Essay Example about the Leading Marines Book

Published: 2017-10-03
Essay Example about the Leading Marines Book
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Army
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1130 words
10 min read

Leading Marines Book Report

Leading Marines is a book published by the US Department of the Navy under the section of the Marine Corps. The primary purpose of the book is to give general information on how the Marine Corps operates and what makes them recognizable at all times to protect the American interests both internally and externally. There are three sections in the book which contain the most variable information about all Marines in the country. This paper aims to produce a book review based on the three parts outlined in this book. It will also give a personal reflection on the issue addressed in the book.

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Chapter 1: Our Ethos

The book starts by introducing the cultures of the marines, which distinguishes them from other military forces in the country and also outside the country. In this culture section, the author establishes that Marines are uniquely forged through shared experience and specialized training, and thus they exhibit a culture unique to them (Corps, 12). They exhibit a lot of loyalty to their leaders, as they understand who is a leader and follower. Moreover, Marine has their own beliefs and views of the Gods, their country, and their Corps, making them more recognized among other structures worldwide. It is also a rich history of marines that has made each one of them a rifleman, and thus they all understand how to use a rifle in accordance to their principal obligation.

Moreover, one of the main points in chapter one, which highlights the whole idea of the book, is that being a Marine is a state of mind. People who devote their time to training and preparing themselves for such a challenging profession realize that it’s something more than just a job. This occupation doesn’t segregate people according to their genders as everyone is equal in Marines and has the same responsibilities and obligations. And more importantly, the Marine Corps can only differ and stand out from every other branch to show their power and authority to be the most proficient in everything they have to deal with. No doubt, the Marine can be proud of the achievements that have been made and will be taken on in the future to determine their significance at a higher level.

Chapter 2: Foundations

The second section of the book addresses the issue of the foundation in which Marines are established. In this chapter, the writer introduces the ethical values which guide the Marines in their duties. According to the book, such principles as strong leadership values, respect for leaders and fellow Marines, exuding courage, and being resourceful make marines a military unit of high standards (Corps, 32). Marines also have a strong moral philosophy that an ordinary society cannot handle, and thus they execute their duties efficiently.

Such a leadership philosophy introduced in the second chapter shows the significance of combining the intangible elements of ethos, described earlier in the book, with more tangible elements of leadership to create certain values and special trust every Marine bears in their hearts. Thus, with leadership traits and a trustworthy attitude, Marines can put mission accomplishment over concern for their own safety, which helps them overcome any difficulty faced during critical moments. Thus, all Marines undergo special training to acquire basic skills and learn the main rules, enabling them to treat each other with respect and loyalty. Being on duty doesn’t guarantee a full prediction of how the issues will turn out and what will help to avoid incidents. However, regardless of the prevailing circumstances, the brotherhood bond helps marines focus on their mission and never give up.

Chapter 3: Challenges

The final section outlines challenges that the Marines encounter in their line of duty and how they overcome such shortcomings. The author states that the Marines' major problems in the line of duty include friction issues, physical challenges, and moral disturbances (Corps, 64). However, the Marines evade this issue by using several unique ways that help them to operate at their optimal. Thus, whatever disagreements happen along the way, they should always find the courage to do everything in their power to minimize the effects and learn a good lesson from it. Of course, a planned operation implies good coordination and communication along with clear and well-established command relationships that can only be provided by excellent leadership.

The author states that moral advantage is paramount on the battlefield, so it is vital to establish unit cohesion by serving as a particular example to Marines of how to react and behave in certain situations. Thus, leaders accept full responsibility for their actions showing others their genuine care and sacrifices made for the sake of the mission. Thus, a great Marine commander can have strong confidence in the strategy, bringing hope to other members of a team. Paying particular attention to logistical arrangements and security forces makes the leader earn special respect and trust from the Marines. And finally, the physical challenge, which encompasses more than being fit, makes the Marine highly recognized globally. It is possible to overcome the severe consequences of sleep deprivation, poor diet, and bad hygiene with regular training. According to the author, it is important to handle the fear, as it may lead to the inability to concentrate fully on the task or a mission. Thus, the physical development of Marine leaders includes dealing with the natural fear of interpersonal violence.

The book is well elaborated and gives information about the Marines in detail. It opens the reader's eyes to the operations and conducts of the Marines by giving history and examples. These examples and experiences also enhance the writer's central theme on the culture, foundation, and challenges found within the Marine Corps. The author also improves the book by using standard military terms, making it even more attractive. My favorite one is "once a marine, always a marine" (Corps, 8). The book is also chronologically arranged to help readers understand better, and thus I would recommend it to anybody who wants to know more about the American marines. Moreover, the book will show you the main aspects of leadership and how it’s applied in certain circumstances when the Marines strive to become better in their field with dignity and pride in their hearts.

In conclusion, the above documentation has presented a review based on the book Leading Marines. It has also given a personal reflection on the issue addressed in the book. According to the review, this book is divided into three sections based on the Marines’ cultures, foundation, and challenges. It has also been concluded that the book is worth reading as it is informative and professionally written.

Work Cited

Corps, US Marine. "Leading Marines." Marine Corps Working Publication (2002): 6-11.

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