Paper Sample on Philosophical Tendencies and Logical Fallacies: Unraveling Perspectives and Public Discourse

Published: 2023-12-07
Paper Sample on Philosophical Tendencies and Logical Fallacies: Unraveling Perspectives and Public Discourse
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Abortion Plato
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 460 words
4 min read

An American thinker, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once said that everyone is either born a Platonist or an Aristotelian. He thought that basically, Platonists were drawn to the spiritual, and Aristotelians were drawn to the physical. Based on the assigned readings, What do you think about that comment?

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Platonist views hold that ideas alone give true knowledge to the brain, as it has a better or prior idea about the ideas. Even though the logic behind Emerson is highly centered on adults and fully developed brains, the idea does not fully reflect on child development. Every individual is born with a blank mental state that is manipulated to choose the path of the Platonist's or Aristotelian’s ideas. In other words, a child cannot make decisions on their own but rather depend on manipulation or teaching to convert their state. Nevertheless, a person may change from Aristotelian to Platonist ideas, or even adopt both.

Logic helps us to identify common fallacies. Take a look at the newspaper and especially the opinion parts of the paper. Then identify an example of a logical fallacy from the paper and submit it in your comment.

A fallacy is a mistaken belief spread to the public, which is based on unsound arguments (Miller & Jensen, 2009). This form of logic fallacy tends to impose or influence people to do or adopt a concept without weighing the consequences or limitations that may emanate from the action.

The US House of Representatives voted on a bill that would impose a nationwide ban on late abortion. The concept is targeted to eliminate or reduce abortion practices. The Congress outlined the consequences of abortion, through outlining the consequences of late abortion. Nevertheless, the consultation with major healthcare sectors was not fully transparent to help comment on the consequences and safety of late abortion. Through this, Congress manipulated the idea of late abortion. Their steps failed to address the matter of public health but instead painted a negative image of late abortion.

According to The Hill (2019), women may delay performing an abortion for an array of reasons, some of which may be related to their health or other complications. As a result, they are forced to delay or postpone the process until late, when the abortion is 20 weeks. In this case, a woman can conduct an abortion after 20 weeks, which may be expensive and complicated. Nevertheless, the process is safer and well-acknowledged in the healthcare practice. Despite these healthcare backgrounds, and reasons that may cause late abortion, Congress's opinion is depicted as a logical fallacy since it did not consider public health.


Miller, E., & Jensen, J. (2009). Questions that matter (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

The Hill. (2019). Congress Should Oppose the 20-Week Abortion Ban. Guttmacher Institute.

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Paper Sample on Philosophical Tendencies and Logical Fallacies: Unraveling Perspectives and Public Discourse. (2023, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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