Justice System's Inadequacy in Punishing Crime - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-11
Justice System's Inadequacy in Punishing Crime - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law Justice
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1700 words
15 min read


To come up with a just way of punishing crime, we track back the events where there was a similar case and thus draw sound conclusions from the past. This means that there has been a setback, or else the justice systems are cocooned in the ancient ways of serving justice. Points to ask are whether there have been reduced crime rates on account that capital punishment is served (Canter & Youngs, 2016). The unfortunate truth is that there has not been any trace of having the crimes reduced because there are death sentences. Again, I believe crime committed by a mature person and a similar crime committed by a child have the same magnitude. The effects are the same as the affiliated people. There are juvenile courts appointed and should be the ones serving justice to the minors who are accused of perpetrating a crime. The unfortunate is that some juvenile cases are ruled in adult courts.

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Through extensive research, there was a comprehensive understanding of the sources of low crimes and why perpetrators punished and how they are served justice. Small crimes include; simple assault, trespassing, disorderly conduct, and shoplifting, among others. Some sources of crime come from social status, especially low-income earners. For instance, low-level offenses such as shoplifting would undoubtedly be done by local boys who have no income and want to fit in a given social group, and it is again more rampant with the parents who have little or nothing to give to their kids (Canter & Youngs, 2016). Disorderly misconducts crimes are more associated with the use of drugs and substances. Trespassing is yet another crime that the men in Uniform have had to deal with it. The unfortunate is that most of the offenders are not interested in making advanced crimes, but it could only mean being found at the wrong place and time by the accuser. Simple assaults have been associated with quarrels withing the local individuals, and some of the issues are meant to be solved by the local leaders.

The other opportunity for a comprehensive understanding was to establish whether there were fair trial and execution of a purported crime. In the judicial systems, evidence beyond reasonable doubt leads to incarceration. Lawyers argue points and emerge as victors despite knowing the defendant was the actual perpetrator of the crime. Things become even harder if the complainant cannot find a ground to defend themselves (Canter & Youngs, 2016). Many people serve jail terms that are not also worth the crime they committed. It has been seen in several states that minor crimes are magnified to be considered significant, and the perpetrators serve jail terms not equivalent to the offenses. Another point of concern was understanding how criminals are charged and learn criminal studies and the rule of law. The model and approach that the court takes to serve justice want at times. There are innocent people in custody who could not explain their presence at the crime scene when the crime took place.

Opportunity Definition

Criminal opportunity theory has it that the crime perpetrator is overwhelmed by rational thoughts, and they end up committing a crime they never planned (Canter & Youngs, 2016). Most of the criminal acts are the low-level crimes such as shoplifting, minor assaults and disorderly conduct are very invokable in that one could not have planned to be undisciplined.

There has to be an opportunity presented for a crime to prevail. But it is not a necessity that there has to be a crime in response to opportunity. Just like it is similar, a purposed offender is required for the subjection of the crime but not enough (Canter & Youngs, 2016). A significant part of the opportunity crime theory subjects its attention to how variations in lifestyle or daily activities influence the activities of crime either negatively or positively. Activities developed routinely are responsible for creating a good ground for crime in terms of space and time. The three elements for a crime to take place include a purposed offender, an ideal target, and the absence of a person to guard the target product. Minus the opportunity to commit the crime and try to hide, means it is not the ideal time to execute the plan (Canter & Youngs, 2016). Choices within the life of a person, especially regarding a target entity, may come up with crime opportunities for the curtail crime chance for the purposed crime perpetrator. The rational aspect of the assessment tries to understand the thoughts of the offender. This approach is interested in the thinking processes of the perpetrators how they assess criminal opportunities. Again, why they are equipped in thinking it is appropriate to take a particular course of action and not the other and why they were inclined to obtaining the products in a criminal way other than using a legal channel. The approach intervenes to explain why there are no displacements and different ways to break down the chances of crime.

