Granted Intellectual Property: Possession as a Right for Creators - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Granted Intellectual Property: Possession as a Right for Creators - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 646 words
6 min read

Intellectual property is usually defined as granting the full right of possessing of design or idea by the State government to specific groups of individuals. These groups of individuals include those who have the ability to create something using their own knowledge. The possession of the intellectual property is seen as important among its participants because it gives them a unique right to enjoy their innovations. Therefore, it denies other individuals from interfering with their works. The paper will, therefore, discuss how we can protect our intellectual property and customer data. The paper will also focus on the solution to the issues related to intellectual property and customer data.

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There are various ways of protecting intellectual property and customer data. One of the most appropriate ways of protecting our intellectual property is avoiding the filling of patents ( Crowley, & Johnstone, 2016). The reason why filling of patents is not preferred is that it normally leaves aside the recipe concerning how products were created; therefore, someone can use the existing recipe and come up with the products that resemble the previous products. The best way to cope with the challenge of filling the patents is through standardization of ideas with associations such as standards association as a way of denying access to other people from coming up with a similar idea.

The other method that can be used to protect intellectual property is through safeguarding it with strong access control. The majority of the people normally rely on using passwords as a way of ensuring strong access control of their stored information. The analysis shows that some individuals may tend to attempt to forge these passwords several times until they come up with the correct passwords. As a result of these individuals getting access to the set passwords, they might end up accessing people’s intellectual properties. Therefore, these individuals might come up with similar designs or ideas, thus leading to a lack of trust from their customers. It is therefore advisable that owners of intellectual properties should adopt the use of strong access control while storing their intellectual property, for instance, storing their creations and manuscripts properly.

Copyright protection is also considered as the other way of protecting intellectual property. The designs and creations that rarely have copyrights can be easily interfered with by the individuals who did not take part in the act of creation. The suitable way of handling the problems that are usually associated with individuals’ creations is through the use of recognized copyrights protections. Some of the examples of copyrights protection include; adoption of trade secretes laws that are unique from other creations or ideas, thus limiting those who want to get access to it ( Wexler, 2018).

When it comes to the protection of customer’s data, it can be done by the adoption of the cloud. The reason why the cloud is normally preferred while protecting customer’s data is that it helps in the back up of individual data as well as storing it. The stored data cannot be easily damaged when the hardware has tampered with a challenge, such as compromising it because data can be readily available in cloud form. The installation of Operating systems in a personal computer is also useful while aiming to protect customer’s data despite some few limitations that it has. Failure to allow the installation of operating systems will, therefore, expose a personal computer to risks such as virus infection and too much usage of data by the individual. The solution to the challenge of improper installation of operation systems updates is through setting it to updating itself automatically.


Crowley, M. G., & Johnstone, M. N. (2016). Protecting corporate intellectual property: Legal and technical approaches. Business Horizons, 59(6), 623-633.

Wexler, R. (2018). Life, liberty, and trade secrets: Intellectual property in the criminal justice system. Stan. L., Rev., 70, 1343.

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