Paper Example on Teen Pregnancy

Published: 2023-02-13
Paper Example on Teen Pregnancy
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Problem solving Statistics Pregnancy Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 812 words
7 min read

Teen pregnancy is a widespread problem in today's world. It has been reported that about 11% of all births are those of teenagers aged between 15 and 19 years (Kirchengast, 2016). The problem of teen pregnancy is found in developing and developed nations, such as Western countries (Nguyen, Shiu, & Farber, 2016). Past studies have examined ways in which teen pregnancy can be prevented (e.g., Bennett & Assefi, 2005; Coyle et al., 2016; Gunawardena, Fantaye, & Yaya, 2019; Mueller et al., 2017). Some empirical studies have also examined the impact of childhood pregnancy with a particular focus on the socio-economic outcomes of teen pregnancy (e.g., Diaz & Fiel, 2016; Vaisanen & Murphy, 2014). However, limited empirical evidence exists regarding the social and economic effects of teen pregnancy in low-income areas. Consequently, the proposed study I aimed at addressing this knowledge gap.

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Refined Purpose Statement

The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the social and economic effects of teen pregnancy (girls aged 15-19 years) in low-income communities

Other comments that summarize the Development of my Research Ideas

Following an in-depth reading of studies related to "social-economic effect of teen pregnancy in low-income areas," I have come to gain a vast understanding of many aspects of my proposed topic. First, I have learnt that teen pregnancy can negatively affect the socioeconomic outcomes of low-income communities is through lower educational attainment of pregnant adolescent teens. According to Jones (2017), pregnant teens have lower educational attainment, which deters the possibility of economic advancement. Jones (2017) further reported that the educational attainment of pregnant teens is affected by poor quality education in low-income communities. Specifically, low-income communities' education systems are characterized by a lack of adequate funding and quality teachers like in high-income communities. This lowers students' academic achievement and leads to declined human capital in adulthood, thus leading to a further decrease in economic outcomes.

Because of my keen interest in my topic, I have also learnt that the problem of teen pregnancy is highly prevalent, hence the need to combat it. For instance, the WHO (2018) reported that about 2 million girls below the age of 15 years and 21 million young girls aged between 15 and 19 years give birth yearly in developing regions. WHO (2018) further reported the socio-economic consequences of teen pregnancy. Some of the social and economic effects of teen pregnancy include rejection and stigmatization from peers and parents, domestic violence in marriage, school drop out leading to lower educational attainment, and decreased employability because of limited skills (WHO, 2018). All these socio-economic factors have a detrimental impact on economic development in low-income communities.

Lastly, a review of the possible social and economic effects of teen pregnancy in low-income communities enabled me to clarify the significance of my proposed topic further. Specifically, by understanding the potential socio-economic effects of teen pregnancy in low-income areas, parents and teenagers can be educated on the potential adverse effects of teen pregnancy. I believe that if parents and their daughters are made aware of the long-term negative consequences of childhood pregnancy, they can make concerted efforts towards curbing it. Additionally, the findings of the proposed study will help policymakers to develop policies aimed at uplifting the economy of low-income communities.


Bennett, S. E., & Assefi, N. P. (2005). School-based teenage pregnancy prevention programs: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(1), 72-81.

Coyle, K., Basen-Engquist, K., Kirby, D., Parcel, G., Banspach, S., Collins, J., Harrist, R. (2016). Safer choices: Reducing teen pregnancy, HIV, and STDs. Public Health Reports, 116(1_suppl), 82-93.

Diaz, C. J., & Fiel, J. E. (2016). The effect(S) of teen pregnancy: Reconciling theory, methods, and findings. Demography, 53(1), 85-116.

Gunawardena, N., Fantaye, A. W., & Yaya, S. (2016). Predictors of pregnancy among young people in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMJ Global Health, 4(3), e001499.

Jones, M. T. (2017). A review of the social determinants of health - income inequality and education inequality: Why place matters in u. S. Teenage pregnancy rates. Health Systems and Policy Research, 04(02).

Kirchengast, S. (2016). Teenage pregnancies: A worldwide social and medical problem. An Analysis of Contemporary Social Welfare Issues. Retrieved from

Mueller, T., Tevendale, H. D., Fuller, T. R., House, L. D., Romero, L. M., Brittain, A., & Varanasi, B. (2017). Teen pregnancy prevention: Implementation of a multicomponent, community-wide approach. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60(3), S9-S17.

Nguyen, H., Shiu, C., & Farber, N. (2016). Prevalence and factors associated with teen pregnancy in Vietnam: Results from two national surveys. Societies, 6(2), 17.

Vaisanen, H., & Murphy, M. (2014). Social inequalities in teenage fertility outcomes: Childbearing and abortion trends of three birth cohorts in Finland. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 46(2), 109-116.

WHO (2018). Adolescent pregnancy. Retrieved from

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Paper Example on Teen Pregnancy. (2023, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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