Free Essay Sample on Historical Representation of Women in Literature

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Essay Sample on Historical Representation of Women in Literature
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women History Sociology Literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 562 words
5 min read


Literacy has witnessed the evolution of women throughout ages. In literature, women have always played a key role. Literature mirrors societal values and society, and it also enforces these values. Literature also shows the attitudes and perceptions of society. It portrays human life through characters by their deeds and words, which relay information for delight and instruction. Historically, society is male-dominated, and a lot remains for women to gain cultural equality.

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American Society

In the American society, women were not valued by writers for literary characters. The most well-known and respected figures have been men throughout history. Consequently, women in literature have been products of the creative process, but with a limited perspective. The ideal gender indicated that the role of women in literature were more passive qualities, and they were mostly feminine qualities. In some circumstances, women who possessed male qualities were shunned, like we see Kate in Shakespeare's Kate. Kate's character shaped the characters of women like Spencer's heroine in Britomart, who actively fought as a knight and was portrayed as having strong masculine qualities. In Indian poetry, Mahadevi Varma was an activist and an educationalist; she was a freedom fighter who became a mirror of Hindu women issues in her poetry. She talked about liberating images in her poetry and drew inspiration from traditional Hindu literature. Jai Prasad also glorified women and portrayed them as strong.

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, women were portrayed as sexual objects as opposed to individuals. Women's rights were minimal, and they were mostly taken advantage of by the Gods and other human beings. Women were not allowed to express their feelings and did not have much freedom to express their emotions. They were blamed for wars' death of men and the destruction of towns. Despite their limited roles, goddesses had a lot of power. In medieval literature, women were more sexual and candid, which is unexpected in the era where Mary mother of Jesus existed. In this era, women were torn in between physical desires and ideals. In Elizabethan literature, women were viewed as inferior to men throughout the literature.

Victorian Literature

In Victorian literature, women redefined their role in society and accepted how they were viewed as being home-centered and inferior to men. In literature, women were more portrayed as protagonists compared to the past. In Gustave's novel Madame, Emma is a tragic heroine who is foolish and puts herself to narrow circumstances. She portrays how women looking for independence faced many dangers when she committed suicide. In the 20th century, the role of women in literature had evolved, developing strong female characters. Modern literature has served as a pioneer for women's rights and feminism. Modern literature portrays women as strong and juxtaposes others as oppress, giving an overview of society. In America, the emergence of female novelists who are independent has promoted the evolution of women's role in literature.


To sum up, literature can redefine and recreate the role of women in society. Historically, the value of women has been defined by gender roles, and masculine values have prevailed. Without a doubt, how literature has defined women over time has been biased. Over the years, there has been a shift, and women are portrayed as being of more value and strength. By studying these changes, we see how women have become new figures who inspire others and become heroines.

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