5 Conduct Feasibility Study 1/16/2018 1/16/2018 Project Team, Hospital staff, Project sponsor, Stakeholder's Representative, IT specialists, Project manager

6 Establish Project Goals 1/17/2018 1/17/2018 Project sponsor, Hospital staff, Project Team, Stakeholder's Representative

7 Develop Project Plan 1/18/2018 1/18/2018 Hospital staff, Project manager, IT specialists

8 Create Test Plan 1/19/2018 1/19/2018 Project sponsor, Project Team, Stakeholder's Representative, IT specialists, Project manager, CEO

Build-Up Phase 1/22/2018 1/26/2018 10 Develop Drawing Package A, B, C, etc. 1/22/2018 1/22/2018 Project manager, IT specialists, Stakeholder's Representative

11 Purchase Materials 1/23/2018 1/23/2018 Project sponsor, Project Team, Hospital staff

12 Contract Subcontractors, Individuals, Services, etc. 1/24/2018 1/24/2018 Project manager, Stakeholder's Representative, IT specialists, Project Team

13 Develop Initial Documentation 1/25/2018 1/25/2018 Hospital staff, Project sponsor, Stakeholder's Representative, IT specialists, Project Team

14 Establish Communications 1/26/2018 1/26/2018 Project Team, Stakeholder's Representative, IT specialists, Project manager

Close-Out Phase 1/29/2018 2/5/2018 1 Conduct Alpha Testing 1/29/2018 1/29/2018 Hospital staff, Project manager

17 Run Performance Tests 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 IT specialists, Project Team, Hospital staff, Stakeholder's Representative, Project manager

18 Correct Problems 1/31/2018 1/31/2018 IT specialists

19 Conduct User Training 2/1/2018 2/1/2018 IT specialists, Project manager, Hospital staff

20 Implement Communications, Distribution, etc. 2/2/2018 3/3/2018 Hospital staff, Project manager

21 Obtain Sign-Off 11/3/2018 12/3/2018 Project sponsor, Hospital staff, Project Team, Stakeholder's Representative, IT specialists, Project manager, CEO


Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis Techniques

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis evaluates the external and internal factors affecting the project. The strengths are weaknesses are internal while the opportunities and threats are external. SWOT analysis of the project will include the identification and evaluation of internal factors such as availability of finance, skills, and experiences of the project team, management support, the hospital's features, among other factors (Linton, 2014). These would help identify the potential risks that can affect the project's success. For instance, if the project team lacks adequate knowledge in information technology, there is a high risk of failure. External factors include technological advancement, internet access, relevant laws and regulations, obsolescence of technologies, systems security, among other factors. For instance systems security risks such as cyber-attacks are threats.

SWOT analysis is beneficial since it helps the project team to understand the project better. The project team can develop strategies to exploit the project's strengths and mitigate the weaknesses and threats as well as exploiting the project's opportunities (Linton, 2014). The limitation of the technique is that it is not suitable for complex issues that require detailed analysis. Besides, it doesn't weigh the factors identified hence it is difficult to prioritize based on SWOT analysis. It is also ambiguous since the technique is one-dimensional. One factor can only be considered a strength or weaknesses, yet it might be both. The analysis is also subjective hence it may objectively identify the project's risks.

Checklist Analysis

This involves comparing the project's planned procedures with pre-established criteria. Checklists for the project can be derived from best practices in handling similar projects (Stoneburner, Goguen & Feringa, 2002). The project will be evaluated for each of the checklists to identify any shortcomings and potential risks.

Checklist analysis is advantageous since it evaluates the project based on best practices in the field. The comparison with past similar projects makes it useful in identifying technical risks associated with the project (Stoneburner, Goguen & Feringa, 2002). However, the technique may fail to recognize potential problems since it relies on past knowledge. The current project may have some unique aspects that cannot be evaluated by past knowledge. The existing checklists may not address all the project's issues. Finally, checklist analysis provides only qualitative information.

Expert Judgment

This involves engaging experts in health information systems to evaluate the project. The experts will assess the project and give a professional judgment regarding the potential risks and areas of improvement to mitigate such risks (French, 2012). The technique is effective since experts give a professional judgment. It results in a better risk identification since the experts have a vast experience in similar projects (French, 2012). Experts can give both qualitative and quantitative information about the project's risks. The limitation is that it is costly to get several experts to eva...

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