Free Essay Sample: Human Resource Issues.

Published: 2023-08-30
Free Essay Sample: Human Resource Issues.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Organizational behavior Community health Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read

It is important to note that the organization has the potential of experiencing several human resources challenges based on the impending issues affecting the health care facility. Some of the human resources issues include:

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Staff Shortages

Staff shortage is a significant issue experienced by the health care facility. Nurses are coerced to work overtime, leading to burnout and thus minimizes their level of quality desired for patient care. For instance, Nurse Albert observes that Nurse Cusack seems tired and would not want the latter to take care of Mr Lawrence due to her attitude issues, excessive break times, and being written up for tardiness. Nonetheless, he is left with no choice but to hand over the mandate to Nurse Cusack despite the limitations due to the several temporary staffing agencies working that evening. The healthcare organization needs to formulate a strategy to recruit new employees to create options to deal with an emergency such as the Mr Lawrence situation (Park et al., 2015). The availability of options would have given a chance to Nurse Albert to choose a nurse that would entail utmost care to the patient due to his critical condition.

Turn Over Rates

The healthcare facility may, in future experience an increase in turnover rates. Excellent and reliable health care workers will leave an organization they are dissatisfied or unhappy to continues with their services. For instance, it would be challenging for the health care facility to retain the services of excellent staff employees such as Nurse Albert if such negligence observed on Nurse Cusack are not addressed as per the requirements. Reliable employees would seize up for a new opportunity when it presents itself (Seichter, 2018). Therefore, it is essential for the health care organization to employees that are up to the task so that excellent and reliable staff members are comfortable with the colleagues that they have to work with. The reason is that healthcare constitutes an interdisciplinary team that has to work collaboratively to ensure patient safety awellbeinging.

Employee Burnout

Nurses, like any other given profession, have to work for a desired amount of time. Nurses, in particular, need to work at least 12 hours in 24 hours (Seichter, 2018). An increase in the number of hours to the nurses may lead to burnout and thus may jeopardize the quality entailed to patients. Healthcare is presently experiencing shortages of staff, which means that the nurses have to work additional hours to manage the expected demands given by the organization (Seichter, 2018). Therefore, the health care facility must recruit additional staff workers that would work in shifts to allow day or night shift employees to have a rest time that would enable them to operate effectively while on duty.

Training and Development

Training and development are an essential aspect of a health care facility. It helps nurses enhance their skills and knowledge on how to deal with patients. For instance, both Nurse Cusack and Minor employment files reveal weaknesses that they possessed while they were recruited into the facility. Some of these challenges could be have been addressed in advance, had the nurses being put into training to sharpen their skill and enhance their knowledge (Iliasova, 2017). In that perspective, it is significant that the nurses are exposed to evidence-based practices. Evidence-based practices that will equip and enlighten interdisciplinary team members such as nurses and physicians with the knowledge to deal with patients such as Mr Lawrence who is in a critical health situation.

Recording Compliance

As observed in Nurse Cusack case, she fabricated a set of vitals and ICP readings that had missed. She deliberately did it because she was aware that no one observed her actions, and it was challenging for the organization to replay her actions as part of investigative criteria to understand the root cause of a challenge. In that perspective, the health care facility must invest in surveillance cameras that would help the organization understand what happened based on the information recorded by the cameras.

Actions That Need to Be Taken to Both Nurse Cusack and Minor.

Nonetheless, specific measures need to be taken against the employment of Nurse Cusack and Nurse Minor. In the case of the former, she needs to be suspended as investigations into the issue initiate. Additionally, she needs to be taken to a rehabilitation centre that would help her manage her morphine addiction problem. Such rehabilitative actions would help her manage her nursing duties, given that she has never been caught in any in-disciplinary actions apart from excessive time used in her breaks. Although Nurse Minor needs to be suspended as well based on her unremarkable employment file, she must be trained to improve on her skills given that her license is in good standing. Nurse Minor has an excellent reputation for watching patients more closely but lack the ethics required by a nurse. The reason is that she knew that Nurse Cusack was a drug addict, and she would occasionally use patients' drug to satisfy her demands. Nurse Minor must be exposed to evidence-based practices that would provide her with the skills and knowledge that patients safety awellbeinging is paramount and should report actions that seem to jeopardize patienwellbeinging.


Iliasova, Y. (2017). Professional Training of Junior Medical Staff: European Experience. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 7(4), 120-125.

Park, S., Blegen, M., Spetz, J., Chapman, S., & De Groot, H. (2015). Comparison of Nurse Staffing Measurements in Staffing-Outcomes Research. Medical Care, 53(1), e1-e8.

Seichter, N. (2018). Strengths-based Stress and Burnout Prevention for Nurse Leaders. Nurse Leader, 16(4), 249-252.

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