Free Essay with Super Bowl Commercials Analysis

Published: 2022-09-09
Free Essay with Super Bowl Commercials Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 814 words
7 min read

Commercial 1: "Going For It All, Into the End Zone."

1. What is the topic of the commercial? How does the author make this topic seem meaningful? How does the author make this topic specific?

Within the context of this commercial, it is based on a football game highlighting the top ten best super bowl compilations of 2018. In the definition and description of the advertisement, it aims at explaining the different happening within a single commercial. As for the case of this commercial, "going for it all, into the end zone" the author strives to make topic seem meaning and specific at the same time (The Ultimate Fails Compilation, 2018). For instance, he communicates a single and straightforward message. In utmost cases, people tend to have a hard time recalling names among other comments; however, with the use of unique and simple phrases, the author makes this topic meaningful as he relates it to the current event.

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2. Who is the targeted audience for this commercial? To what demographic is the author appealing? How do you know?

Additionally, the author targets mainly the football viewers in this commercial. Since the author gives a real-time advertisement, it is essential to keep the audience (in this case football viewer) in line with the occurring events. Anyone viewing the football game can hear and understand the commercial about the game. The author ensures the use of demographic appeals especially by initiating a sense of humor and sticking to a likable style. From the beginning of the commercial, the author maintains a proper technique all along that keeps the audience interested and willing to hear more of the comments. By using "going for it all," he tries to help the audience connect the meaning of the phrase to the current occurrences which delivers a great appeal. The author is appealing positively; I know this because of how he initiates his communication to the audience. It also brings a sense of professionally (Taylor, 2016).

3. What is the purpose of this commercial? (To inform, persuade, entertain, evaluate, or criticize?)

Moreover, this commercial has numerous meanings. For instance, it notifies the audience of the activities of the football and the primary outcome. Also, it entertains the audience as the author uses humor to inform them of the happenings (Manzano, 2017).

Commercial 2: "What is in the Outside, Inside the Ten?"

1. What is the topic of the commercial? How does the author make this topic seem meaningful? How does the author make this topic specific?

In this specific commercial (The Ultimate Fails Compilation, 2018), it also based on a football game elaborating some of the best conversions. Through the detail of the advertisement, the author makes this topic seem meaningful in multiple ways. First, he delivers a credible commercial as well as making it look professional. In the credibility of the advertisement, by using "what is in the outside" the author prepared and involved the audience into predicting the next possible outcome. As the author compares the "outside and inside" he sounds professional as he creates a phrase that serves the overall needs of the audience as well as involving the football players. As a result, he uses his professionalism to make the topic-specific, and he concludes by linking the phrase to the actual position of the player and the field position which also delivers a specific outcome of the happening.

2. Who is the targeted audience for this commercial? To what demographic is the author appealing? How do you know?

In similarity to the first commercial, the target audience is the viewers watching the football game. Although at some point the viewers may not be viewing on real-time the audience (football viewers) remains relevant. The author is highly appealing as he delivers different demographic appeals. For example, he remains truthful to the details of the game (Verlegh et al., 2018). Also, this explains the evidence concerning the demographic to which the author is appealing.

3. What is the purpose of this commercial? (To inform, persuade, entertain, evaluate, or criticize?)

To conclude, this commercial is based on different targets. For instance, as the author asks "What is in the outside?" he evaluates the decision of the player about the mission. Also, he entertains the audience as they also find the answer to the question. Finally, the commercial concludes with "inside the ten" which now informs the audience on the actual position of the subject (Sharma, 2017).


Manzano, N. E. (2017). Super Bowl and Super Commercials: An Appeals-Based Analysis on Super Bowl Ads.

Sharma, A. (2017). A Study of Consumer Attitudes towards Advertising Appeals Used in Television Commercials.

Taylor, C. R. (2016). Some Interesting Findings of Super Bowl Advertising.

The Ultimate Fails Compilation. (2018). Top 10 Best Super Bowl Compilations POV [Video]. Retrieved from

Verlegh, P. W., Fransen, M. L., & Kirmani, A. (2015). Persuasion in advertising: when does it work, and when does it not?.

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