Essay Example with Internship Cover Letter

Published: 2017-12-26
Essay Example with Internship Cover Letter
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Finance Cover letter Internship
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1079 words
9 min read

Cover letter for internship


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The Human Resource

Ms. Anne Fraser

Lockheed Martin Corporation

2859 Paces Ferry Rd SE

Atlanta GA, 30339

Dear Ms. Fraser,

I am at this moment expressing my interest in the position of non-Tech Intern in your company after reading about it at jobs and recruitment website. I am a United States citizen aged 19, undertaking an undergraduate course in Economics and Finance at Georgetown University. I am in my second year of the course and would like to add more work experience on to my class knowledge. I have deep interests in a further career in financial planning and control in advanced years of my profession. As a result of this insight, I have projected a possible need for the acquisition of valuable exposure and experience in this field. My position as an aspiring leader in the field of economics and finance has helped me acknowledge and appreciate your institution’s approach towards the establishment and continuity of transformational leadership in technology and innovation.

Your career program that contributes towards the nurturing and development of young individuals within the Atlanta region is also outstanding and impressive and has become a motivating factor for most of the young people in the colleges looking for a solid foundation on which they can build their careers. The equitable distribution of your vacancies in various areas in the city is very inspirational and a real show of transparency and integrity to the society. This has cast your company in good light with every young individual with aspirations of integrity and equality. My exposure to the field of program finance and analysis will be important for my success in the internship program come summer.

Sample cover letter for internship

My ability to work with various analytical databases and Microsoft suite promises to be an important asset in the financial operation of your business having done the same under two separate summer internships. I have experience in the use of Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint. From my class course, I have obtained important knowledge in the disciplines of finance, accounting, supply chain and operations management together with the use of SAP software in financial analysis and business operation. Also outside the class, I have worked for a software company in the role of assistant program coordinator. In this role I acquired skills in;

Planning and implementation of programs;

Budget preparation and administration;

Networking within and out of the organization;

Customer service provision and

Report preparation and review on finances.

The internship took a rather rotational one that had a focus in various departments of the organization. This implicated the gain of general and diverse principles and knowledge within the field of finance and economics. This experience is vital in the development of my career and therefore I am eager to apply these skills learned in class and my experience in the field in your company. I believe that this internship will help me expand my knowledge in this field and help improve processes within the organization.

Internship cover letter sample

In my institution of learning I have acquired experience in leadership through participation in various programs and societies activities. I am the current student representative to our school faculty. I have represented the students in various economic seminars and for a within and outside the institution. I have also held several positions in the school’s Economics and Finance Society. Also, I have been engaged in various youth programs aimed at giving back to the community within the state. Within these roles I have gained relevant and important skills in leadership and management of people and resources. These skills will be important in my success and the general conduct in carrying out activities within the purpose of the organization.

I also possess great interpersonal skills vital to the cooperation with colleagues at work; and the motivation to set personal goals and achieve them within the required time frame. I am a critical thinker, a creative and innovative individual. I am capable of handling diversity and responding appropriately to various circumstances encountered at work. I also enjoy working in a collaborative environment and in contact with the target groups and would revel in such a position within the purpose and requirements of your organization.

Internship cover letter sample for college students

In my previous position as a finance analyst intern at the Momentum Investment in Georgia last summer, I used several databases in the analysis of operational data to obtain the cost of operation through standard costs. The program was quite useful as it exposed me to various work aspects of the knowledge acquired in class and made me more acquainted to the work environment. The program involved:

The analysis of the real results of the company and comparing them to the past and forecast achievements and financial goals;

Guiding of the cost analysis of the organization’s finances;

Monitoring of variances within the financial parameters of the organization;

Identification of trends in financial achievements within the organization and within the market;

Making appropriate recommendations to the management on financial planning and control;

Maintenance of databases through making financial data entries,

Verifying and backing up of financial data within the organization;

Establishment of automatic techniques for accounting applications and other financial functions;

Attending workshops and reviewing company publications to maintain technical knowledge of the organization on financial issues.

I am therefore confident that I will be able to apply the exposure gained in my various areas of interest to help me achieve success in my internship and the operations of your institution. The leadership skills gained will also be in alignment with and be beneficial to the operational and management needs of the organization.

Please find attachments of my resume with comprehensive coverage of my personal details and achievements. Do not hesitate to contact me in the event of any inquiries on my references and the submission of other relevant documents and testimonials. I look forward to discussing my experiences in more details with you in the future. I appreciate your consideration and time.



Cited Works

"College Student Non-Tech (Intern)". Search.Lockheedmartinjobs.Com, 2016,

Center, Cawley. "Formatting Your Cover Letter". Careercenter.Georgetown.Edu, 2016,

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Essay Example with Internship Cover Letter. (2017, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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