Free Essay Example. Impact of Ethical Leadership in Project Management

Published: 2023-11-15
Free Essay Example. Impact of Ethical Leadership in Project Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Leadership analysis Literature review Business ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 568 words
5 min read

Ethical leadership is a revolving philosophy in the world of modern business management. Ethical leaders command the respect and loyalty of their subordinates, thereby creating a conducive business environment where employees imitate the conduct of their leaders. The same philosophical approach to leadership and management empowers employees to be satisfied at their workplace and trust the management to always run the organization for the greater good of all stakeholders. Good ethical practices also improve the organization’s standing in the eyes of the company’s consumers and customers. With so much positive perception from scholars and concerned business persons, this paper seeks to investigate the impact of ethical leadership in project management.

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Annotated Bibliography

Matloob, M. (2018). Impact of ethical leadership on project success: Mediating role of employee trust and moderating role of ethical orientation. Jinnah Business Review, 6(1), 42-49.

Maha Mahtlood examines ethical leadership in a new twist that strives to relate the type of leadership to the success of company projects. The author evaluates how ethical leadership impacts employees’ morale and trust in the workplace and how managers can moderate ethical decision making. The sample population of the study included 100 participants from Kanji Advisory in Pakistan. This is a project-based group whose main role is to design and develop customized business solutions to its clientele. Matloob (2018) concluded that ethical leadership has an impact on project success. When the top management practices ethical leadership, the project has a higher chance of being completed on time and of desirable quality, as specified in the initial plan. Moreover, the paper acknowledges that ethical leadership boosts the employees’ understanding of the project, thereby helping them identify the desired level of performance necessary for the optimum achievement of project goals and objectives.

Hassan, M. M., Bashir, S., & Abbas, S. M. (2017). The impact of project managers’ personality on project success in NGOs: The mediating role of transformational leadership. Project Management Journal, 48(2), 74-87.

Hassan et al. (2017) investigated the project managers’ personality and how it impacts the achievement of the project goals and objectives. In particular, the authors evaluated the impact of transformational leadership on employees’ general conduct during the ongoing project activities. With data collected from 170 professionals in project management, the authors were able to effectively synthesize the project managers’ personalities and relate the same to the success rate of the projects. This study is important to the ongoing research project as it sheds great insight into understanding leaders and how they react to different work situations.

Latif, K. F., Nazeer, A., Shahzad, F., Ullah, M., Imranullah, M., & Sahibzada, U. F. (2020). Impact of entrepreneurial leadership on project success: mediating role of knowledge management processes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

This article, published in the Leadership and Organization Development Journal, strives to relate project management knowledge to the entrepreneurial spirit. The authors think that entrepreneurial leadership has a positive impact on the outcome of the project. In the same belief, Latif et al. (2020) state that entrepreneurial leadership plays a meditative role in knowledge management to attain the project’s overall goal and objective. Relevance to the proposed research study is the in-depth analysis of the relationship between the knowledge-based-view management process and its relation to the nature of the leaders as entrepreneurs and people of integrity to practice ethical decision-making.

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