Essay Example on How Video Games Changed My Life

Published: 2022-07-04
Essay Example on How Video Games Changed My Life
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Video games Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 835 words
7 min read

Sometimes the experiences in our life change our lives forever. I had an encounter in life that changed me for the better. When I was young, I wanted to be a successful artist, and I mostly ventured in artistic works. However, my childhood dream faded away when my parents bought me a computer video console. Before acquiring a console, I was a playful kid who liked non-tech games. I would spend most of my time either playing or modeling. In most cases, my friends and I would play various games such as hide and seek, bike riding, soccer, and undertaking a jigsaw puzzle. I had no passion for programming or any tech-related career path. I was so obsessed with the arts that I took most of my youthful time playing with my peers. It is imperative to mention that my best game was soccer and I would take several hours a day playing with my friends in the field. I played as a defensive midfielder, and I would regain ball possession for my team as well as making important ball interceptions. Due to my determination and passion for football, my teammates named me their captain. Other than football, I had obsession with three dimensional (3-D) designs. It is vital to note that due to my love and passion for 3-D designs, I even enrolled for an art academy to enable me perfect my skills in it.

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However, my career path changed when I began playing video games. I kept wondering how the whole thing worked. For instance, I kept thinking hard how an enemy in the video game reacted to my actions. I also wanted to know how the controls for the video game worked. In particular, I was amazed how a game controller provided input the console as well as typically control a character or an object in the video game. Inquisitively, I asked my friend how the computer game console worked, and he gave me insights on its operation principle. My friend explained to me that video games are programmed primarily using C and C++ programming languages. Slowly, my interest began shifting from becoming a graphic artist to being a programmer. I found myself spending more time in our school library as well as the internet researching the principle operation of video games. I began learning both C and C++ languages. I learned about how to various libraries and how to create a function and use it in a program. Moreover, I learned the steps involved in developing recursive functions and how to use them in a given program. I also learned about variables such as integers, decimals, and characters among others. Soon afterward, I began writing simple codes on my own and running them on CodeBlocks, a compiler that supports codes written in C and C++ programming languages. I began being involved in research as well as attending tutorial classes for programming.

My commitment to programming forced me to quit playing soccer, my childhood game. My friends became concerned and occasionally came to my study room to beseech me to consider playing again. Nevertheless, their efforts were futile for I had made up my mind to be a successful programmer. I began missing the art classes I had enrolled for, a situation that prompted my teachers to enquire my whereabouts. In fact, I was an above average student who had the potential and passion for 3-D designs. It is paramount to highlight that my parents were opposed to my new career path as they believed that I was wasting my talent. They told me that it was imprudent to venture into computer programming because I had no iota of knowledge on it. However, later after noticing my commitment towards learning programming, my parents became cooperative and provided me with moral and financial support. Even my art teachers tried their best to convince me to reconsider my choice due to the potential they believed I had in 3-D. Nonetheless, I managed to follow my newfound love for programming and focused my energy in learning more about programming.

Currently, I am undertaking my studies in computer programming, and I aspire to establish myself as an astute programmer. During my leisure time, I write blocks of codes meant to develop computer software that perform functions such as retrieving data, controlling factory equipment, and so on. So far, I have learned about various programming languages such as Python, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Java, SQL, and JavaScript. I have enrolled for my undergraduate studies in computer programming to sharpen my skills. In particular, I am interested in robotics and believe that being a programmer will enable me to explore this field. I wish one day to develop software that will be a life changer in the industrial setup. Therefore, I credit my career path to the video game that has made me be whom I am today. Through programming, I have been able to be innovative and stay current with the technical world, which is ever changing.

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