Free Essay with the Case Studies of Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Published: 2022-04-15
Free Essay with the Case Studies of Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Ethics Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1218 words
11 min read

Questions that might be asked regarding the injury

The ANP would have asked the child the duration she had suffered from any unusualness around the vagina area.

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The ANP should ask the child politely if anyone has sexually harassed her either at home, school or anywhere else.

The ANP should have asked how the patient handles their groin region regarding hygiene.

Did The ANP have a duty to report even though the diagnosis was not conclusive at that point?

The ANP did not have a duty to report, he/she would have waited until the final result is out to obtain the substantial evidence of what might be the cause of the tear.

How would you determine liability in this case?

The ANP wrongfully accused the father. The ANP also did not inform the mother before jumping to a conclusion. The parents should be the first to be notified of the results, as they have the best interest of the kid at heart. Until proven guilty the father of the child is innocent. The results and the child's testimony will be used to know what actually happened

LPN and Charge Nurse

Did the nurse have a responsibility to supervise the care of the patient?

The nurse manager did not have full responsibility, as he/she had already assigned another nurse to take care of the patient

Was the care of the nurse assigned adequately to the LPN by the charge nurse?

The care was adequately assigned as the nurse was notified of medications to offer to the patient in case his condition changes

If the charge nurse admitted the attention of the patient to the LPN, did she retain any supervisory responsibility?

The charge nurse still had supervisor responsibility as he/she was more conversant with the changes of the patent. The change nurse despite delegating to the LPN is still accountable for the patients' healthcare.

How is the principle associated with delegation and supervision fit in this case?

The principle perfectly fits in this scenario, as it indicates that nurses should retain accountability for patients when making delegation decisions. Hence the charge nurse should have inquired about the patient progress.

How would you decide the case?

Continuous assessment of the patients should be the nurse's obligation. However, the charge nurse did not inquire about the condition of the patient. Despite directing the LPN, the charge nurse did not follow up on the treatment and the patient, to see if the patient required different treatment.

Case Study: A great biopsy

Ethical issues that rises

Adequately informing all patients the nature of the medical procedure he/she will be obtaining is very relevant (Grady, 2015). The patient in broad terms should receive information regarding benefits, investigating options, possible harmful complications, treatment options, and consequences of not securing treatment. The procedure is done before the patient can undergo under any treatment, operation, or process, the essence of getting informed consent is to show that the medical practitioner is honest and ethical and to follow specific legal requirements.

Ethical principles the husband in this example most portraying

The husband portrays awareness of informed consent. In a case where a partner is concerned that their spouse did not fully understand the information provided to them by their doctor, if the patient condition is not an emergency, the two can be allowed to talk it through. Often, this allows the partner to be comfortable that their spouse knows all information entailing the procedure. In this scenario, where the husband shows concerns the medical practitioner should inform the surgeon that the patient needs more clarification so that the patient and his husband can both be comfortable with the procedure. Often, once the husband is convinced he will not take the hospital to court.

Ethical Principles That Guide the Nurse in Working with this Patient and Family Member

Informed Consent, after a patient has signed a consent form, it will not amount to treatment unless relevant information is fully provided.

The medical practitioner should inform the patient of any medical risks; the patient can receive medication even when the partner does not agree, as long as the patient is of sound mind and can make their own decision.

Case Two: A 20 year old college student

Often, parents are responsible for making medical choices on behalf of their kids. However, at some point parents may disagree about their child's treatment as each of them has a firm belief that their decision is the best. For this case, both parents must be listened to carefully. However, the medical practitioner must be in a position to know what's best for the kid and provide the best solution.

What to do about the consent form

In the case of Jimmy, both parents' decisions are considered. However, one choice will be implemented. The nurse must use an ethical way while informing the parents of any risks in case of no treatment and consequences of the treatment. The nurse must listen to both parents and assist in determining the best option for the child.

Use of the MORAL model

The model will be used to show who signs and the reason behind the signing.

The medical practitioner must detect and outline the issues in a dilemma. The father opts for the child to stop treatment whereas the mother suggests that child should continue with treatment. The nurse must examine all options despite how unrealistic some might sound. The father claims that the kid has suffered enough due to chemotherapy effects while the mum has hope that the treatment will make their son better. After listening to all the nurse has to decide based on ethics and putting everyone involved opinion into consideration. The nurse has to implement the best option to be used. In this scenario the nurse chooses to side with the mother, the medical practitioner argues that since the cancer is not at its final stage, it's better to stop or slow growth of any cancer cells throughout the body. As stopping the chemotherapy will increase the cancer cells and gradually allow cancer to grow to other organs killing the boy faster. The nurse has to ensure that both parents and the kid agree on the final option. Since the kid, an adult and can also contribute to their preferred treatment. If they don't then the process has to be repeated to find a favorable solution.

However, after conducting a respectful discussion and ethics consultation and still, the father is not in agreement, he is allowed to involve the court or the state child protection agency. Notably, the consent of one parent is enough to continue with treatment.

Conclusion after Use of an Ethical and a Legal Approach

After respectful discussing all the issues that both parents brought forward. The parties arrived at an agreement that indicated that the 20-year-old college student should undertake chemotherapy. The father got to understand why he should allow the treatment to take place. Also, for the father to enable no forcefully measures were applied. The nurse observed an ethical means to bring the parents to an agreement and sign the intended consent form.


Grady, C. (2015). Enduring and emerging challenges of informed consent. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(9), 855-862.

Pozgar, G. D. (2014). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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