Free Essay Example: How We Can Improve Healthcare in Botswana

Published: 2023-10-09
Free Essay Example: How We Can Improve Healthcare in Botswana
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  World HIV Healthcare policy Community health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 690 words
6 min read

At first, I thought that the people of Botswana live a happy life. I took their natural way of life as one that the US citizen would enjoy living. Living in the uncleared land seemed very interesting to me. However, when I got interested in knowing more about Botswana's people, I realized there were some elements that I had missed. After sending my son to an island that I knew nothing about, the son returned with a report that he liked the people of Figi island. The report from my son made me want to research a new country.

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After visiting Botswana, I realized that the people who live in the country are very welcoming. The country is attractive as it has so many elephants, which are mean good luck in my culture. My study of the country also is rich in natural resources like gold. However, I realized that the people in Botswana suffer from disease infection because they live a natural way.

The diseases that trouble the people the most are Tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), and acquired Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Stroke. My research found out that HIV, TB, and Stroke cause the death of many people in Botswana. The people of the country suffer from diseases and rarely live a happy life.

My research revealed that the reason HIV/AIDS is a significant threat in Botswana is people's failure to use protection while doing sex. Botswana people also lack education about disease control, which makes the spread of the virus very high. I also realized that HIV is a threat to Botswana people because of poverty; the majority of people in the country cannot afford healthcare. My research revealed that many people in the country live with aids.

I found out that people's lives can get better if we help people fight diseases. The country's economy can improve fast as there are many natural resources like fertile land, natural forests, and wildlife. To help the country in fighting HIV/AIDS, we need to educate them on ways of preventing the spread of the disease. We can also help the country to fight the virus by helping them acquire testing facilities. We can also help the people to acquire contraceptives as well as make them understand the reason for doing protected sex.

The reason why tuberculosis is a threat to Botswana is that the disease is very contagious. People who take care of their sick relatives fear contracting the disease (Akpalu et al., 2015). I concluded that stress from taking care of the people with TB makes some people suffer from Stroke. I realized that the country needs to get help to construct healthcare centers to treat these diseases. I recommend the aid of the country with antiviral medications as well as guidance services.

The people of Botswana also suffer from other diseases like diabetes-mellitus and hypertension. These diseases come because of obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, and the idle life in which they live. In my research, I discovered that those practices were standard in Africa.

To make the people of the country live a better life, I recommend that we help them treat the disease and teach them. The people of Botswana need to get an education on how to improve their health care to take care of their sick ones. If we can help people deal with HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Stroke, we will make deaths in Botswana to reduce.

The good thing with the people of Botswana is that they are accommodating and therefore teaching them will not be difficult. I also learned that Botswana's government is very willing to get help on how to improve health in the country. Life in Botswana can be gratifying if they can be able to deal with chronic diseases.


Akpalu, et al. (2015). Phenotyping stroke in sub-Saharan Africa: stroke investigative research and education network (SIREN) phenomic protocol. Neuroepidemiology, 45(2), 73-82.

Hillbom, E., & Bolt, J. (2018). Botswana–A Modern Economic History: An African Diamond in the Rough. Springer.

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