Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land - Free Essay with Documentaries Analysis

Published: 2022-03-11
Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land - Free Essay with Documentaries Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 703 words
6 min read

Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land

In many instances, a slight change in the narrative of a news item leads to a biased representation on either side. After watching the documentary 'Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land,' an eye-opening and informative documentary, I found this to be true. Methodically, the documentary deconstructs how the context and framing of language obscures a major side of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Ultimately, the actual events and the real factual stories on the ground are distorted and remain hidden in the mainstream media. Viciously, the pro-Palestinian broadcast attempts to indict Israelis' unlawful occupation and militarisation in Palestinian territory in the court of Americans public opinion. Specifically, the documentary reveals how the western mainstream media systematically subdues Palestinian perspectives while favoring Israelis perspectives. For instance, the grisly footages of Israeli soldiers victimizing Palestine civilians in their territory, as well as extreme abuse of human rights, are not featured in the American mainstream media. There are deliberate attempts to neglect the fact that the continued occupation of Israel in Palestine is a violation of international law. Further, the media fails to highlight the fact that a significant amount of Americas' aid to Israel ends up funding the military.

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A critical examination of this documentary illuminates how the rapid globalization of trade and production, is increasingly changing the international discourse of human rights. Also, the documentary reveals the impacts of a globalized economy on the cultural and social aspects of society. Further, the influence of globalization on the relationships among countries at various levels of both social and economic development is well presented in this documentary. As the documentary points out, powerful international corporations manipulate the mass media to act in line with their policies at the expense of the common people. Policy makers as well as 'Media Watchdog Groups' serve the interests of political elites who are major stakeholders in the international business corporations. With this in mind, it is evident that powerful international companies disguised as global investors make deliberate efforts to destabilize countries for profit gains. Their main aim is to monopolize and to control global markets contrary to the goals and visions of globalization.

Life and Debt Documentary

Almost consistent with the above documentary, Life and Dept documentary illustrates the complexities of a globalized economy, particularly to developing countries. Before watching this searing film, it never occurred to me the specific impacts of globalization in third world countries. Although the developing countries are full of natural resources, and fertile lands, the common people suffer in debts and poverty. Jamaica, as documented in this film, is a prime example of such countries. A horrifying fact in this documentary is how few international financial institutions manipulate and control the lives of millions of Jamaicans in the pretense of economic growth. Interestingly, this documentary features exclusive interviews with the deputy director of International Monetary Funds, former Jamaicans' prime minister and a short commentary from the president of Haiti. Primarily, the film highlights the voices of the local people impacted most by the policies of a globalized economy.

Throughout the documentary, the 'mechanism of debt' is methodically dissected to illuminate its role in the destruction of local industries and the agricultural sectors. Powerful international companies substituted Jamaica's' local products with cheap imports and sweatshops. Of particular concern is the involvement of U.S. corporations, IMF, and the World Bank who impose vicious economic hardships to manipulate the Jamaican economy. As such, Jamaica has been forced to become part of the global economy without considering its weak economic status. Since independence, the vast Jamaican population has fallen prey to the hands of the world's leading economic superpowers. Unapologetically, the film portrays the evils of global capitalism and its contribution towards extreme wealth inequities as well as fostering social conflicts. The tipping point in this film is the revelation of how the U.S. corporations and the IMF duped the country to sign foreign trade agreements. The trade agreements facilitated and encouraged the importation of cheap commodities which lead to the collapse of Jamaica's local industries. Similar to other developing countries, international corporations imposed strict restrictions on export products from Jamaica while imposing few or no restrictions on imports from developed countries.

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Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land - Free Essay with Documentaries Analysis. (2022, Mar 11). Retrieved from

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