Essay Sample on Nursing Leadership: Exploring Different Approaches

Published: 2023-09-11
Essay Sample on Nursing Leadership: Exploring Different Approaches
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Nursing leadership
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 784 words
7 min read


Nursing leadership is a vital aspect of ensuring the effective running of operations in a health organization. As a nurse student, I worked at various health facilities during summer breaks, my attachment, and my internship. I interacted with nurse leaders enforcing diverse concepts such as transformational, evidence-based, administrative evidence-based, servant, and autocratic to ensure the management of other health workers and patients. The paper discussed the impact of various nursing leadership behaviors within a medical care establishment.

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I already knew various concepts of transformational leadership mentioned in Marshall and Broome's article. The theory requires leaders to provide employees with a set of goals and visions needed to accomplish within the allocated time, which encourages the aspect of individualism (Marshall, E., & Broome, 2017). From my experience, it is a common form of leadership concept since it promotes a sense of inspiration and allows health workers to finish their duties despite having huge workloads. Last summer, I went to work part-time at a local hospital where my nurse leader used to embrace the concept of transformational leadership; thus, she conducted evaluations in groups, encouraged us to develop skills through workshops, and placed weekly targets.

Administrative Evidence-Based

Duggan et al. 's article indicated concepts on executive evidence-based leadership that were familiar to me since I had an opportunity to work as an attaché in a hospital where a nurse leader employed the idea (Duggan et al., 2015). The leader relied on comprehensive data to make choices on the practices that could get applied in the health facility. It allowed the generation of accurate ideas on how to deal with various issues that we were facing when delivering health care services to patients. During the gathering of information, the nurse leader even inquired from us, the nurse students and the employees from the cleaning department, which created a sense of inclusivity. The nurse leader introduced digital tools for practitioners to implement when checking patients to avoid long queues, which eradicated congestion and confusion.


I already knew various insights on servant leadership indicated in Anderson's writing. It is a vital concept when dealing with nurse students and encourages the development of unity within the workplace (Anderson, 2016). I had a chance to experience the impact of the form of leadership during my internship period in an advanced health facility. The nurse leader in charge of the students encouraged us rather than enforcing the power to control us. It allowed me to develop healthy relations with my co-workers and superiors, which created a healthy working environment. It encouraged the nurse students to learn the complicated dynamics of being a nurse in a short time and adapt to the routines. The aspect of unity came in handy since it facilitated proper communication between the nurse students and effectively delivered products and services to the patients. The leadership concept fascinated me since the nurse leader was able to exercise authority without exerting any force or threats.


I recognized various autocratic leadership factors explained in Rast III et al. 's article. Autocratic nurse leaders are comfortable with making choices without the help of other health workers (Rast III et al.,2013). During my attachment period, there was also an autocratic nurse leader who made the decisions even during emergency health situations, and the surprising thing is that he always made the right ones. I agree with the authors' concept, which indicated that people with less self-esteem tend to prefer autocratic leaders. Since I was inexperienced, I loved that he always made risky choices without asking for my input.


In conclusion, a wide range of leadership concepts get employed in hospitals, which have their characteristics and advantages; hence, they allow the development and successful running of health facilities. Indeed, leadership concepts are not common among nurse leaders, but the situation should change since the theories have a positive impact on the effective management of both employees and patients.


Anderson, D. (2016). Servant leadership, emotional intelligence: Essential for baccalaureate nursing students. Creative Nursing, 22(3), 176-180.

Duggan, K., Aisaka, K., Tabak, R. G., Smith, C., Erwin, P., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Implementing administrative evidence-based practices: Lessons from the field in six local health departments across the United States. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3.

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Rast III, D. E., Hogg, M. A., & Giessner, S. R. (2013). Self-uncertainty and support for autocratic leadership. Self and Identity, 12(6), 635-649.

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