Gladiators in Ancient Rome - Paper Sample for Your Free Use

Published: 2017-08-15
Gladiators in Ancient Rome - Paper Sample for Your Free Use
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Ancient history
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 839 words
7 min read

Essay Outline

1.0 Identification of Gladiators in Ancient Rome

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1.1 Explanation of the problem

1.2 Background information about the problem

1.3 Thesis statement

2.0 Analysis of gladiators in Ancient Rome

3.0 Discussion about gladiators in Ancient Rome

3.1 Cultural origin of gladiators

3.2 Recruitment of gladiators

3.3 Gladiators as entertainers

3.4 Weapons and body armors used by gladiators


Cultural origin of gladiators

Gladiators originated in ancient times. It is believed that gladiatorial fights were a form of human sacrifice to the gods. It is also believed that Gladiatorial fights were used by aristocrats to sustain their political power (Dunkle 10). Gladiatorial fights were also seen as a way in which rulers would win favor from the public given that the public was very enthusiastic and excited to watch gladiator fights. Gladiator fights started as a way of wealthy individuals, and ruling elites showed their love for citizens who loved them and had been loyal to them. Gladiator fights were a way of rich individuals showing their generosity to the public. Stinginess while presenting a gladiatorial combat could damage the reputation of an aristocrat among fellow citizens. Gladiator fights were hosted in amphitheaters. Gladiator fights were also a form of funeral games. Gladiator fights were also viewed as athletic competition. A high tolerance of cruelty and violence is what compelled gladiator fights to be very popular (Dunkle 14). It is apparent that gladiatorial fights were very useful to the population and provided the opportunity through which the society converge and interact, there is, therefore, a need to analyze the importance of gladiators and their role in the society. Through such an analysis, there will be ease of understanding the topic in details and acknowledge the importance of the same; this is because the analysis would involve examination of recruitment of gladiators, how they were used as entertainers, and weapons and body armors that gladiators used.

Recruitment of gladiators

Gladiators were either barbarians or men with no moral worth. Gladiators were either prisoner of war, men convicted of capital crimes (Dunkle 30). Although most of the men who were gladiators did so involuntarily, there are individuals who volunteered themselves to be gladiators. Individuals who volunteered themselves to be gladiators mostly were mostly men of the lower classes who were after fame and fortune (Dunkle 35).

Gladiators as entertainers

Games involving gladiators were an opportunity for wealthy individuals in ancient Rome to celebrate birthdays and commemorate important days in their lives. Gladiators were either slaves, had a criminal background or they were heavily indebted (Dunkle 67). Fights that involved gladiators were a matter of life and death. Losing a match did not necessarily result in the death of a gladiator. A gladiator could be discharged after losing a fight, meaning that he could be given an opportunity to come back and fight another day. Gladiators training involved rigorous activities. The gladiators had to be highly and rigorously trained so that they could be in a good physical position to fight. Training schools for gladiators were akin to prisoners; the conditions were very inhumane and very few free people could stand those conditions. The gladiators lived in small cells from where they were fed. However, it is worthy to mention that the gladiators were well fed so that they could be physically able to take part in the fights. Gladiator trainees were accorded appropriate medical care given that they were a worthy investment for the wealthy individuals (Dunkle 69).

Weapons and body armors used by gladiators

Gladiators had body armors that ensured that they were protected as they embarked on fights. It was important for gladiators to be physically protected to minimize physical injuries and pain that could arise from the fights. Weapons that were used by gladiators included swords and Body armors involved shields and helmets. The body armors that were worn by gladiators involved a great level of workmanship. The body armors that were used by gladiators were highly embellished; the amours were highly fancied by audiences that watched the gladiators fight (Dunkle 67).

Problem with Gladiators

There were some problems associated with gladiators and one of them is that they were very fierce people and at times were not psychologically stable. It means that interacting and organizing the gladiator wars was a risk as the event organizers were most likely to be injured in the process. Moreover, keeping a gladiator was a challenging task as they were required to eat a lot among other needs.

Outline Model

The outline model that was used in the process of addressing the question is the traditional model and this is where the story is divided into smaller parts then creating summaries of the smaller parts. The model helps in creating a focus to a story and makes it easy to address the minor parts of a story. It is also of great importance in focusing down ones thoughts down thereby making it easier to understand in finer details. The model is organized as evident in the manner in which it helps in organizing thoughts in the process of addressing issue under discussion.

Work Cited

Dunkle, Roger. Gladiators: Violence and Spectacle in Ancient Rome. , 2013. Print.

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Gladiators in Ancient Rome - Paper Sample for Your Free Use. (2017, Aug 15). Retrieved from

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