Nurse Advocacy Essay Sample

Published: 2022-11-22
Nurse Advocacy Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Healthcare policy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1138 words
10 min read

Notably, those nurses who serve as advocates have various other roles. In this case, they can be volunteers who help in boards, or they can be in professional organizations where they tend to influence those who make policies (Shasanmi et al, 2015). It can therefore be seen that nurses who serve as patient advocates are always engaged in making health care decisions of patients and this has an impact on the health of patients. Nursing advocacy is seen as a fundamental responsibility. The importance of nurse advocates is because patients can be able to develop trust with the nurse advocates since nurse tend to spend more of their time with the nurse. In the same manner, nurses develop a unique and closeness insight with the patient as well as with their families (Shasanmi et al., 2015).

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An example of where nursing advocacy is applied

Nurse advocacy is critical especially when a patient is in dangerous conditions. Thus in such situations, effective patient care is achieved with the help of a nurse advocate. Here follows an example of where nursing advocacy was applied.

Mercy, a former classmate in high school, was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. Therefore, she had experienced tough moments when she had to undergo chemo, surgery, implants, and radiation. In the last three months, she developed pain in her rib, and she thought that the pain could have been as a result of carrying out physical activities. However, when she had a diagnostic test, it was found that cancer had advanced and it was affecting her bone currently. These forces her to be devastated. She was therefore required to change her diet and at the same time find ways to boost her emotions such as praying. When she last visited the oncologist, it was noted that his tumor had shrunk meaning that the current medications were effective.

However, the previous week when I visited their home, and I asked her whether we could see her MRI could have been moved up and she agreed to that saying that she was ready for everything. At this point, she gave me the oncologist number and name, and I decided I would call him the next day. After having a conversation with her, I learned that the pain in her rib developed after she had a long walk in the past week. Thus, when she went to see his oncologist, he ordered an MRI of the rib to find out what was going on (Smith, 2013). But as she informed me that even if she was experiencing significant pain, she was not able to go for the MRI. Thus, because she was not given another alternative, she was scared and in pain and could not tell why she had to wait for the service for a more extended period.

The nurse advocate

The next day when I called the oncologist, he advised me to talk with the nurse navigator, and he directed me on how to do it. I reached to the nurse advocate who identified himself as Philip. I informed him about my close friend who had metastatic cancer of the breast, but Oncologist Z who was taking care of her advised her to make one more before the MRI could be done the last time she visited him. I continued to explain how the patient was in pain and if only the MRI were moved, the patient could have gotten better soon. I emphasized to Philip that the patient was currently under severe strain and that waiting was not helping her at all. He requested that I give her some minutes to check the patients' chart after which he informed me that the insurance company had approved the patient MRI procedure (Smith, 2013). He presented that since issuing of authority was done, the patient MRI could have been done anytime. The nurse advocate submitted that he had booked an appointment for the patient and had her number ready for the service.

After learning this, I immediately informed my friend, and she was very grateful. I asked her to call the doctor and book an appointment the following day to be in a position to obtain MRI results from the doctor on the same day. Most importantly, I urged my friend to be visiting the breast cancer navigator anytime she happens to visit the doctor's office. The reason behind this was because I realized the nurse navigator was a kind-hearted person who was able to streamline any required process.

Events following the intervention of the nurse advocate

As expected, my friend had the MRI done as planned and she was also able to see the oncologist the following day. It was more pleasing when my friend contacted me and informed me that the doctor had reported she did not have a new tumor. Thus, the pain which she was experiencing was due to muscle tear, and therefore she had to take some time and rest thereby allowing the pain to resolve. Thus, she was required to go and see the doctor again after a week.

The presented outcome for my friends' case was an excellent example of the importance of every patient having an advocate. Although her family was well up and she was a smart lady, there is nothing that could have been done by the family or her. Thus, the patient was more worried and scared especially due to how she knew that her condition was chronic. Moreover, she was so fearful that cancer would have spread to the bone and hence the old pain caused her to be more fearful (Shasanmi et al., 2015). But when the advocate came in, the patients MRI which was supposed to take place after a week took place the next day and the doctor was in a position to detect that the pain was due to strained muscles and thus she needed to rest. Overall, it was clear that there was no new tumor which had developed as suggested.

In conclusion, from the analyzed patient case it was clear that a patient needs to have an advocate especially if their health condition is critical. In this case, it was noted that the patient is likely to be worried or scared and thus an advocate would assist in ensuring the patient obtains appropriate health care on time. Thus, the advocates were shown to know how the systems of health care workers and what to do to have a practical solution. Nevertheless, the nurse advocate could quickly determine the appropriate resources need for patient care.


Shasanmi, R. O., Kim, E. M., & Cassiani, S. H. D. B. (2015). National nursing strategies in seven countries of the Region of the Americas: issues and impact. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica, 38, 64-72.

Smith, 2013). Integrating simulation in a BSN leadership and management course. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(11), 121.

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