Paperless Work Environment - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-07
Paperless Work Environment - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Environment Community
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 518 words
5 min read


In the last organization that I worked for, the business' daily activity included selling and providing repair and maintenance services to the construction equipment. The service technicians were required to bring work orders to the field. Each work order contained a checklist of the work done and space for a recommendation. The technician later takes the signed work orders to the accounting for billing and invoice generation ofter review and signing. Due to a lot of paperwork involved, the work orders could be easily misplaced or lost in the process forcing the company to writeoff the invoices, thus leading to profit loss.

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Invoice Generation

The situation was alarming; as a CFO of the company, I called for a meeting with the accounting and ICT Departments to discuss ways on how to resolve the issue. At the meeting, the ICT Department's idea was to get the software to help in work order and invoice generation. The idea was good, but with the company's financial situation, purchasing software could be costly. My suggestion was the application of Adobe software to generate work orders and invoices in PDF format. The Adobe software would be installed on technician's tablets or smartphones. The work orders would be signed by the technicians and customers on the phones or tablets as long as they have an internet connection. In the case of no internet connection, the work orders would be sent as soon as the internet is available. Then the signed PDF work orders are sent to the accounting department for billing. I forwarded the proposal to Chief Executive Officer for approval after being considered at the meeting. The ICT department implemented the idea after piloting. The approach helped the company reduce paperwork and increase productivity.

Contribution To Solve a Situation in the Community - Free Tax Filing Services

Revenue authorities today expect every individual with a Tax Pin to file their tax returns every year. University students and the seniors in our community had a challenge when filing their returns. Cyber services are expensive, and they get to spend their upkeep money. It could only be convenient if the services would be provided for the students and the seniors for free. As a community youth, we have offices that have an internet connection. The office would be an excellent place to provide tax services to our community. We held a meeting with the officials in the office to discuss how we can help provide free tax filing services to seniors and students.


Thus, we agreed to provide services in our community offices every year in March for eight-ten days. The students and seniors were required to visit offices within the set days for free filing. We looked at the volunteers to help the senior and the students file returns in the office. The volunteers would bring their laptops to the offices to help many people. The seniors and students were identified by confirming their residents' addresses within our community. Today students and seniors in our community file their tax returns without the worry of penalties for late or failure to file returns.

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Paperless Work Environment - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 07). Retrieved from

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