National security

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Our National Security Essay Library Is at Your Service

In recent years, national security has turned from a service that keeps the US safe into a dystopian nightmare designed to scare Americans into what is considered good behavior by the government. So it's no wonder the NSA-related issues are so common on college class syllabi across multiple majors. And if it's finally your turn to try your hand at an essay about national security, SpeedyPaper is the place to begin your research.

Our collection of essay samples includes dozens of pieces devoted to everything NSA-related, from hostage negotiations to nuclear abolition and everything in between. And best of all, every free essay on national security is yours to peruse, download, and use as you see fit, no questions asked.

We only have two warnings for you.

One, each sample in our archive is a generous donation by your peer. And with dozens of papers coming in daily, we have no time or resources to proofread and edit them before posting. That means typos and mistakes are to be expected. So keep an eye out for illogical conclusions and choppy transitions, and treat them as your guide on what not to do in your national security essay.

Two, we do not condone plagiarism. That means you shouldn't replace the title page on the paper you download and submit it as your original work. Plagiarism checkers will have no trouble tracing your submission to our website, and your professor won't be pleased. If you're lucky, you'll get off easy with a failed assignment or class. If you're not, expulsion is a very real possibility.

If you use SpeedyPaper samples, be smart about it. Start by choosing a suitable topic for your assignment and follow our advice on how to write an original essay and score the top mark without getting into trouble.

National Security Essay Topics to Consider

The first step to completing your essay on national security is choosing the right topic. It should fit your class syllabus and interests and be relevant and fresh while staying researchable and manageable. It's a balancing act that's challenging to master and which inevitably leads to procrastination and late submissions.

To help you speed up the topic selection process, we've cherry-picked the most sought-after topics and corresponding samples from our database. Check out the essay topics on national security, skim the introductions and conclusions, and you might find an issue that's worthy of becoming the focus of your narrative:

  1. The causes of effects of the UN's failure to uphold international security
  2. The impact of US national security strategy on the sovereignty of other states
  3. The US federal response to weapons of mass destruction proliferation
  4. Finding the balance between personal freedom and national security
  5. Sample answers to common national and international security questions
  6. The impact of drone warfare on national security risks
  7. Balancing the risks and benefits of nuclear weapons abolition
  8. The effect of the US immigration policy on national security
  9. The ethical aspects of the ban on hostage negotiations with terrorists
  10. Analyzing the relationships between different armed forces branches
  11. The laws, rules, and principles governing the use of force under international law

How to Write an Essay on National Security Using Free Samples

With an excellent national security essay topic in your pocket, research should come easy. All it takes is a skim of reference sections at the bottom of sample pages, and you'll get a handful of promising sources to cite. These should be enough to guide further research and help you find additional publications on the subject.

Reverse outlining is your best chance of developing a clear structure for an essay on national security. We recommend focusing on topic sentences scattered throughout the body paragraphs and the most powerful statements within the introduction and conclusion. Write them down and shuffle the major points, substantiating them with your independent research, and you'll have a workable outline in no time.

While our national security essay samples won't help much when proofreading and editing, they can help improve your writing style. If you stumble upon a horrible piece, notice what makes it so bad and pledge not to repeat similar mistakes in your writing. Alternatively, when you find a brilliant essay, break it down into components and identify what makes it so great in your eyes. Steal the best bits for your paper and adopt the writing style quirks you notice, like a witty word choice or a smooth transition between paragraphs.

And if all of the above sounds like too much of a chore, let SpeedyPaper writers work on your essay about national security while you deal with other assignments or catch up on your sleep. Our experts know their way around scholarly resources and how to make the most of each factoid. So whether you give them six hours or two weeks, they'll deliver a top-grade piece on time.


What Is National Security?

National security comprises the defense of the country's population, government, infrastructure, economy, institutions, and values. The initial role of national security focused on protection against military action from other countries. However, defense now implies protection from other national-level threats, including natural disasters, cybercrime, terrorist acts, energy monopolies, etc. Moreover, the national security officials now account for threats posed by international corporations, narcotic cartels, and other organized crime, as well as terrorist organizations and violent non-government parties. National security measures may include diplomacy, economic, political, and military power application, as well as international cooperation to reduce global risks like nuclear proliferation, climate change, or human trafficking.

Who Is the National Security Advisor?

Also known as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Jake Sullivan currently holds this position in the administration of President Joseph Biden. After the presidential election, Sullivan was appointed to this role in January 2021. The duties of the National Security Advisor (NSA) include participation in the meetings of the National Security Council and dealing with internal and external threats. The influence and reach of the NSA depend on the administration and current political climate in the US and the world.

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