Information System Concept

Published: 2018-01-09
Information System Concept
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Security Information systems
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 941 words
8 min read

A Key Concept of Information System

An information system is an interrelated component that collects stores, manipulates and distributes information in addition to the provision of feedback mechanisms. It comprises of hardware, software, database, procedures and the network that ensure its efficiency and effectiveness. Information systems have become a critical component in organizational operations. When properly integrated, it reduces costs and other administrative issues. Over the recent periods, the network security concept has been of primary concern (Bishop, 2003). In our paper, we would analyze more on the underlying issues to have a clear comprehension.

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Origin and History of the Information System Concept

Initial information security efforts identified confidentiality, integrity, and availability as primary security concerns. Mainframes deployed by the military in early periods were connected through ARPANET. The platform allowed easy synchronization of information. However, insecure terminals were available for data centers and the public. The fault allowed easy access and penetration of the systems. Vulnerabilities were taken advantage of for various reasons such as making long phone calls. As time progressed, different institutions noted the issue since their computers became targets from diverse sectors.

With the introduction of the internet, the issue became worse, and the rate of occurrence rose. Hacking, cyber-attacks, malware, spyware, and adware among other vices became the order of the day and presented significant challenges to system users (Stallings, 2007). Constant monitoring of the systems has become mandatory in a bid to prevent attacks and secure the various platforms.

Use of the Information System Concept

Currently, network security has provided a couple of uses regarding ensuring the safety of information systems. Among the major one is the development of policies and practices to deter unauthorized access to the information resources (Kaufman, Perlman & Speciner, 2002). Organizations are at the forefront leading this development. Of significant note is the incorporation of administrators to the systems who control access to the data. Another notable example is enforcing of authentication measures through the use of passwords in other words access control. The practice allows granting of authority before access of information with the sole aim of minimizing unintended intrusions.

The practices with them bring about the safety of the information systems. Vital details are of paramount consideration as their acquisition lead to negative impacts. Therefore, the constant evolution of trends to enhance security are always being implemented and incorporated into their operations.

Attitudes Towards the Information System Concept

On the network security subject, there have been prevailing attitudes. Some of them include the difficulty for users to do their work in a secure way. Users shouldn't be expected to manage complex passwords. Easier ways and alternatives should be provided to make it easier for them to access data and services but on condition security prevails. The other attitude is engaging in best practices to enhance the safety of the information. Networks can be secured, contained and diversion of any attempted compromise on them.

My personal attitude would be documentation of risks and vulnerabilities of the system. It would enhance penetration testers to quickly and in a light way identify loopholes (Stallings, 2006). Security gaps would be handled to ensure smooth operations of the information system. The penetration reports highlight what failure is already known, but don’t turn up greater potential, risks that need urgent attention. The attitudes, also, undermine the need of enforcing security concerns thereby exist a need for change.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Information System Concept

Network security with itself bears some main pros and cons. Among the essential benefits which include protection of data and prevention of cyber-attacks. Security would be critical. Bishop (2003) notes that since the systems mostly rely on the network for communication, hackers, and other malicious individuals are always on the lookout. Therefore, delicate details are always at stake as their loss could adversely affect the organization operations. Hence, need for utmost attention to security details to avoid impacts on the organizational activities.

On the other hand, some of the fundamental disadvantages include the high cost of setting up and high level of skills required. Encryption of messages a method used to enhance effective communication requires advanced skills to develop which is rare. Network detection and intrusion systems themselves are expensive to setup thereby limiting uptake of the technologies. The challenges hence affect the effectiveness of implementing security strategies.

Experts Views on the Future of Network Security

The future of network security solely relies on advanced technology and collaborations. Institutions need to stop relying on prevention mechanisms but rather shift focus to investing in efficient technologies. Cloud computing and data analytics are some of the new trends that would greatly enhance monitoring of security incidents (Stallings, 2007). Visibility of the network would result in the whole organization. Encryption too would play a vital role in protecting sensitive data (Stallings, 2006). Above all, education on information security would highlight the risks and threats posed.

The sentiments receive backing from experts such as Markus Kluge head of information security at Unwire in Denmark. He stresses on the need of education as a way to handle the concerns. Others including Tamar Gamali, group chief information security at National Bank of Kuwait and David Jacoby, senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab. They address the need for change in attitudes and uptake of technology to combat the menace.


Bishop, M. (2003). What is Computer Security? IEEE Security & Privacy, 1(1), 67-69.

Kaufman, C., Perlman, R., & Speciner, M. (2002). Network security: private communication in a public world. Prentice Hall Press.

Stallings, W. (2006). Cryptography and network security: principles and practices. Pearson Education India.

Stallings, W. (2007). Network security essentials: applications and standards. Pearson Education India.

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