Free Report - Water Scarcity in MENA Region

Published: 2024-01-04
Free Report - Water Scarcity in MENA Region
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Environment Water
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

MENA is clarified as an acronym for the Middle East and North Africa region. Globally. It's considered the region with the most scarce water. According to the world’s population report, MENA is home to 6.3 percent of the world's inhabitants and has a provision of 1.4 percent of global freshwater that is renewable. Therefore, this essay clarifies why water is a treasured supply in the region and proposes solutions to deal with hydro politics.

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The average distribution of water accessibility per person in the region is 1,200 m3/person/ annually than other geographical areas globally, which is about 7,000 m3/person annually (Kayouli, 2018). The scarcity of water in the region has led to experiences of hydro politics, which are encounters originating from water shortage. The area experiences water shortage moderately due to competition, climate changes, and the country's economic situation.

Despite substantial ventures in the water division, water management poses a severe environmental and economic problem in MENA nations, due to the high temperatures and desert-like conditions. Agricultural productivity, public health, and surroundings are anguishing due to over-inflating or deterioration of water quality. Better irrigation proficiency in agronomic water use would expressively upsurge water accessibility for other subdivisions.

Achieving water security entails focusing on a range of factors from safeguarding the environment, coping with climate change, good rating of water amenities, to the unbiased supply of water for agriculture and household consumption (Kayouli, 2018). In MENA, various stakeholders such as International organizations, local communities, and government play a role in improving water resources management by providing accessibility to water for more people through investing in water preservation and distribution systems. The participation of investors is of importance in attaining the goals of reasonable water control.

Irrespective of its shortage, I am confident that water is essential for humans and the economy. Nations in the MENA have advanced practices and foundations to accomplish scarce water assets in the regions. Some of the strategies established have not been actual in gesturing any shortages (Kayouli, 2018). Water conservation has been a challenge due to the excessive exploitation of resources. Water has become a valuable resource due to its demand from the people living in the region.

Conferring to the evaluations, the best clarifications include implementing efficient and reasonable policing of water resources management and service delivery streamlining (Kayouli, 2018). Policies on endorsing land reclamation and other recovery practices should be considered. Implementation of technology to help in improving water efficiency should also be put into consideration. The MENA state should work hand in hand with bordering nations on an agreement concerning water resources division. Such clarifications will help solve the hydro politics in the region by guaranteeing that water is sufficient for all residents. Due to the limited water supplies, the area experiences water scarcity as a primary reason.


The proposed solutions for resolving the situation are implementing water management measures, working with neighboring countries to share water resources, and implementing technological methods to enhance water efficiency. The story has mostly affected the people of MENA since water is an essential need for human survival to carry out different activities. Lastly, these conditions are essential when discussed to find a much better solution to resolving the water scarcity problem.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (n.d.). FAO Innovative Approach to Resolve Land and Water Conflict in Yemen - Subtitles in English [Video]. YouTube.

Kayouli, C. (2018). Solutions to water challenges in the Middle East and North Africa region. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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