Paper Example. Leading Lean Enterprises Through Change

Published: 2023-09-19
Paper Example. Leading Lean Enterprises Through Change
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Company Advertising Leadership style Human services Essays by pagecount
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1356 words
12 min read

Non-standardized processes can exist among multinationals due to cultural differences and variations among countries. Among the non-standardized process within the McDonald's Company includes its marketing and advertisement strategies and diverse menus. Instead of developing different adverts for each state in which it operates, the MacDonald Company can formulate standardized adverts. This word analysis discusses MacDonald's non-standardized processes, explains why the methods should or should not be standardized, and elaborates on challenges the company can face in implementing lean improvement. Additionally, recommended stratagems to minimize resistance to change, and the role of managers in facilitating change within an organization will be outlined.

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Macdonald's Non-Standardized Processes

Among the non-standardized processes within the McDonald's Company include its marketing and advertisement strategy. In the USA, McDonald's spends the largest share of its annual budget on product trial, innovation, and advertisement (Morgan et al., 2019). McDonald's ad in the US is mostly focused on children within the country. In the US, the company produces more than 250 advertisements each year. In Japan, McDonald's spends less on advertisement than it does in the USA. The company's Japanese adverts are focused on both children and adults. MacDonald's adverts in Japan are also unique from the company's adverts in America. The company's Japanese adverts have additional features that are exceptional to the local traditions and culture.

The variation of products and services offered by McDonald's in the different countries it operates also forms part of its non-standardized processes. The company has adapted its business and menu plans to carter to the diverse cultures in different countries it works. MacDonald's menu in the USA is different from that of Japan. For example, in the USA, the company offers MCRibs for a certain period, whereas in Japan, it adds the Teri Tama Burger to its menu during spring (Morgan et al., 2019). Another unique product on the Japanese autumn menu is the Tsukimi Burger. In Germany, McDonald's burgers are usually combined with beef and Nurnberger sausages. Additionally, since Germans love beer, McDonald's restaurants in Germany also provide beer.

Why Each Non-Standardized Process Should be Standardized or not Standardized

McDonald's Company should standardize its global marketing and advertisement strategies. Standardization of marketing and advertisement by MacDonald's company can help the firm reduce its overhead cost. Instead of developing different ads for each country where it operates, the company can formulate standardized adverts that can be used across all of these countries. The adverts should not be specific regarding the culture of consumers but should address the general details of its product that is similar among the different countries it operates. The adverts can then be translated into various languages as per the countries in which it operate. Standardization of marketing strategy can enable a firm to reduce its advertisement liability significantly and be more secure. McDonald's should, therefore, standardize its marketing and advertisement strategies.

Concerning its products and services, it is difficult for McDonald's to standardize its menu across all the countries it operates. Culture has a significant influence on the type of food people consume. MacDonald operates in many countries, where culture and kind of food people consume vary (Morgan et al., 2019). For example, the Germans are known for their love of beer, which explains why MacDonald's restaurants in the country also serve beer. It can be challenging for MacDonald to standardize its German and Japanese food joints menu, as the Japanese are not that much into a beer like the Germans. In Muslim-dominated countries like Indonesia, it can be difficult for MacDonald's to standardize its menu to include pork as it is rarely consumed in the country. Such cultural barriers and variations in taste among countries can make it hard for MacDonald to standardize its product and services.

Challenges in Implementing Lean Improvements

Cultural issues are one of the primary challenges that MacDonald's company can face while going lean. It can be challenging for MacDonald Company to standardize its menu in all the countries it operates since people from each country have its own culture and unique food. Moreover, going lean means that a smaller number of the company's employees will be assigned a broader scope of duties and that leads can lead to violation of formal job provisions (Pearce et al., 2018). Lean entails a meaningful and strict commitment to reducing waste, and that can alter employers' familiarity concerning the work process. The technological challenge can also be experienced by MacDonald Company when adopting lean manufacturing. The lean method can necessitate a significant investment in technology that can include novel production units and statistical evaluation software for checking quality enhancement along the production line.

Recommend Strategies to Reduce Resistance to Change

One approach of minimizing resistance to change in an organization is through the involvement of workers. Managers can involve employees in planning and implementing the required changes by asking for their opinions and suggestions (Schweiger et al. 2018). When workers are engaged in the change process and comprehend the rationale for such alterations, they tend to offer less resistance. Forever, when employees are made part of the change implementation process, their nous of ownership can make them even more stalwart supporters. Managers can also engage workers more through questions; better engagements can cause workers to appreciate the changes and offer less resistance.

Another way of reducing resistance to change within an organization is through the timely announcement and implementation of alterations. Managers should always announce an imminent change as fast as possible to avoid the spreading of rumors. Many managers experience challenges in announcing changes that affect employees negatively; such alterations should be executed with proper timing and care to prevent negative reception from workers. Managers should also examine employees' reactions towards a change. Instead of forcing workers' changes, managers should try and identify signs of resistance from workers toward the novel change. Moreover, Management should issue employees with time and support to become aware of the novel change.

How Management Can Help Organizations Facilitate Change

Management can help business organizations facilitate change by providing employees access to means and resources that enable change. The needed supplies can be in terms of finance, skills, or time. Managers have control over resources within an organization, and if they are to implement change, they should provide those resources to workers. Management should equip workers with the necessary skills and give them enough time to perfect the aptitudes before fully effecting changes. Additionally, Management should provide all the essential information regarding employees' changes and elaborate to them clearly before enacting them.

Managers should also issue a framework for action to the employees regarding the changes to be made. If Management is to introduce changes that affect even the workers, then they need to be informed on how they are going to develop the changes as a team (Schweiger et al. 2018). Managers should inform workers on how they should propose ideas to one another and if voting were necessary to implement the changes. Additionally, the Management needs to elaborate to the workers how resources will be distributed during the implementation of the required changes. Management can also provide workers with a process for change, which introduces them to a novel way of conducting things.


Due to variations in culture across the globe, multinationals such as MacDonald employ non-standardized marketing and advertisement strategies. In the US, McDonald's advertisement focuses on children, while in Japan, its adverts are centered on children and adults. However, MacDonald Company can adopt a standardized marketing and advertisement strategy to reduce its overhead cost. Resistance to change in an organization can be minimized through the involvement of workers in the change process. Ultimately, Management can aid business organizations in facilitating change by providing employees access to means and resources that enable change.


Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 4-29.

Pearce, A., Pons, D., & Neitzert, T. (2018). Implementing lean—Outcomes from SME case studies. Operations Research Perspectives, 5, 94-104.

Schweiger, S., Stouten, H., & Bleijenbergh, I. L. (2018). A system dynamics model of resistance to organizational change: the role of participatory strategies. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 35(6), 658-674.

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