Paper Example: How important is networking?

Published: 2023-03-28
Paper Example: How important is networking?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Career Personal leadership Communication skills Leadership style
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 647 words
6 min read

1. How important is networking?

Generally, effective networking is often the breaking point between influential leaders and typically good leaders. It is also important to note that networking is a form of work or responsibility as the person can make social, organizational, personal and professional progress by employing good networking. Thus, networking is important in the sense that it can help a leader tap into a diverse pool of talents. It is apparent that widening your network gives a leader access to a broader range of diverse skill sets and expertise, which can be significantly helpful work or personal life (Leithwood & Azah, 2016). Networking can also enhance the generation of innovative ideas as connecting with people from different worlds or disciplines enables a leader to access radically different perspectives concerning certain issues. Other benefits can include spotting opportunities, identifying trends, and creating links with diverse stakeholders.

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2. What strengths do you believe you possess as a leader? Weaknesses?

Even though some people have a natural inclination towards leadership, it is safe to say that no one was born a perfect leader. It takes hard work, time, and some failures to settle with the right approaches to effectively manage a group of people. One of my most important strengths as a leader is good communication skills as I am able to interact with various people without finding it awkward or getting bored. I also have an endless curiosity to peruse my goals which in most cases gets me through difficult situations whenever they arise. I think that my only weakness is stagnancy as I tend to stick to a place, especially when I have already achieved the set objectives.

3. What are three to four actions you believe are essential to enable others to be successful?

Demonstrating courage is highly essential in the journey of helping others, especially for a leader. Charisma is often regarded as an essential aspect of leadership, but very few people possess the scarce characteristic. However, every strong leader ought to be courageous, which is characterized by taking firm actions, making unpopular decisions and being the leader of the pack during hard times. Providing vision and focus is also important since, in the contemporary world, it is easier for people to lose track due to the many distractions. As noted above, effective communication is a universal action that is essential in every success story that involves leadership and cooperation.

4. What advice do you have for building relationships and trust in an organization?

I think that trust is two-way. For instance, leaders have to show trust in their followers. In return, the members have to show that they have trust in their leader. Bennis (1959) states "Trust is the one quality that cannot be acquired but must be earned, without it the leader can't function" (Bennis, 1959)

5. Are there some of your past experiences that have shaped your leadership skills?

As a firstborn in my family, I always had the responsibility to take care of my siblings when my parents were not around. I think these experiences gave me some leadership skills that I put to practice today.

6. How do you deal with people who disagree with you?

I often try to understand their point of view and where they are coming from to result in contrasting ideas. I know the importance of diversity and freedom of having your opinion on something, so I would respect their decision and move on.

7. Do you prefer to work independently or in a team?

I am comfortable working in a team as well as personally depending on the situation. I am happy working alone, but if the task is too complex and requires more intervention, I am not reluctant to ask for assistance.


Bennis, W. G. (1959). Leadership theory and administrative behavior: The problem of authority. Administrative science quarterly, 259-301.

Leithwood, K., & Azah, V. N. (2016). Characteristics of effective leadership networks. Journal of Educational Administration.

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