A List of Possible Recommendation Alternatives

  • Crime is a societal issue, and It takes place in a social setting; it affects society and should be addressed from a societal level.
  • The justice system is meant to serve the public. The organization should subject to the constitution and the set rules.
  • Criminal offenses should not always end up in lawsuits because there are dialogues that can traverse, especially when the crime is impulsive.
  • Men in Uniforms can have a good rapport with the residents of the areas they have set surveillance and are appointed to cater for.
  • Lastly, crimes are avoidable, for instance, being vigilant to personal possessions and making sure there are no opportunities for a crime perpetrator to execute their plans.

Delineation of the Recommended Actions

Humans are social beings, and, in their existence, they live in a society where there are interactions; thus, conflicts are inevitable. My suggestion would be curbing the criminal growth from their grassroots. It is clear that significant amounts of crime are associated with poverty, low-self-esteem, parental neglect, alcohol, and drug abuse are some of the factors that promote criminal activities in society (Canter & Youngs, 2016). Some people are brought up by parents who are criminals and thus being in such an environment all their life (though not necessarily all children will blend into such trends). The administrative forces can address such factors through the provision of job opportunities. Counselors can help people solve their self-esteem issues, offer support to parents who wish to neglect their children through counselors, or even come up with children's homes that can be financed and facilitated by the government. I would suggest coming up with this recommendation because they address the root cause of the problems.

The justice system is designed to serve the public. It becomes unfortunate that few seek help, and they are denied or delayed. Whenever the justice system does not serve the public equally, I believe there will always be conflicts because some will feel inferior. In contrast, the few who are considered superior will feel obligated to do what they wish to do. The sad part of this issue is that the people who think they are not served right are likely to retaliate, and hence crime could be evident. I suggest this recommendation because people will not always be blind, and whenever they feel there is favoritism, there is a development of hatred within the society.

Living in a society, people will not always be immune from brushing shoulders with each other. And if there is unfavorable contact where one person feels offended, the issue does not have to end up in lawsuits (Canter & Youngs, 2016). Dialogue plays a substantial role in human existence. After a conflict resolution, the people in the society interact friendlily and hence a cohesive coexistence which is healthier than ending up in law courts incurring valuable things such as freedom in case of incarceration, or one will have to part with their possessions for the example of bail (Canter & Youngs, 2016).

Men in uniforms are not always friendly to everyone. Thus, it is a noble calling for them to create a good rapport with the residents of the areas they lead so that they can be comfortable working with the citizens to cripple criminal activities in residence. Finally, security begins with oneself, and this can be demonstrated by keeping every possession intact and under surveillance to shallow all the opportunities that a crime perpetrator could be having in mind.

There are many metrics that I could come up with to show the success of the investigative report. Using the SMART approach where all the letters represent Specific, Measurable, Actual, Realistic, Timely, respectively (Zwikael et al., 2018).

Specific goals mean I was sure of whatever I wanted to know at the end of the project: sources of low-level crimes, appropriate sentences for the crime perpetrators, and how criminals are charged.

Measurable objectives were to come up with quantifiable milestones. I believe I did a commendable job since I was able to understand what crime studies entailed. I was in a position to analyze and come up with recommendations that suited both the administrative and the citizens hence having a cohesive existence (Meredith et al., 2017).

Actual goals emerge from conception in the mind and planning on how to actualize them. In this case, there was a clear understanding of what was to be delivered, and it came to pass.

Realistic goals prompt one to ask whether the directions that one pursues will ultimately yield the desired answers (Zwikael et al., 2018). For this project, they truly helped me understand; if capital punishment is a deterrent to crime

Timely; means that the project started in a good time and ended as presumed. When plans are derailed or halted, they call for extra expenditure, which would translate to losses in time and other resources.


Canter, D., & Youngs, D. (2016). Crime and society.

Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2017). Project Management: A Strategic Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Zwikael, O., Chih, Y. Y., & Meredith, J. R. (2018). Project benefit management: Setting effective target benefits. International Journal of Project Management, 36(4), 650-658.

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