Shaping the Enlisted Force - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Shaping the Enlisted Force - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Government Army National security
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1208 words
11 min read


Since the early 1990s, China and Russia have developed sophisticated military equipment that threatens the safety of the United States of America (U.S) (DeVore, 2019). This condition has triggered the U.S to unveil the Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO) initiative that groups the Army, Navy, Air force, and Marine to work as a unit in the quest of ensuring the safety of U.S space, maritime, and cyber assets ("Rand Corporation," n.d.). Spears (2019) recommended early commencement of the enlisted forces if the stakeholders purpose to benefit from the initiative. Military leaders must instill the necessary values and ethos in their respective force members (Spears, 2019). These values and ethos are commonly referred to as "Three Ps" and include professional commitment, global perspective, and Platforms to Excel. This paper expounds on the integration of these values and ethos in reorienting the enlisted service members towards the success of JADO initiatives.

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Professional Commitment

Prewitt (2020) described the professional military commitment as the allegiance to the norms of the military group. These norms revolve around a character, independent research and analysis, and holistic fitness.


Stakeholders should train team members on how to differentiate between the ethically wrong and right behavior, and the operation levels of the assemblage (Prewitt, 2020). This training is possible through a framework that describes the tactical and operational levels of the war (Spears, 2019). The military command base must couch the forces to understand the doctrines, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities necessary to attain the particular objectives.

Independent Research and Analysis

The JADO service will involve handling a vast amount of data that requires stakeholders to drive the adaptability of the team members to their respective data (Prewitt, 2020). For instance, team leaders can familiarise their juniors on how to identify the operations routes of the opponents and share the information with the other groups of the JADO team. The leaders should trigger independent research abilities among the individual members as this makes the members establish the expected performance levels among the groups. Training encourages innovative ideas that promote the service of the joint forces (Spears, 2019). Innovations that reveal information regarding the speed, frequency range, and modification options of enemy equipment to the respective departments help to counter the opponent collaboratively.

Holistic Fitness

Considering the nature of the military career, service members need to remain holistically fit throughout their service period (Prewitt, 2020). Stakeholders should execute regular physical exercises among the troops. Apart from routine land training, the Army should occasionally participate in Naval and Cyber training. Spears (2019) recommended that all the troops need to possess at least the allowable minimum understanding of the operations of every department of the JADO. Furthermore, the leaders must also undertake regular observation of the mental conditions of the service members and engage urgent correction measures where necessary. The need for a culture of unity and cohesion calls for the use of group celebrations during birthdays and graduations. These activities integrate team-building exercises into unit activities (Prewitt, 2020).


Every member of the JADO service has a right to make suggestions if he or she feel that they will improve the performance of the domains (Prewitt, 2020). It is, therefore, necessary to instill a global perspective that links the service members to policy documents of U.S national defense, the intents of their commanders, and the individual training objectives.

The Strategic Environment

It is essential for every unit of the joint force to know and understand the adversaries to the United States, including China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran (Spears, 2019). The stakeholders should organize regular seminars through which leaders add information about the updated state of the enemy nations. The leaders inform each other about leaders of the groups in the rival country, their capabilities and deficiencies, and how they plan to employ those capabilities in warfare (Spears, 2019). This knowledge gives the JADO troops a foundation upon which they can collaboratively defeat a common enemy. For instance, if the U.S. navy commander knows the commander in the Chinese Army, he or she will be in a good position of countering.

National Defense Policy Documents

JADO initiative team leaders must ensure that every team member in the domains is familiar with these policies. The leaders must adequately equip the soldiers with a professional perspective of the National Security Strategy, National Military Strategy, National Defense Strategy, capstone service documents, or strategic theatre plans after every release (Prewitt, 2020). For effective attainment of JADO objectives, every service member should know who produces those policies, what strategies they entail, and where to find the documents. Having a deep understanding of these policies guides the JADO groups on how to work for the common goal of protecting the U.S collaboratively.

Unit of Command

The use of a single unit of command for the entire JADO group will enhance its operation. Prewitt (2020) advised that all the enlisted forces equip themselves with the plan of their unit of command. Members must understand the commander's mission and vision, priorities, and training guidance. The employment of field artillery officers would help in solving bureaucratic stovepipes and technical language barriers (Spears, 2019). The leaders of the forces should appoint one of them to act as the supreme commander. Having one supreme leader streamlines the chain of command and prevents conflict of control that would arise from different leaders.

Physical Culture

Team leaders should integrate positive group dynamics like a respective and diverse work environment ("Rand Corporation," n.d.). The leaders should train the members towards collective intelligence, orienting the different groups on how to maintain both effective organizations at their specific teams and collaborate with other forces through the online platform's channels. This initiative makes everyone part of the solution. Furthermore, installing technical proficiency and skills among the team members through adaptive and authentic leadership would help to sustain the technological success of the JADO (Prewitt, 2020).

Digital Culture

The stakeholder should train JADO teams on the use of the virtual and all-domain mechanism. This system can be mobile applications that connect and complement the work of the entire group. The apps facilitate communication about training calendars, local events, or commander's priorities. Since space and cyber assets are mostly real-world resources, JADO troops should train through virtual simulations (Prewitt, 2020). Furthermore, there should be an online network where leaders can easily reserve ammunition, equipment, and ranges.


The success of the USA military JADO initiative depends on the proper integration of the three Ps in the training of soldiers. Since JADO focuses on the collaborative protection of the U.S air, land, maritime, space, and cyberspaces, training the forces in the respective domains will enhance their efforts. The "three Ps" provide a proper guideline upon which trainers can reorient the soldiers towards the collaborative protection of the U.S.


DeVore, M. R. (2019). Armaments after autonomy: Military Adaptation and the Drive for Domestic Defense Industries. Journal of Strategic Studies, 1-35.

Prewitt, D. A. (2020, May 8). Shaping the Enlisted Force for the Joint All-Domain Task Force. Army University Press.

Rand Corporation. (n.d.). The Role of Multi-Domain Operations.

Spears, W. (2019, May 21). Sailor's Take on Multi-Domain Operations. War on Rocks.

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