Nursing Course. Paper Example

Published: 2023-03-20
Nursing Course. Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Healthcare Nursing care
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 519 words
5 min read

The paper gives a reflection of how the course provided various health objectives and how the materials learned are applicable to professional practices.

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Understanding the Health Professions' Scope of Practice

Nursing is guided by strict legal, ethical, and professional standards which are complex and often overlap from one health professional to another. The course provides nursing professionals with better knowledge and understanding of these regulations to perform their roles following the set standards of practice hence ensuring maximum contribution within the healthcare team

Strategy Implementation

The procedure of treatment and management of patients is often undertaken by different nursing professional s with different capacities. The course has equipped nursing professionals with collaborative strategies. The strategies are designed to effectively manage patients' treatment and evaluate their health performance.

Communication strategy

Nursing works closely with other health disciplines to realize its objectives. The course provides nursing professionals with effective communication strategies. The strategies enable them to link with others and participate actively in matters affecting the profession.

Foundation for Practice

Nursing professionals are faced with numerous challenges when taking care of patients with serious complications. The course provides the best evidence from nursing and other sciences which can be applied by nursing professionals as a foundation for practice when performing their roles.

Holistic Treatment and Management

Nursing professionals are expected to treat and monitor the health performance of their patients. The process entails advocating for patients welfare by sensitizing health professionals, families and communities to support patients throughout their health development process as outlined in the course.

Promoting and Preserving Health and Healthy Lifestyles

Nursing professionals are supposed to promote health and enhance healthy lifestyles. Nursing professionals can make better use of available epidemiological, social, and environmental data in making comprehensive inferences regarding the health status of patient populations and necessary measures which can be taken to promote health and enhance healthy lifestyles.

Evidence-Based Care

Nursing professionals are required to offer evidence-based care which entirely relies on scientific evidence and is planned to ensure full management of patients' health. It can be achieved by having better knowledge and understanding of chronic illnesses, performing risk assessments, and designing appropriate programs which are effective in managing diseases as discussed in the course.

Addressing Potential and actual Ethical Issues

The nursing profession involves handling people's lives and as such ethical issues are bound to arise. The course equips nursing professionals with core scientific and ethical principles which can enable patients and other health professionals effectively address these issues.

Care design, Implementation, and Evaluation

Health standards require nursing professionals to treat and monitor the overall health performance of patients. The course equips nursing professionals with advanced knowledge and understanding of the effects of global environmental, individual as well as population characteristics which they can apply in designing, implementing, and evaluating care programs.

Modalities of Care

Nursing professionals must use various health modalities aimed at ensuring that patients receive better and quality health care. It can be achieved by establishing therapeutic relationships between health professionals and patients, as discussed in the course. The modalities must, however, be culturally acceptable and based on appropriate evidence and objectives.

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Nursing Course. Paper Example. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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