Museum Site Visit Paper, Free Sample for Your Inspiration

Published: 2022-08-24
Museum Site Visit Paper, Free Sample for Your Inspiration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Entertainment Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 626 words
6 min read

In this assignment, I will describe my visit to the Art Institute of Chicago eager to take a view of the much talked about Vincent Van Gogh exhibit. The museum is located at the 111th South Michigan Avenue building. It was opened in 1893 as the World's Congress Auxiliary Building at the World' Columbian Exposition. The art exhibition has received recognition of various award-winning like the May 16th, 2009 Pritzker Prize of architect collection for European painters, sculptors, architecture and photography, as well as contemporary artists. The building housing the Art Institute of Chicago has a very strong masonry design fitted with full-length windows with single line entrance system for security reasons. Inside the galleries, the staircases and large columns are efficient for inclusivity for all kinds of abled and challenged visitors. Although, the building is old the architectural designs and refurbishment efforts have maintained the quality of presentation as well as the safety of the visitors.

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During the visit, I was enticed to explore the Art Institute of Chicago at the modern wing to the Deering family galleries of the Medieval and Renaissance Arms, Art, as well as Armor. The exhibition houses an approximate of seven hundred objects with a rich holding of art from nearly one thousand six hundred monuments altarpieces, jewelry, arms, and armor collections. In this exhibition, the display starts with the sanctity of ancient medieval art of early paintings, sculptures, among other treasured objects. One of the things I found interesting in this section is the Ayala Altarpiece dated 1395 by the chancellor of Castile of Northern Spain. The painted wooden altarpiece collection is twenty-four feet across and eight feet high showcasing the Italian, Spanish and European fragments of the altarpiece of art. In the same space, there is an interesting Gothic and Renaissance collection with a wide variety of collection of jewelry and personal ornaments.

Other significant features in the museum are the Ancient and Byzantine gallery on public spaces for the display of artistic talent has to be vibrant by the use of wall scrawl in public space drawing highlighted attention on social ideologies and political positions. The use of graffiti widens the scope of the audience reached by the artistic characteristics previously targeting a specific audience. More people are exposed to the attractiveness and diverse skills applied in spray painting to convey important messages to the masses (DeNotto, 2014). Therefore, it's important to use street art to increase the number of people who appreciate this artistic venture in larger public space. The commercial value of artistic culture has in recent age increased from the 80's and 90's by a great margin because of the repopulation of the ghetto representation and black community exemplification. Previously, public art gallery culture and music was associated with a dangerous and rough way of life. Pioneer galleries state that the modern age public art gallery culture has increased the societal perception and appreciation of public art gallery culture increasing the commercial value in the industry. The building housing the Art Institute of Chicago has a very strong masonry design fitted with full-length windows with single line entrance system for security reasons. Inside the galleries, the staircases and large columns are efficient for inclusivity for all kinds of abled and challenged visitors. Drawing visitor's attention and in-depth understanding of street art as a form of entertainment require the intensive display of the artistic skills on the Graffiti cafe walls. Therefore, it will be crucial to acquire the authorization from the municipality for the establishment of the cafe as a platform for the intended publicity.


DeNotto, M. (2014). Street art and graffiti Resources for online study. American Library Association.

Groat, Linda N., & David Wang. Architectural Research Methods. Hoboken: Wiley, 2013. Print.

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