Free Essay on the Impact of National Culture on HRM Practices

Published: 2019-06-12
Free Essay on the Impact of National Culture on HRM Practices
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Culture Human resources India
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1208 words
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Identify three national institutions in India

The three national institutions selected for research in this paper include: The Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research; the Indian Institute of Information technology and Management, Gwalior; and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology. These institutions are of educational importance to India. However, the HRM practices within the institutions provide insight into the research topic.

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Articulate how national culture, national institutions, ethics, and values may impact its HRM practices.

The national culture, national institutions, ethics, and values of a country may impact its HRM practices. India is no exception. The countries national culture that articulates Indias family structure, festivals, cuisine, language, popular media, clothing, and arts define some of the rules and HRM regulations in the country. The ethics of the country are also closely related to the nations culture and thus the different issues that the country may consider when developing the HRM regulations (Akhtar, Azeem, & Mustafa Mir, 2014). The first organizations to adopt such regulations are the national institutions. Therefore, how such institutions implement the HRM regulations also plays a vital role in determining the countrys HRM practices. Such practices include hiring, firing, planning, selection, training, performance evaluation, career management, and rewards systems.

Indias national culture is defined by certain key elements. These are religion, family structure, festivals, greetings, cuisine, clothing, language, arts, and popular media. The main religions in India are Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism (Akhtar, Azeem, & Mustafa Mir, 2014). These religions influence HRM practices in that the managements will allow their employees to practice religious events and festivals at the work place. The work culture is also permissive of religious practices that are associated with the said religions. The family structure is such that the marriages are arranged (Akhtar, Azeem, & Mustafa Mir, 2014). Therefore, the HRM practices are such that the family structure bears much importance. The employees mostly know each other, sort of arranged employment.

The national institutions selected for these paper focus on the education sector of the country. Despite the presence of the topmost educated individuals within these institutions, the ethics and thus the culture of the country is seen to play a vital role in the HRM practices within them. The hiring and firing practices of these institutions are highly plagued with cronyism and nepotism (Akhtar, Azeem, & Mustafa Mir, 2014). The national ethics that one should not leave their family and friends behind while making progress in life makes it even the more difficult for many organizations to implement stringent HRM practices. The result of hiring such individuals is the reduction of the productivity of many organizations. Such negative cultural backgrounds have negatively influenced HRM practices in India for a very long time. This is because changing a countrys culture can take a very long time. Despite this fact that such cultures have no positive benefits.

The HRM is also associated with the planning of organizational culture as well as status enhancement of the organizations in question. However, whenever the individuals in question attempt to implement certain strategies that may improve the organizations standings, the countrys culture has been found to impede development (Akhtar, Azeem, & Mustafa Mir, 2014). For instance, the culture o corruption has stuck out like a sore thumb in the different national institutions around the country. Therefore, when an organization tries to stamp out any form of corruption, they are faced with different forms of opposition. This is despite the fact that corruption reduces the performance of organizations and thus the development of India as a country. Despite the said issues, the national institutions have tried their best in implementing new measures that will curb negative practices. They also support and foster cultures that allow the organizations in question to grow in a positive direction.

Analyze the historical foundation of the selected country.

The historical foundation of India begins in the pre colonial periods. This is the period whereby the countrys current cultures, ethics, and values were fostered. This period has been found to have begun in the years between 1500 and 1750 (Khongreiwot, 2009). This is mainly the period when the Europeans began exploring the region. It was also the period when the Europeans established colonies in India. The first Europeans, in recorded history, to have set foot in India within this period were Vas Co Gama and his team. This was the beginning of the entrance of Europeans into India. The further introduction of European was exhibited with the introduction of the British East India Company. This was one of the original companies in India. The HRM practices in the company reverberate within the country to date.

The British East India Company traded in India after obtaining permission from the Mughal Emperor. However, the company started gaining more influence and thus more business in the country. Despite opposition and several wars with different communities, the company gained a footing in the country. The entrance of this company into India paved way to the colonization of the country (Khongreiwot, 2009). This meant that the people of India would have to change their modus operandi if they were to survive in the new circumstances. The introduction of new laws and regulations into the country made employment a necessity for the countrymen. This was the beginning of the unconventional human resource practices associated with the colonial period. The employment statistics of this period were difficult in comparison to those of individuals serving in modern organizations.

Most of the individuals employed in the period did so to afford the levies and taxes they needed to pay to the colonialist government. The structures that were put in place were such that all men needed to be employed. This has resulted into the modern perception that men are superior to women. This is despite the original Indian culture that the woman provides the dowry to the man. This original culture implies that the woman is superior to the man. However, the entry of the European regulations into the country resulted in the scraping of such ideologies in the employment sector. However, there was growing discontent among the Indian people (Khongreiwot, 2009). This led to the revolution led by Mahatma Gandhi. The revolution resulted in the removal of the British settler in the country. It also resulted in the self rule of the people. This paved way to the modern cultures, ethics and modus operandi within the different national institutions within the country. The original perception by the forefather of India was that the country was going to become better after gaining independence. However, it is seen that the opposite is true when it comes to the HRM practices and organizational cultures in the national institutions in India. The cultures adopted in these institutions have stifled growth and minimized the productivity employees. While it is important to accept that improvements have been made, it is crucial to point out that these improvements are only minimal. Better changes can be effected in changing the effects of negative cultures and ethics.


Khongreiwot, R. (2009). Understanding the Histories of Peoples on the Margins: A Critique of "Northeast India's Durable Disorder". Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 34(4), 437-454.

Akhtar, N., Azeem, S. M., & Mustafa Mir, G. (2014). Impact Of Hrm Practices On Perceived Organizational Performance. International Journal Of Academic Research, 6(5), 23-30. doi:10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-5/B.3.

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