Free Essay Sample on Communication During the COVID-19

Published: 2023-11-20
Free Essay Sample on Communication During the COVID-19
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Covid 19
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1197 words
10 min read


COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we communicate in various aspects of our lives (Li & Lalani, 2020). These include at home, work, and when interacting with other people. The pandemic has caused a change in times to require more adherence to the guidelines set for businesses and individuals. It has driven innovations and increased the use of communication technologies to ensure that our day-to-day activities and businesses' operations are not disrupted (Wen, 2020). Enterprises are implementing communication procedures that support the safety of employees, customers, and other stakeholders. The innovations and technologies used in communication have helped enhance social distancing. This paper addresses the impact that the coronavirus has caused on shaping communication approaches used today.

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Definition of the Problem

The current COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted communication in many organizations and systems. The disease has led to the development of policies that aim at enhancing safety, while normal operations are still ongoing (Li & Lalani, 2020). In most businesses that haven't closed down, key workers have been forced to work from home to promote social distancing. It requires the use of an effective communication network to ensure critical operations are run usually.

Aside from the requirement to work from home, various states around the world have implemented lockdown policies. Their everyday lives have been disrupted as social contact with other people has been limited. In the healthcare sector, the dangers of misinformation have become dominant. Government agencies, the media, and other professionals help fight against misinformation by enhancing communication by providing accurate and precise information concerning the virus.

Covid-19 has also affected communication in healthcare (Spillane, 2020). For example, it has created communication constraints among midwives. Communication with parents is involved as the midwives are busy managing busy schedules that separate them from their clients. The face to face interactions between patients and care providers have also been significantly reduced due to the social distancing measures. Consultations are now made over the phone, and this does not support free and honest communication as patients fail to provide confidential information.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also changed the education system. More than 1.2 billion learners have been forced to stay out of school as learning institutions have been shut down (Li & Lalani, 2020). This closure of schools has rendered many children lacking access to essential learning resources and opportunities, especially in developing countries. Children in developed countries and those whose institutions have adopted online learning platforms continued to learn from home. It has resulted in inequities and disparity in the education system.

In sum, the problem created by the COVID-19 pandemic is that businesses and other organizations have been forced to improve their communication strategies. In contrast, many other people have been forced into lockdowns. Working from home has required the maintenance of constant communication among various stakeholders. The movement of misinformation regarding the coronavirus has also presented threats to the healthcare system. Therefore, the focus is on delivering the right information regarding the virus. The communication of accurate and precise information helps enhance the fight against the spread of the disease. Most importantly, care providers and healthcare institutions are increasing efforts to adapt to the new forms of communication to ensure that care delivery is supported.

Communication Among Individuals

Many analyses have been conducted to express the impacts of the pandemic on communication. Publication of news articles has also shown how the COVID-19 has transformed communication approaches. Wen (2020) asserts that the frequency of communication among individuals has been increased during the Covid-19 crisis. It includes phone calls, video calls, video conferences, and other spontaneous communications that take longer. The kind of communication transformation that adults are experiencing today is common among teenagers and youths attached to the internet and constant contact. Due to the reduced social connection between people, distance communication has been of significant influence. The use of various platforms of communication has been enhanced.

Wen (2020) notes that people turn to their family and friends when they need emotional support during crises in normal circumstances. Since the problem began, many people's social contacts have been disrupted, and technology to communicate through video conferencing platforms has been enhanced. Before the virus hit, communication between individuals was more comfortable with physical contact. Now that people have to share from a distance, even those fighting phone anxiety disorder have been forced to develop strategies of using the phone to communicate through voice and video calls.

Communication in Maternity

People communicate for different reasons that are related to their work or personal interests. In certain occupations, more complex forms of communication are required to ensure the best outcomes are achieved. Healthcare is one of the professional fields that rely on complex forms of communication. Midwives serving in maternity are required to have specific essential skills that are related to the required competencies. Patients can feel unsupported and unsafe if care providers lack the skills to communicate effectively (Spillane, 2020). Communication allows the care providers to establish the trust and connections with their patients necessary for the delivery of care. It is worth noting that healthcare professionals rely on non-verbal communication such as posture, gazing, position, gestures, and touch to emphasize their verbal communication.

The current pandemic COVID-19 has adversely impacted the delivery of services in maternity (Spillane, 2020). The social distancing restrictions implemented amid the crisis, the non-verbal cues of communicating with the patients have been impacted. The professionals offering midwifery services have been forced to adapt to new communication styles to ensure that they restore the trust of their clients. These measures have been put in place to ensure that patients feel supported and collaborate effectively with their care providers to support the delivery of care and enhance the outcomes.

The Education System

The current pandemic has transformed the education system forever (Li & Lalani, 2020). It has led to the rise of e-learning, and teaching has continued to happen remotely through the digital platforms that offer interactive features. This way of communication between the learners and the educators has helped enhance the rates of information retention. Way before the pandemic, the government had already begun implementing measures to adopt education technology. In the United States, investment in education technology had already risen to us$18.66 billion by last year. The overall market for education offered through online platforms had already begun expanding. The social distancing measures associated with COVID-19 has enhanced the adoption of online learning around the world.


In conclusion, COVID 19 has wholly transformed the modes of communication used today. For instance, it has affected the way people interact with family, friends, and colleagues. The number of voice and video calls have significantly increased. Video conferring has become common among organizations and individuals gathering for meetings through online platforms such as Zoom. The pandemic has also affected communication within the healthcare systems. Education has also been transformed globally as online learning platforms are being used in many institutions.


Li, C., & Lalani, F. (2020, April). The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how. In World Economic Forum (Vol. 29).

Spillane, E. (2020, June). COVID-19 and the Impact it has on Communication in Maternity. Midwifery Matters Summer 2020.

Wen, T. (2020). How coronavirus has transformed the way we communicate.

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