Mass Media and Communication Research Paper

Published: 2023-12-26
Mass Media and Communication Research Paper
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Communication Entertainment Media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1326 words
12 min read


In recent ages, communication has evolved from the physical passing of information into a new medium, the internet. The evolution of the internet has revolutionized how people carry out advertisements. Businesses have now been able to reach larger audiences through the use of the internet. Internet marketing is a form of marketing that has recently gained popularity. It involves the use of the internet by organizations to pass promotional marketing messages to their consumers. Psychographics in marketing and communication can be understood as the analysis done by service providers to assess consumers' lifestyle. Results from this analysis are used to create a detailed profile on the opinion statements and the consumer's interests. Demographics can be understood as studying a population with respect to factors such as sex, race, and age. These factors are important in online marketing since segmentation is important in reaching the target audience (Report." Nielsen Global Connect par.3). Companies tend to use a combination of psychographics and demographics to reach groups of people that they presume are the target of their products. Google and Facebook classify people's information regarding what they spend most of their time in, and in this, they share the aggregates to advertisers. This information can be found on the ad's preference of a person on their Google or Facebook page. This paper seeks to understand the unique understanding of companies' use to break through the advertising clutter to reach the final consumer.

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As a member of Generation Z, which consists of people from the late 90s to 2015, I am have been connected to the internet world for a long time. Like my fellows, I have grown up in a hyper-connected world, and I love having my Smartphone to browse around the internet (Kasasa. "Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Explained." Par.30). However, I spend 5-6 hours a day on my phone instead of the known average of 3hours.

Characteristics Associated with This Groups

The members of Generation Z have been exposed to the internet world for around 20 years since around that period; there was a growth in social media and the internet. The exposure of the group to the internet has labeled them enlightened on the matters around the world. The group contains people who are more aware of their surroundings on technology (Kasasa. "Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Explained." Par.32). There is a difference between the youngest and the oldest in this generation. However, there tend to be general similarities in life experience, behavior, and mindset upon closer scrutiny.

Furthermore, these generations tend to have a reduced attention span that the researcher has likened to that of a goldfish. Most of their time is spent on social media sites. They are among the largest consumers of content that have been categorized to target them (Kasasa. "Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Explained." Par.36). They tend to spend a limited amount of energy and time to assess whether something they are interested in is worth their time.

Characteristics and Media Preferences Shared

Generation Z tends to be focused on online banking, and many of them have not been to a bank branch in a while. I, too, believe that the future of banking is tied to online apps. I only go to the branch when it is inevitable. However, I know that there are various means of scamming online where people online can defraud me of my hard-earned money. I tend only to do transactions or enter my credit card number only when I trust the sites. As opposed to the idea that people of my group are quick to spend without necessarily knowing whether it is worth their time, I am very particular about how I spend (Psychographic Segmentation: Analyzing Your Audience." Par.14). I tend to analyze the impact that something has, check out a few reviews to ascertain that the products are legit.

Most of the time spent by the stereotypical member of generation Z online is on social media, looking at funny videos and sharing moment s of their lives. However, I am different since I tend to spend my time online researching various school matters and keeping in touch with my peers through various social sites. YouTube and Facebook are the popular sites among members of the generation since they keep people entertained with content from users worldwide through their streams (Kasasa. "Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Explained." Par.36). I am mostly interested in educative content, which is useful in the expansion of knowledge. Besides, I also follow pages that sell shoes and clothes. Educative content is always available through podcasts of informative blogposts. Although podcasts and educative blogs are not popular, I tend always to follow what I presume to be the best alternative for me. For this reason, I can be classified as a unique consumer of content.

Mass Media Outlets to Be Used

The best mass media outlet that I may use to reach me is the internet. In recent ages, there has been a revolution of information passing. Every organization is now looking for its clients through the internet (Ray et al., 6). Being an addict of the internet, I will teach myself through online podcasts and informative blogs on various matters. I love reading news on the latest developments in the world of science and communication. That means that to narrow down to me, I will view blogs that have such news. To beat the cluster of advertisements, the message should be short and precise, highlighting the services or goods they are offering. My concentration span tends to be a bit reduced. Hence, if the ad's information is not short and precise, it will not successfully get to me, for I will avoid it. I would.

How Companies I Purchase from Can Use My Characteristics

Though I am strict with the type of content that I purchase worldwide, I love to shop. The favorite online shops where I frequent to check on new products include Amazon and eBay. These shops can use my characteristics to find new information to suggest books related to the topics that I always research (Lu et al., 8). Furthermore, I always tend to scroll through clothes and shoes that I find beautiful. My favorite sites can give me suggestions for products that are on discount, which is always lucrative. Advertising in podcasts seems to be an area that does not explore since I can listen to a whole podcast without a single advertisement compared to YouTube, which of late has been ridden with many unnecessary advertisements.


The internet has brought much innovation in how organizations target the consumers of their products. Through psychographics and demographics, companies have been able to maximize their sales through targeting of consumers. Generation Z is characterized by people who are frequent users of the internet. They tend to have a small attention span, and advertisers need to know how to package their content to be specific and straight unto the point. Most people in these generations tend to spend their time on social media platforms like Facebook and snap chat, enjoying the content, and exchanging videos with friends. Interesting advertisements on products they enjoy, like the latest gadgets and clothing, will tend to be more prosperous in such a setting.

Works Cited

Kasasa. "Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Explained." 20 Aug. 2020,

Lu, Xianghua, Xia Zhao, and Ling Xue. "Is combining contextual and behavioral targeting strategies effective in online advertising?." ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 7.1 (2016): 1-20.

Psychographic Segmentation: Analyzing Your Audience." BRIDGE, 9 Sept. 2016,

Ray, Debajyoti, et al. "Targeting TV advertising slots based on consumer online behavior." U.S. Patent No. 10,085,073. 25 Sep. 2018."

Nielsen Global Connect | Nielsen Global Media – Nielsen, 2020,

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