Paper Example on Gender Representation in Films: A Closer Look

Published: 2023-11-14
Paper Example on Gender Representation in Films: A Closer Look
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Entertainment Movie Social media
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1538 words
13 min read


Over the years, gender representation in films has been raising significant issues and in the insight into considering a particular gender over the other. Moreover, how the different genders are represented in a film has also been an aspect. Some researches portray that often the underrepresentation of the feminine gender in being given roles in movies or being given some critical roles even in the film. The filmmaking industry is quite diverse with roles not only for the actors and actresses but also for other characters like the film critics and film production roles. This paper will censoriously look into various issues in the filmmaking industry and most especially focus on gender matters concerning carnality in film production and other factors concerning aspects of the regulation of film content in age appropriation.

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As time goes by, the film production keeps evolving and diversifying; therefore, even the content, especially relating sexuality issues, is also involved. Thus, regarding sexuality films or gender regulation, there should be an aspect regulation. It will ensure that the content produced does not go overboard to unintended consumers of the content or somewhat; the material is modified to uphold societal morals. However, the aspects of the regulation of gender representation and the sexually explicit content should not only focus on audiovisual media but also other media channels, including print media.

Nonetheless, a queer theory that contains details and summations of the moral degradation of the societal norms clearly defines the extent of moral values expected in a society. The approach also looks into aspects relating to individuals who are unwilling to abide by the stipulated societal norms. Thus, over time the discussion of considering theorizing sexuality in films has also been an aspect. The issue underlying the theorizing of films has been instigated by sexual content exposure to unintended audiences. Therefore, the documentation of film content in theory and not in the audiovisual form will be of great importance. The unintended audiences are excluded from viewing the sexually explicit material. Nonetheless, the desire's presentation related aspects in a film can be narrated or said orally somewhat being dramatized to cut the display explicit content.

Moreover, when producing carnality related films, the production should always consider creating content regarding a particular audience. The aspect of age consideration in targeting a specific film or content creation is very relevant in excluding the underaged audience or the inappropriate audience for the film content. Also, film producers should always consider age rating films, especially those containing explicit content. The age rating or age consideration will help exclude the younger and inappropriate audiences and help maintain the societal norms in the younger or unintended audiences.

Nevertheless, the production of exciting films and content with carnality aspects cannot be evaded entirely, for example, in an instance whereby a media may want to relay information relating to maybe cautioning the public on sexual education matters like prevention of sexually transmitted infections issues carnality and gender frequently if not always arise. However, the issues of desire can be presented so that they do not directly exhibit sexuality aspects. Also, in the content creation of the film or the publications, gender should always be considered so that one gender is not demeaned. Thus, the content should be evaluated in a manner that does not portray gender bias and also not too explicit to the general audience.


Sexuality and gender aspects are commonly displayed in films. An example of a film that displays such content is Shortbus. Shortbus film is a comedy film hinged on carnality aspects. The film contains elements of various characters trying to establish a connection in this Shortbus film. The movie also has matters on sexuality and gender representation. In this film produced by Mitchell, he tries to incorporate carnality into his production that is comedy. In the film, sex normalization is seen through the dances and the songs; thus, sex aspects are taken lightly.

In Shortbus movie, various characters are used to portray the carnality aspects and also the gender issues are also not overlooked. Sofia, a character in the film, is presented as a therapist who is seen as having difficulties in reaching a climax despite having a committed partner. Matters of gays are also displayed in the film using Jamie and James, who are gay couples and consider including a new party in their relationship. Then Jamie, James, and the extra partner attend a party where they engage in sexual activities. In Shortbus, Rob and Sofia have an issue with sexual satisfaction. The theme of the Shortbus film theme of humans being used as sex objects is also seen. Also, the aspects of sex consideration only are seen not to bring a desirable ending.

The presentation of performances in films is mainly hinged on how well the actors and actresses can display their body gestures and facial expressions. The production in the Film Shortbus acted of orgasms and sensual acts and portrayed vividly through sexual gestures in the film. The performance of Sofia and Job in the Shortbus film when they are negotiating on sexual satisfaction matters in bed. The vivid expression is felt when they ultimately express. They table the issue in clear conversation, and Sofia exhibits dissatisfaction in their sexual relationship. Also, the acts of gay in Jamie and James is portrayed in the film Shortbus and how. Well, they demonstrate their willingness and concern of recruiting a new partner in their relationship vividly, and they go ahead and have sex at a party are also felt.

When producing a film or any artistic work, the film producer usually has specific themes they want to pass across in society. For instance, in the film Shortbus, the issues of sexuality and details of various aspects of sexuality like sexual dissatisfaction in the relationship between Job and Sofia are visible. Also, another aspect of sexuality that is the gay aspect is passed across in the film. However, other segments of the movie in the movie might be included in the film to support the central theme that the content producer wants to pass.

The film is mainly artistic works, and therefore the creativity and colorfulness of a movie are what basically will attract the viewership of the film. In a movie like the Shortbus, the liveliness of the characters and their expression attracts viewership. Since the film's audience is not a live audience, the performance should be so that the audience can feel the interpretation of the acts. For example, the display of Sofia's discontent in sexual matters is expressed vividly since the audience is not live. Another critical aspect of content creation is considering the limits. For instance, in the film Shortbus production due to the content and the vulgar language and the explicit scenes display the production or the editorial team should always indicate the age limits of the film. The aspect of age appropriateness should not only be included in the movies but also in the websites where the files are updated; it is necessary always to include age definitions to exclude the inappropriate audiences.

Another element that cannot be overlooked is the queer visibility in the film production. The queer visibility, where matters of gay, homosexuality, and lesbianism are highlighted. In film production where queer visibility is an issue also gender issues should not be overlooked. The purpose of the queer visibility is to determine the aspects of homosexuality, gay and lesbianism inclusions in a film. Moreover, the use of sexuality-related elements to attract viewership in the movie. And in all considerations of gender in film production, the issue of gender bias elimination is crucial to avoid giving roles to unwilling characters of may be particular gender and displaying their sexuality aspects.


In conclusion, the aspects of carnality film production should not always exclude the extent of consideration of the societal norms. The creation of films should also include elements of considering gender and avoid gender bias in their production. Moreover, the outputs should always consider the regulation in the display of lust and maybe consider publishing or theorizing rather than audiovisual presentation. Finally, the aspect of age limit and appropriate content should always be found even in the films uploaded on the website.


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