Paper Example on Roadblocks That Faces When Attempting to Utilize Talents

Published: 2023-01-03
Paper Example on Roadblocks That Faces When Attempting to Utilize Talents
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Personal development Behavior change
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 756 words
7 min read

Describe the difficulties you've experienced when utilizing your strengths and briefly describe the situation.

We all happen to possess skills, talents, and knowledge which at many times proves to be our strengths in life. Talent occurs naturally; knowledge has to be learned while skills are the concepts you need to have to perform a particular activity (Rath,2007). One needs to be aware of their strength to make the maximum use of the talents by applying them in as many areas of life as possible. One needs to identify the uniqueness in their strengths to fully make use of them and develop them when possible. However, there have to be many challenges encountered when utilizing these strengths in many of the situations.

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My greatest challenge was fear and lack of confidence when around too many people and this dealt a massive blow to my growth. Although I was very creative which made me an outstanding person, I never got the courage to express it (Rath,2007). I knew I had a good sense of humor due to my creativity to relate the current issues with jokes. Despite this, I once found myself not able to stand in front of a massive crowd in a function I had been invited to present. I lost an opportunity to meet distinguished guests whom I would have a chance to shake hands with and even get an autograph.

Other challenges or roadblocks you face when attempting to affirm and utilize your talents.

Failure to believe in myself. Self-doubt is a major hindrance when it comes to utilizing my talents (Rath,2007). In this case, I worry about what the audience will perceive my content instead of making my content better, more useful and relevant. I also felt as if I was a threat to the other people who we are in the same line with. I also lacked the assurance that these are the strength that would make me achieve my life goals. Fear of failing even before attempting is a significant hindrance.

How can your strengths help you overcome these roadblocks?

I could use my creativity and sense of humor and gather confidence when I am around fewer people. This could eventually lead me to able to stand even in front of a huge crowd at a future date. I would also consider finding a partner with whom I will feel more comfortable with (Rath,2007). I could use other means where I don't need to meet people face to face when presenting myself. I can easily do this by posting my contents online.

How do you think we develop our talents?

The first step to developing our talents is recognizing the talents without overestimating them. Understanding whether they are unique in any way, then nurture the talents so they develop (Rath,2007). Finally, one has to express them because no matter how talented one is, when you don't express the talents they of little or no benefit.

How can exercising our talents help our clients?

Effective utilization of our talents helps to give value to our clients as they benefit too with our abilities. For example, a creative individual will help come up with ideas that can be useful in solving issues with dilemmas.

What challenges might your clients face when attempting to affirm their talents?

They fear to fail. They may think that they are not good at something. This will hinder them from discovering themselves (Rath,2007). When one forgets that growth only comes after several attempts, they may not even make a step to try. When affirming your talent, one needs to act and keep learning even when one fails.

How can we assist our clients in developing and exercising their talents, even in the face of roadblocks?

Provision of a support system. When the clients are supported, they will feel more courageous in expressing themselves. Regardless of the roadblocks that exist, the clients could get into brief meetings in case the span of attention is not long enough (Rath,2007). Effective communication with the clients, listening to them and organizing them up to the required level so that they get the maximum chance of utilizing their talents.Conclusion

In the content above, the discussion is all about the strengths of a person. There are main areas where strength relies on; skills, knowledge, and talent. In utilizing one's strengths, there are roadblocks encountered. Unless these roadblocks are dealt with, one will not make the best use of the strength that he/she possesses.


Rath, T. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press

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