Essay Sample on How the World Changed by Social Media

Published: 2019-11-18
Essay Sample on How the World Changed by Social Media
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Society Social media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1015 words
9 min read

It is one thing to marvel or gape at the kind or amount of impossibilities that are feasible through technology. It is, however, quite another altogether to begin contemplating how far it has yet to go. Apparently, the world has not yet seen the best of the best; the technological war ship has only just set sail on its journey to conquering the world. Simply put, the technological space is yet to be filled. Strings of technological advancements are to be expected one after the other. Indeed, this happens to be no news at all. One only needs to look around them and experience first-hand, the incredible occurrences that are presently part and parcel of our day-to-day life routine. Social media is without any doubt one of the most incredible technological phenomenon that at present have the world by the tail. The article, How the World Changed Social Media provides the much needed analysis of the impacts of social media on the contemporary society. Furthermore, it expounds on the well known facts while refuting popular misconceptions about it.

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Our Method and Approach.

In a bid to provide substantial as well as informative insights on the subject matter, the authors of this article had to carry out a number of studies. Each either assigned themselves or was assigned to particular regional locations, in which they would get down to conducting their studies on the relationship between the immediate local population, and social media. Most results realized from the individual studies were in sharp contrast to what the anthropologists had set out to achieve. However, with each sunset came a new dawning. The characteristic failures realized from the studies revealed interesting aspects of the effects of social media. The article refers to this as succeeding in failure. Wangs study on the Chinese, for instance, shows that different people use social media for different reasons. Considering the ideals of the Chinese culture, it is expected that its people may engage in social media with the view of socialising with one another in the Chinese spirit. Shocker results instead, reveal that the young Chinese generation view social media as an escape site; a place where they can get away from the confines of family and traditions. In addition to that it provides invaluable insights that are necessary for an uneventful field study. In particular an anthropologist is required to blend in with the locals so as to gain acceptance. This is imperative if one is going to get any meaningful information from them. For instance one has to watch the local dressing code, attend favourite local social events.


According to the article, gender is the variance between masculinity and femininity constructed both socially and culturally and moulded by numerous factors such as technology and mass media. This section of the article focuses on gender and social media and in particular the influences that one has on the other. Culturally, there exists a fine cut between the two genders characterised with heart inscribed laws that set the two apart. Here however, with social media there exists a common ground where the fine line dissipates and the two become one. In a large part the studies revealed interesting facts on the effects of social media on the feminine gender. To a remarkable extent it had the propensity to magnify the social position of the feminine gender from the fairer gender to the equal gender. On the other hand, the masculine gender takes advantage of the situation to abuse or cheat on their wives. Not to forget, social media also provides the much needed platform for the interaction of heterosexuals. Conventionally, most cultures do not provide for such arrangements.


Ideally, in the contemporary society, social difference is expressed more with regards to ones social status wealth and income than through age, religion or gender. Reading through the article, one gets the impression that even the authors themselves are at pain to settle on the most befitting definition of inequality. Unequal distribution of wealth as well as poverty depicts inequality; but so does limited access to public resources or little or no political representation. It boils down to the individual choice. However in most social circles it would refer to the instances whereby a fraction of the population is discriminated against because of their race or even religion. Needless to say, social media has found a way of bridging the gaping gap between the victims of discrimination and its perpetrators. Furthermore, it is no longer costly to access social media thanks to the reduced internet rates.


Social media and modern-day politics are just inseparable. This article attests to this fact. Initially social media, and in particular Facebook, was used by relatives and friends majorly to strengthen ties. However, recent studies show increased utilisation of this social platform by political oriented initiatives. More than one anthropologist reported cases whereby political fanatics use Facebook to show their undivided support for their favourite political groups or parties. Similarly, these online forums are used by the general public and not necessarily the party supporters to condemn and put the ruling political party in check. On the other hand the political parties also use these platforms to communicate to their supporters about current governance issues affecting the nation as a whole. Consequently, social media comes off as a vital player in the political front.

Visual Images.

This section of the article provides an entirely different perspective from the ones discussed above. While the other sections focused more on social medias direct impacts on the participant lives, this one however, focuses instead on social medias modes of operation. The platform has gradually has shifted from being verbal to being visual. The amount of visual images posted on Facebook, Instagram and the other sites can attest to this fact. The article offers that this is change for the better since it gives more room to the illiterate. Visual images convey volumes of information; most of which can never be conveyed in words. In this way it enables all and sundry to socialize undaunted by their inadequacies.

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Essay Sample on How the World Changed by Social Media. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from

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