Paper Example on Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era

Published: 2023-01-18
Paper Example on Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Political science War American history National security Cold War
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 958 words
8 min read

Samantha Power, "Preface" (from "A Problem from Hell": America and the Age of Genocide), pp. xi-xxi.

In this article, Samantha power argues that the outrage at the international body's inaction in the face of mass liking is adequate proof of their complicity in those mass killings. It is clear that American played a central role in those mass killing and it is time for American to see that it has with other international bodies a moral, international legal as well as obligation to suppress the slaughter of the innocent as well as bring to justices those who were responsible for the mass killings. America may also be slow to respond to genocides because their struggle to stop genocide is determined by domestic politics. Never the less, she argues that America's response to genocide would be a strong statement to the victims because it has adequate resources to participate in preventing genocide or suppressing hence.

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Personal Reaction

I find the argument that America is not an outsider in the mass killings so long as it stands by idly instead of taking actions as a strong accusation against America as it demonstrates that America has a personal stake in those genocides. America's role in most mass killings may be indirect. American's belief in rational actors and diplomacy may be the reason for their inaction or slow response to genocides in other countries.

Joseph Nevins, "On Justifying Intervention," The Nation.

In this article, Nevins argues that the twentieth century was the century with the highest number of crimes against humanity. Nazi genocide, Cambodian genocides by the Khmer Rouge regime, and Rwanda genocide during the conflict between the Hutus and the Tutsi as well as the ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia and the mass slaughter of the civilians. Genocides seem to rage on excuse no American president has ever stood against the vice to make genocide intervention a priority and no American president has ever suffered politically because he was indifference on genocide. Countries such as American are slow to ratify the UN general assembly genocide convention Aimed at preventing and punishing genocide. The no response from the kay playset as America makes them an accomplice to genocidaires.

Personal Reaction

The authors argument that American either directly or indirectly aided the killers in Cambodia, Iraq, and Indonesia by laying groundwork for military seizure of power instead of taking necessary measures to lessen bloodletting in counters such as Rwanda and Kosovo is justifies the need for American to play a leading role by giving examples of the international community. I agree with her argument that despite America being compact in past genocides, it can do good to prevent or stop mass killings

Bill Clinton, Address to the Nation on Airstrikes Against Serbian Targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

In this article, president Bill Clinton appealed to the Congress and the justice national to support Kosovo in standing up to brutality and the killing of the innocent people in Kosovo. President Clinton himself understood the dangers and atrocities that the people of Kosovo faced in the hands of the Serbia aggressors for the sake of humanitarian reasons and the self-interest. Bill Clinton also argued that America is a superpower that should play a major role in ending ethnic cleansing by supporting airstrikes against the Serbs aggressors. Even though the airstrikes would be the largest and costly military action, it was necessary. Mr. Clinton was making his speech against t backdrop of dissent from the conservative Republicans.

Personal Reaction

I find the article compelling because this is the time America directly participated in stopping the genocide in Kosovo. Of interest to me is president Clintons understanding the role of America and his conviction that America is a superpower and thus should help the civilians against the Serb aggressors. I would also be convinced to vote for the airstrikes with the Senate because inaction in the time of genocide is unacceptable.

Obama, Barack, David Cameron, and Nicolas Sarkozy. 2011. "Libya's Pathway to Peace." New York Times, April, 14

In this article, president Barrack Obama stated that American and its NATO allies and coalition partners, the United States, France, and Britain have been united in response to the humanitarian crisis in Libya. America and its allies intervened in Libya because colonel Muammar el-Gadhafi was attacking his own people after Libya descended into chaos thus American was responding to call for help by the Libyan opposition. The military intervention in Libya helped save millions of lives and stopped the oppressive regime in the city of Misurata and other areas in Libya. American and its allies acted as demanded by UN security council resolution 1973 which was to protect civilians. Gadhafi has committed crimes against civilians and gravely violating international law. American and its always were also creating pathways to peace's and hope for the people of Libya and this pathway could only be achieved by removing Gadhafi, preserving Libya's integrity and sovereignty as well as restoring Libya's economic prosperity and security of the Libyans.

Personal Reaction

I am particularly interested in the way Obama argues that while America, NATO a partner is acting in the name of the UN, it is the duty of the Libyans to choose their new constitution, elect their new leaders and charter a new course for their country.

Works Cited

Samantha Power, "Preface" (from "A Problem from Hell": America and the Age of Genocide), pp. xi-xxi.

Joseph Nevins, "On Justifying Intervention," The Nation.

Bill Clinton, Address to the Nation on Airstrikes Against Serbian Targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), 35 weekly comps. Pres. Doc. 516, 517 (Mar. 24, 1999)

Obama, Barack, David Cameron, and Nicolas Sarkozy. 2011. "Libya's Pathway to Peace." New York Times, April, 14

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